AI Task Force
- Division of Academic Affairs
- AI Task Force
- TIP Conference
TIP Conference - Exploring the Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence
Keynote Presentation: Dr. Paul Kim "Trends of AI in Education and New Competencies for the Future"
View Dr. Kim's Presentation Slides
AI Panel Discussion
Fresno State AI Task Force Subcommittee Presentations
The Office of Innovation & Digital Excellence for Academic Success (IDEAS) hosted our 2024 Technology, Inclusion, and Pedagogy (TIP) Conference on Friday, March 8th in the Resnick Student Union Ballroom, featuring Dr. Paul Kim, as our keynote speaker, a panel discussion of students and educators discussing ethical uses of AI in and out of the classroom, and presentations from each of the Fresno State AI Task Force subcommittees on their work and progress this academic year.
Dr. Paul Kim
Associate Dean & Chief Technology Officer, Stanford Graduate School of Education
An education technology entrepreneur, Dr. Kim leads initiatives involving the design of learning technologies, educational research, and community development. In a trans-disciplinary project aiming to promote innovation and competition by constructing a Programmable and Open Mobile Internet (POMI 2020), Dr. Kim designs and implements mobile technologies and social learning environments.
In 2009, Dr. Kim founded Seeds of Empowerment, a 501(C3) non-profit global education incubator for social innovations leveraging mobile technologies. Under his direction and leadership, Stanford undergraduate and graduate students carry out mobile-social educational research and development in real-world classrooms and virtual learning environments. Some of the student-initiated projects he has helped develop and sponsor include the multiple award-winning TeachAids, a global HIV/AIDS education NGO, Adina’s Deck, an award-winning internet safety education program, SMILE (Stanford Mobile Inquiry-based Learning Environment), a mobile platform that has been implemented in over 20 countries, ROSE (Remotely Operated Science Experiment), and 1,001 Stories, a global micro creative economy project. These and other Seeds of Empowerment initiatives have been recognized in global competitions sponsored by organizations including the Sesame Workshop, WISE by the Qatar Foundation, the Marvell 100K Challenge, Vodafone, etc.
Dr. Kim has dedicated himself to international development through education and information technology strategies and has advised Saudi Arabia’s national online education initiative, the national evaluation of Uruguay’s One Laptop Per Child project, Rwanda’s national ICT planning, and institutional advancement efforts for numerous universities.
Dr. Kim serves on the Board of Directors of WestEd, the Committee on Grand Challenges in International Development for the National Academies of Science, and the advisory committee for the National Science Foundation's Education and Human Resources Directorate.
Dr. Kim was born in South Korea and received his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Technology from the University of Southern California in 1999.
Nick Amely
Nick Amely is an undergraduate electrical engineering major and published author, and he has been conducting research with Lyles College of Engineering faculty since Spring of 2022. His research and project experience is mainly in developing, training, and implementing machine learning models and frameworks in order to autonomously perform image processing tasks onboard drones and agricultural robots. Nick is leading the Fresno State SARDOG (Smart Agricultural Robt Bulldog) team for the second year in a row, and I also have experience in Virtual Reality app development. His commercial experience consists of two internships, one of which was a research based role with Strategic Energy Innovations, and the other was a systems engineering role with Northrop Grumman.

Brian Dvorak
Brian is the current EdTech Evangelist at Fresno Unified School District. With a Master of Science degree in Educational and Instructional Technology, and 18 years of experience, Brian carries the skills required to effectively plan, design, and implement technology programs and online learning environments. He has a high interest in video production, web applications, and personalized learning. His online projects include an Ed Tech blog at and a YouTube channel called Brian Sensei. Brian is one of those guys who loves to discover and share technology that improves learning, boosts productivity, and builds digital literacy. He is focused on making the necessary shifts in our education system to truly prepare K-12 students for today's world and the "as yet imagined".

Carlson Herbert
Carlson Herbert is an MBA candidate at Fresno State with an undergrad in business and art. He works in agriculture sales and marketing and uses AI to create value in these roles. He is also exploring practical uses of AI for students.

Dr. Ah Ran Koo
Dr. Ahran Koo is an accomplished academic professional who holds the position of Associate Professor of Art Education at California State University, Fresno. With expertise spanning across art education, art advocacy, and artistic practice, Dr. Koo focuses her research on promoting the potential of art as a means for fostering cultural and societal understanding. Recently, Dr. Koo has shifted her focus towards investigating the interplay between artificial intelligence and education within the realm of contemporary art. To further this exploration, Dr. Koo organized two series of webinars that brought together 15 experts from various fields such as contemporary art, computer science, and engineering. These sessions aimed to showcase different viewpoints surrounding AI's role in art education. In addition to hosting these events, Dr. Koo has contributed significantly to the scholarly discourse by publishing multiple journal articles and delivering numerous lectures, which have included a keynote speech at an international conference.
Dr. Teresa Mendes
Dr. Teresa Mendes is an instructor of English and the Academic Senate President at Clovis Community College. She has been teaching a variety of courses at Clovis since 2004 such as developmental reading and writing, composition, critical thinking, and literature. Teresa earned her undergraduate degree at California State University, Fresno in Music, her graduate degree at California State University, Fresno in Literature, a Post-Secondary Reading Certificate at California State University, Fullerton, and the EdD in Educational Leadership from California State University, Fresno.
Dr. Mendes has played a key role in the English Department’s move from developmental coursework, writing the first English co-requisite course, coordinating curriculum alignment with our dual enrollment partners in Clovis Unified, and organizing the Clovis Community College English Department Conference. From 2011-2014, Teresa was the coordinator of the Clovis Tutorial Center. During that time, she helped establish the current embedded tutoring program and piloted the online embedded tutoring program.
Dr. Mendes was the Distance Education Coordinator from 2015-2023, instituting a local Online Teacher Certification in 2017. During the COVID pandemic, Teresa, as the DE Coordinator, and with the college’s instructional designer certified 250 faculty to teach online. In addition, she helped to establish the Peer Online Course Review process at Clovis.
In 2022, she was elected the President of the Clovis Community College Academic Senate. As senate president, one of her main focuses has been to create a college-wide policy for generative artificial intelligence.
Moderator: William Hardaway
William Hardaway has a background in design thinking, product design, and student services. William received his Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy from Fresno State as well a Masters Degree in Higher Education Administration and Leadership where he wrote a thesis on creative problem solving as a tool to address inequities in higher education. He is passionate about the role instructional design plays in technology in the classroom as well as inclusive teaching.
AI Task Force Chairs
Dr. Bryan Berett, Director, Office of IDEAS
Dr. Brad Hyatt, Associate Dean, Lyles College of Engineering
Academic Research or Innovation - Explore AI in research, scholarship, creative activities, and innovation
Co-Chair: Dr. Hovannes Kulhandjian - Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Co-Chair: Dr. David Ruby, Lecturer, Computer Science
Security, Classified Data, Legal Implications - Explore the impact of AI on security and privacy of employees and stakeholders
Chair: Dr. Amith Kamath Belman, Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Teaching and Learning - explore the use of AI in educational settings throughout the university
Co-Chair: Dr. Dermot Donnelly-Hermosillo, Associate Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Co- Chair: Dr. Shahab Tayeb, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
University and Academic Policies - explore potential impacts to university and academic policies by the integration
of AI throughout the organization
Chair: Dr. Lalita Oka, Associate Professor, Civil and Geomatics Engineering
Work Integrity - explore the use of AI in job tasks at every level of the university
Chair: William Hardaway, Instructional Designer, Office of IDEAS
Workforce Development - explore the role of the university in creating programs to prepare faculty, staff,
and students for the future of work leveraging AI.
Chair: Dr. Keith Clement, Professor, Criminology