Division of Research and Graduate Studies
Additional Compliance Training Resources
"The Lab: Avoiding Research Misconduct"
Please review this interactive video on research misconduct. After reviewing this movie, you will be able to recognize various types of misconduct in research and how best to avoid it.
The Office of Research Integrity
For more information about research integrity and research misconduct, please visit the Office of Research Integrity website. Here you will find policies and regulations, case studies, FAQs, and other important information and tips for ethical research practice.
RCR Casebook: Stories about Researchers Worth Discussing
The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) Casebook provides stimulating material to enhance face-to-face instruction on the responsible conduct of research (RCR).
Link: National Science Foundation (NSF) Responsible Conduct of Research
National Science Foundation (NSF) policy for Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training and education.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) policy for Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training and education.
DMPTool: Build your Data Management Plan Website
The DMPTool is a free, open-source, online application that helps researchers create data management plans. These plans, or DMPs, are now required by many funding agencies as part of the grant proposal submission process. The DMPTool provides a click-through wizard for creating a DMP that complies with funder requirements. It also has direct links to funder websites, help text for answering questions, and resources for best practices surrounding data management.
Link: The Office of Research Integrity Data Security Guide
Guidelines for Responsible Data Management in Scientific Research