Division of Research and Graduate Studies
Provost’s Research Activity Awards (RAA)
The Provost invites applications for one or more awards of up to $25,000 for planning, preparation and submission of proposals for major external grants or contracts. For the complete application, see 2008 RAA Guidelines.
- Applicants must prepare a concise (2-4 pages) and informative description of the content or subject area around which a major proposal would be crafted
- Proposals resulting from this funding must request major external support for anew project or a major expansion of an existing program
- Applicants - either an individual or team -- must exhibit strong track records of successful grant activity or excellent potential to attract major external support
- Applicant teams must include at least one junior faculty member
- Applicants must identify targeted funding agencies and, ideally, specific programs through which funding will be sought
- Submission of major proposals stemming from these development efforts must be on or before December 31, 2008
- Applicants must provide a detailed budget of up to $25,000 specifying the amount of assigned time, travel expenses, etc.
- Applicants must have the support of their colleges/units as indicated by letters from the appropriate deans
- Applicants who are provided with funding from the Provost are required to work in collaboration with the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs throughout the process of planning and preparing subsequent grant applications
Use of Funds
- Assigned time of 3 WTUs or more for each participating faculty member
- Overload pay or summer salary
- Student pay to gather data for a proposal
- Travel expenses for working meetings designed specifically to advance project goals (rather than general fact finding, networking, conferences, etc.) with potential collaborators and/or representatives of targeted funding agencies
- Other "pre-proposal" expenses that relate directly to researching and writing competitive proposals for external support
Items Not Eligible for Funding
- Equipment
- Other items not directly related to preparing major grant proposals
Program not currently active at this time.
For more information, please contact Maral Cingoz in the ORSP Office, 278-0856 or mcingoz@csufresno.edu .