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Research and Sponsored Programs

University Grants and Research - Linguistics Professor Wins Claude C. Laval Jr. Award

FRESNO, CA (March 1, 2002) -- California State University, Fresno professor Gerald McMenamin has been named as the recipient of the 2001-2002 Claude C. Laval Jr. Award for Innovative Technology and Research for his proposal, "American Writing Project."

A professor in the department of linguistics, McMenamin was named the $5,000 award recipient for his proposal, which will provide baseline information for any forensic linguist attempting to determine the relative significance of particular markers of writing style.

McMenamin, a recognized scholar in stylistics and an internationally known Forensic Linguist, has been sought in highly critical cases at the national and international levels. The Laval Award project also will expand collaboration and partnership with the Bullard High School Humanities project.

Administered through the University Grants and Research Office, the Laval award was established in 1984 in honor of Mr. Claude C. Laval Jr., a long-time resident of Fresno and a productive inventor. The award has supported the development of innovative technology and related research at Fresno State. Funding is provided by a gift to the university from Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. Laval III.

For more information, contact Douglas Carey in the Grants and Research office, 278-0856.