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Research and Sponsored Programs

Limited Submissions

Limited submissions are externally sponsored funding opportunities that require an internal
selection process because the sponsor limits the number of proposals and/or imposes specific
restrictions on applications submitted by an institution.

Current Limited Submissions:

NSF 25-514: NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Program (S-STEM)
Internal Submission Deadline: Mon., Jan. 6, 2024
External Submission Deadline: Weds., March 4, 2025

Research and Sponsored Programs identifies limited submission opportunities and coordinates
the university-wide review and nomination of applications for these opportunities to ensure such
submissions restrictions are met. Proposals cannot be submitted outside of the limited
submissions process described below.

This process is designed to provide principal investigators and their teams with the maximum
amount of time available to prepare submissions while also allowing for a fair and equitable
management of internal competitions.

Identification and Announcement of Limited Submissions

Limited submissions are identified by PIVOT alerts, mailings, newsletters, invitations and web
searches. Note: Should an opportunity be identified by a principal investigator and brought to
the attention of their assigned Grants Manager (GM), then the GM will immediately notify the
Director of Research and Sponsored Programs and/or the Dean of Research and Graduate

The Director and/or AVP of Research and Graduate Studies will notify associated Colleges to
seek out any known additional interested individuals or teams. To adequately facilitate a limited
submission competition, interested submission teams must be identified at least 90 days prior to
submission deadline.

If there are no more than the maximum number of submissions allowed, then the Office of
Research and Sponsored Programs will notify the applicants as soon as possible that their
submissions may move forward.

If it appears that there are more applications than allowed by the sponsor, then the Office of
Research and Sponsored Programs will initiate a limited submission internal competition hosted
in InfoReady.

Ideally, limited submission competitions will be hosted on InfoReady approximately 90 days
prior to the submission deadline and will be announced in our newsletter, on a dedicated
Limited Submissions website hosted by RSP and on Infoready.

Limited submission competitions will be posted for approximately two weeks.

Competition Requirements for Applicants:

  1.  3 page narrative
  2. CV for all participating faculty (limit CV’s to 2 pages)

A review committee composed of Applicant’s Deans, Applicant’s Associate Deans (if designated
as proxy), and the AVP of Research and Sponsored Programs
The committee members will be appointed by Research and Sponsored Programs. These
individuals will review all internal proposals. Research and Sponsored Programs will select the
candidate(s) based on the committee’s recommendations.

Applicants will be notified by email whether they will be allowed to proceed or not at least 30
days prior to the deadline of the submission.


Timeline to Deadline
12 Weeks from Deadline  10 Weeks from Deadline  4 to 6 Weeks from Deadline 4 to 6 Weeks from Deadline 
Posted to InfoReady
Committee makes
Teams begin
N/A Announcement Sent
to Committee via
Applicants Notified of