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Research and Sponsored Programs

Intellectual Property and Patent Policies

Where do I start? | Step by Step Guide Chart | FAQ

The Patent Board provides a means by which inventions, technological designs and procedures, and new materials are developed so that the inventor, the University, and the public are the benefactors. The Patent Board recommends to the President whether or not the University should undertake the prosecution of a patent application for an invention. It also reviews and determines rights to patentable inventions, facilitates the patent application process, and provides orderly determination of licensing and royalty collection procedures.

Should a transfer of Intellectual Property Rights for a sponsored program be required, approval must be received by the Patent Board, Foundation Staff Legal Counsel, and the Office of General Counsel for the CSU.

Please see the patent/invention disclosure form .

The interim Intellectual Property Policy is located within the Academic Policy Manual under APM 540 .



Jason A. Bush, Ph.D., Chair
California State University, Fresno
Division of Research and Graduate Studies 
Mail Stop TA53 
Phone: (559) 278-0840