Canvas at Fresno State
Canvas Teacher App
The Canvas Teacher app provides quick access to grading, communicating, and updating – three of the most frequent course facilitation tasks for teachers through Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes. Download the Canvas Teacher app on Android and iOS devices.
How-to Guides for iOS Devices
How do I:
- Use the Teacher app?
- Send a message from the Inbox?
- Reply to a message in the Inbox
- Add an Announcement in the Teacher app?
- Grade an assignment submission in the Teacher app?
- Add a comment to an assignment submission in the Teacher app?
- Add DocViewer annotations in the Teacher app?
- Add an ungraded discussion in the Teacher app?
- View Pages in the Teacher app?
- Take attendance in the Teacher app?
How-to Guides for Android Devices
How do I:
- Use the Teacher app?
- Send a message from the Inbox?
- Reply to a message in the Inbox?
- Add an Announcement in the Teacher app?
- Grade an assignment submission in the Teacher app?
- Add a comment to an assignment submission in the Teacher app?
- Add DocViewer annotations in the Teacher app?
- Add an ungraded discussion in the Teacher app?
- View Pages in the Teacher app?
- Take attendance in the Teacher app?
- The Teacher app supports viewing Modules but instructors are not able to add or edit modules from the app.
- Not all features are available in the Teacher app. It is best to build and create your course on a desktop or laptop.
- Not all course navigation links are supported in the Teacher app.
- Unlike the web version of Canvas, you cannot view assignment comments in Conversations in the Teacher app.
- Graded discussions cannot be added using the Teacher app. You can create a graded discussion from your desktop or laptop via a web browser.
- Quiz questions cannot be edited in the Teacher app.
- Keep any video files intended for upload from your device below 500 MB.