Division of Academic Affairs
Timelines Prior to External Accreditation Review
Departments and colleges that participate in an external (national/state) accreditation process through an official accrediting organization will begin meeting starting two years in advance of the external review site visit and will continue to have ongoing reviews until the review team visits campus. Once the review is complete, there will be follow-up meetings to discuss recommendations and to adhere to all accrediting agency requirements.
When the program receives the official letter from the accrediting organization granting national or state accreditation, the program Chair will notify the Program Review Coordinator, who will return a due date for the required supplemental items and any additional information to complete the on-campus abbreviated review as described for Program Review of Accredited Programs.
Department Timeline
Months Prior to Site Visit | Meeting Schedule |
Months 13-24 | 2 meetings per semester |
Months 7-12 | 3 meetings per semester |
Months 3-6 | 1 meeting per month |
Months 1-2 | 1 meeting per month and as needed |
College Timeline
Months Prior to Site Visit | Meeting Schedule |
Months 13-24 | 1 meeting per semester |
Months 7-12 | 2 meetings per semester |
Months 3-6 | 1 meeting per month |
Months 1-2 | As needed |
Steps Prior to External Review
Months 13 - 24 Prior to External Review
Create an Accreditation Review Team
- Department Accreditation Coordinator
- College Assessment/Accreditation Coordinator
- Department Chair
- Associate Dean
Professional development on accreditation requirements for review team members
Review accreditation requirements
Review team begins to meet
Analysis of ongoing data collection
Months 7 - 12 Prior to External Review
Undergo Internal "SWOT" Analysis
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Opportunities
- Threats
Review data collection needs
Analyze data
Write draft report
Review draft report with Department, College Review Team, Dean's Office, Dean(s) of
Undergraduate/Graduate Studies (as appropriate to the degree), University Faculty
Director of Assessment Dr. Doug Fraleigh, and OIE AVP Dr. George Still
Internal Accreditation Signature Form
Instructions for Circulating the Internal Accreditation Signature Form
Months 3 - 6 Prior to External Review
Update Draft Report for Second Round of Reviews
Review second draft report with Department, College Review Team, Dean's Office
Ongoing meetings to discuss reviews
Edit second draft report based on reviews
Update draft report for final internal review
Submit final draft to all levels for final review: Department, College Review Team,
Dean, Dean(s) of Undergraduate/Graduate studies (as appropriate to the degree), University
Faculty Director of Assessment Dr. Doug Fraleigh, and OIE AVP Dr. George Still
Internal Accreditation Signature Form
Instructions for Circulating the Internal Accreditation Signature Form
Months 1 - 2 Prior to External Review
Prepare Final Report and Host Site Visit
Update final draft report
Prepare for accreditation site visit
All parties sign internal accreditation approval form
Mock site visit (as needed/requested)