Division of Academic Affairs
General Education (GE) & Cal-GETC Implementation*
*Cal-GETC is the new lower-division transfer pattern that will begin Fall 2025 for California Community College students transferring to the CSU or the UC.
Beginning in Fall 2025, the GE requirements in the CSU will change from the GE pattern that has existed since Fall 2021. The revised CSU GE Requirements was approved by the CSU Board of Trustees in March 2024 to provide an equitable experience for all CSU students. This goal stemmed from the passage of California Assembly Bill 928 (AB 928), the Student Transfer Achievement Reform (STAR) Act of 2021, which mandates a singular lower-division GE pattern, known as the California General Education Transfer Curriculum (Cal-GETC), for students transferring from the California Community Colleges to the CSU or the University of California. Effective Fall 2025, Cal-GETC will become the only GE transfer pattern offered by the California Community Colleges.
Download a GE Overview trifold which includes a comparison of GE patterns, including CSU GE Breadth (effective Fall 2021 – Summer 2025), CSU GE Requirements (effective from Fall 2025 and beyond), and Cal-GETC for transfer students (effective from Fall 2025 and beyond).
Fresno State Cal-GETC Implementation - FAQ
The Cal-GETC is a legislative mandate (State Assembly Bill 928 (AB 928)) calling for the establishment of a singular lower-division GE pathway across California Community Colleges, California State Universities, and Universities of California.
The deadline for Cal-GETC implementation is the beginning of Fall 2025. The Academic Senate will decide how Cal-GETC will be implemented at Fresno State. The Academic Senate will be discussing this issue in Fall 2024.
Cal-GETC requires the removal of area C3 (third Arts or Humanities course) and area E (Lifelong Learning and Self-Development) from the current lower-division CSU GE Breadth (See Table Below). In addition, Cal-GETC requires the inclusion of area B3, a 1-unit lab component for Physical or Biological Sciences.
Most Fresno State Physical and Biological Science courses already offer a 1-unit lab for such courses. As such, the proposed Cal-GETC implementation will reduce lower division GE requirements at Fresno State by six units (40->34 units).

Cal-GETC implementation will have different impacts for students, faculty, and staff. Depending on the decision made by the Academic Senate, such impacts will include, but are not limited to changes in average time-to-degree, units required for high unit majors increases, department hiring and FTE (Full-time equivalent), and course design or redesign.
There are funds available from the Chancellor’s Office to support necessary course design/redesign and to meet other requirements for Cal-GETC implementation and alignment.
The Fresno State GE committee alongside members of OIE, the Registrar’s Office, and the undergraduate studies office have met weekly over the summer to discuss possible scenarios for Cal-GETC implementation.
The GE Committee is currently in consultation with the Academic Senate Executive Committee and will make recommendations to the Academic Senate in late September/early October.
The recommendations are related to Area C and E courses, History (11 & 12), a W (Writing) overlay/double-count requirement with a cumulative writing portfolio, and a 1-unit lab for Geography courses.
Currently, no formal decisions or approvals have been made on the Cal-GETC implementation at Fresno State.
There were two campus informational forums for Cal-GETC:
- Forum 1 - Tuesday, September 24th
This forum provided an overview of Cal-GETC and current progress on its implementation.
- Forum 2 - November 15th
This forum provided an overview of ongoing implementation of Cal-GETC based on approvals from the academic senate. .
You may share comments on Cal-GETC with the GE Committee through the following Google Form. Further, you can contact your Academic Senator for further information.