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Division of Graduate Studies

Graduate Student Travel Grant

Please note: Graduate Student Travel Grants are paused until further notice. Please check back for updates. 

Ongoing throughout the year, all materials must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the conference

The Division of Research and Graduate Studies (DRGS) awards travel grants to graduate students who have had papers and/or posters accepted for presentation at major professional conferences or society meetings. Recognition of the student's scholarly work in such refereed forums is a source of pride for the university, and the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies provides these funds to encourage and promote professional advancement of our graduate students.

Funding supports the student who is making a presentation, and it is expected that the student will formally acknowledge this support from the California State University, Fresno Division of Research and Graduate Studies in program announcements or during the presentation. Students are encouraged to include this award in their résumés.

Only graduate students who have had papers and/or posters accepted for presentation at major professional conferences or society meetings are eligible for a travel grant. Priority funding is provided for matriculated master's degree candidates; other graduate students may receive travel grants if funding is available.

The following must be submitted to the graduate dean at least 30 days prior to the conference:
Application for Graduate Student Travel Grant
Abstract of paper to be presented
Copy of letter of acceptance of the work to be presented
Announcement of the conference or meeting
Letters of support from the department graduate program coordinator and faculty adviser

Travel grant funds are limited and may not be sufficient to cover all of the requests made for such support. These funds are in addition to those normally available through the department or college/school and must adhere to state travel expense guidelines. Awards are made only to the student making the presentation. Co-authors who do not actually present the work are not eligible.

In those instances wherein several students from the same department have each had their papers accepted for presentation at the same meeting, students may only receive an equal and proportionate share of the base allocation for this meeting/conference. It is the responsibility of the applicants and department chair to ascertain the likelihood that more than one California State University, Fresno student will be participating at the same meeting and will be applying for a travel grant.

A student may not receive more than one travel grant from this fund and must be an enrolled graduate student at the time they are reimbursed for travel expenses.

*** Please note: Graduate Student Travel Grants are paused until further notice. Please check back for updates. ***

Applicants must submit the completed application along with supporting documentation to:
Joy Goto, Dean 
Division of Research and Graduate Studies 
Frank W. Thomas Building, Rm. 130
All applicants will be notified by email within two weeks.

Should you have questions about this program, please contact Joanne Ramirez, Division of Research and Graduate Studies, 559.278.2448 or

At California State University, Fresno, we provide quality educational programs for our graduate students. I am proud of the funded programs that the Division of Research and Graduate Studies offers to our students to enhance their access to professional opportunities beyond those found in the classroom or laboratory.

Travel grants provide the opportunity for graduate students  to present the results of their scholarship at professional meetings or conferences. Such presentations bring the highest level of recognition to our students, their departments, and our university. These travel awards also provide our graduate students improved career and other advancement opportunities.

Joy Goto, Interim Dean
Division of Research and Graduate Studies