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Division of Graduate Studies

Dissertation/Thesis Office

Spring 2025 Thesis Submission Deadline: Friday, April 4, 2025, 5:00 p.m. 

Follow the steps below to submit your thesis:

You must indicate your intent to submit your dissertation or thesis by registering your work with the DTO. 

Register Your Intent

 Only properly formatted dissertations/theses (see below for guidelines and templates) with approval of all committee members will be accepted for review. Plan ahead. Secure approval in advance of the deadline. 

Committee Member Approval

Send your thesis via email attachment to Only send document once you have received confirmation from Dissertation/Thesis Consultant that all committee approvals have been received (see Step 2).

Can't make the deadline?

Read about the More Time option. Please note: Students who opt for "more time" MUST reapply to graduate for the subsequent term.

More Time Instructions

Infographic - thesis deadlines

ALT-Text for Infographic

PDF verson of Infographic

Guidelines for Thesis Preparation

Thesis Guidelines


Thesis Process Infographic

ALT-Text for Infographic

PDF version of Infographic

Typewritten words: Policies & Procedures on a gridded paper background

Policies and Procedures

Find information here about the thesis process and procedures including requirements for final submission, guidelines for tables and figures, thesis committee policy, and human subjects research.Policies and Procedures Information
Typewritten word: Forms on a gridded paper background

Dissertation/Thesis Office Forms

Find a list of forms related to committee assignment, change in committee assignment, and request for including copyrighted material.Forms
Typewritten word: Templates on a gridded paper background


You must submit your thesis or dissertation in a designated template. Download the template appropriate to your program.  Find additional thesis template resource materials including how to work with styles and populating the table of contents.Templates and Resources

Additional Information

Multi-modal Dissertations and Theses

The University Graduate Committee has approved a provision for multi-modal dissertations and theses.
Multi-Modal Document Info

Digitized Projects

It shall be understood that not every graduate project (298) will be reviewed at the university level for placement in the digitized collection. The review is voluntary, with faculty discretion determining which projects are advanced for review.

Benefits for participation include improved visibility for high-quality projects. Such exposure may be helpful to student resumes and provide recognition for faculty members guiding students through the research process. Participation also ensures uniformity in the professional presentation of projects.
Digitized Project Info

Hardbound Copies

Students completing master's theses are no longer required to provide the University Library with a hardbound copy. You may request personal use copies during the publication process.

*PDF files require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

For any thesis/dissertation questions, please contact: 

Debbie Neufeld, Coordinator-Thesis/Dissertation Office: