Division of Graduate Studies
Graduate Writing Studio at Fresno State
Library: Room 2119; gradstudentsuccesscenter@mail.fresnostate.edu
If you have a question about appointments please email us.
Fall Hours 2024 Writing Studio Appointment Hours
Monday: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (in person or via Zoom); 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Zoom only)
Tuesday: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (in person or via Zoom); 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Zoom only)
Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (in person or via Zoom)
Thursday: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. (in person or via Zoom); 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Zoom only)
Friday: 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (in person or via Zoom)
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Zoom only)
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Zoom only)
We highly recommend working with a consultant on a regular basis. If you are interested in scheduling recurring appointments (weekly, every 2 weeks, every month, etc.) during the summer, please email us.
You can also book individual appointments using Bulldog Connect: Schedule an Appointment
Need help scheduling an appointment? Check out this video or step-by-step guide.
Graduate Student Success Workshop Series
Check out this video or step-by-step guide.
A ZOOM meeting link will be emailed to you just prior to each virtual workshop session.
Ask Mr. Write!
Do you have a quick writing-related question? Want some help citing a source? Need a punctuation tip? Have a quick style question? Can't understand a grammar rule? Struggling with a formatting issue?
Once your inquiry has been submitted, we will do our best to respond to your request within 24 hours (Monday - Friday).
If your question appears to need more than a quick answer, we may recommend that you meet with a consultant.
More Information:
Virtual Consultations with Zoom!
Zoom Meeting Experience
Zoom is an online meeting and conferencing platform that allows for audio, video, and screen sharing. It is an easy to use and high quality solution for those students who, due to distance and time constraints, are unable to physically meet with writing consultants. If you would like more information about Zoom, please visit their website: www.zoom.us.
In the Graduate Writing Studio, we are utilizing Zoom for one-on-one writing consultations. We are implementing “Zoom only” and “Zoom hybrid” sessions. “Zoom only” sessions use the audio, video, and screen sharing features. “Zoom hybrid” sessions use the screen sharing features of Zoom along with audio via a traditional phone line. The hybrid session accommodates students who may not have a microphone-enabled computer. In this instance, the consultant will invite the student to the on-line Zoom meeting and will also call the student on the phone.
For information on how to access and use Zoom, please see our Zoom Guide for Students (pdf -1.1 MB). Also, check out our Zoom infographic (pdf 646 kb)!
NEW VIDEO: Introduction to ZOOM!
Video on How to Join a Zoom meeting!
Video on How to Access Video and Audio Settings!
If joining a Writing or Stats Consultation Zoom meeting, be sure to follow these steps:
1. Log into Zoom through Fresno State: https://fresnostate.zoom.us click on sign on with SSO
2. Enter your Fresno State ID and Password
3. You may be directed to Duo Mobile for authentication - follow instructions
Every hour the Graduate Writing Studio is open may be considered a "drop-in" time.
Students often do not use all 50 minutes of a session, and there are occasionally
students who fail to show up for scheduled appointments. If either of the Graduate
Writing Studio doors are open (i.e., the "Consultation in Progress" sign is not posted), students are welcome to "drop-in" on the consultant; even if it's only for
15 minutes, it could be time well-spent.
All Fresno State graduate students are welcome to use the computer workstations and study rooms in our study center space. No reservations are required. We are connected to Pay for Print in the library, and we have a printer in the center! Along with a microwave and refrigerator available for students to use, we also have free coffee, fruit (from the Student Cupboard), and snacks.
We offer informative workshops on Literature Reviews, Academic Writing, documentation style, Avoiding Plagiarism, Writer's Block, and more. Register now!
Need help registering for a workshop? Check out this video or step-by-step guide.
Grammar for Grad Students: This is a free series consisting of five sessions. It is designed to help develop your writing skills according to the academic requirements of this university. Some of the topics that will be covered include parts of speech, sentence and paragraph construction, and punctuation. Register Now!
Need help registering for a workshop? Check out this video or step-by-step guide.
Are you looking for additional writing support? We have formed multi-disciplinary,
discipline-specific, and thesis construction/development writing groups. Currently
all groups meet online via ZOOM!
Check out more information below:
What is the Purpose of a Graduate Writing Group?
Writing Groups are a social and academic way to introduce students to each other and to lend support, foster an atmosphere of community and create a resource for peer feedback on all academic writing endeavors including and up through the thesis / project process.
Benefits of Writing Groups
- To receive and provide support and lessen the feeling of working and studying in isolation.
- To gain important insight into your own work through constructive and supportive reading response.
- To hold yourself and each other accountable for making progress in your course work and thesis.
- To expand your network of resources that help you achieve your academic and personal goals.
- To learn from others who are on the same journey.
- To create social opportunities for like-minded students with similar academic interests.
Discipline Specific Groups
If you know of other students in your field of study who can commit to a specific time each week, let the Graduate Study Center help you organize, promote, structure and launch your discipline specific writing group. Even if you don't know anyone in your field, and you'd still like to make a group like this happen, we can certainly help.
Multi-Disciplinary Groups
If you feel that you would benefit from feedback on your writing projects and you are interested in collaborating with students who have similar needs from various disciplines at this university, the Graduate Study Center can help you promote and launch a non-discipline specific writing group.
Thesis Construction Writing Groups
Students are welcome to meet on a weekly basis to discuss their final project drafting progress, problems/concerns, template usage, and the steps necessary for submission. These groups help grad students be prepared to submit their final work without the additional stress of wondering whether or not they completing the steps correctly. An experienced consultant will facilitate each discussion and provide incentives for productivity. This is a highly useful forum for students who are taking thesis units and/or are nearing completion of their theses, projects, and/or dissertations.
Coming Soon! Writing Cafe
Stay tuned for more information!
Requirements for Membership and How the Group Will Function
- All members must be currently enrolled in Fresno State University in a graduate level program of study.
- Members must have a current writing assignments / thesis / project in progress made available as interactive material for the group.
- Conflicts happen, but all members must make every effort to attend ALL meetings.
NOTE: Joining a writing / support group is not just about making a commitment to oneself; it’s also about making a commitment to the group. For the group to work, everyone needs to commit to making a serious go of it. When a member drops out (for reasons other than completing his or her thesis / project), it can have a negative effect on everyone in the group. Students who are unable to make this commitment will probably not benefit from joining.
Meeting Place
Currently, all meetings are held online via ZOOM. When normal on-campus activities resume, we’ll meet either in the Graduate Student Success Center or our reserved Study Pod in the Library . All meetings are held online at predetermined times, and your meeting facilitator will always email reminders and ZOOM links when needed.
More Information
Interested students are welcome to contact Ronald Dzerigian in the Graduate Student Success Center at rdzerigian@csufresno.edu or call (559) 278-2448 and leave a message with your name, major (program name), and a contact number where you can be reached.
Virtual Writing Café: These weekly meetings are designed for graduate students who
would like a virtual place to write for 50 minutes each week. A consultant will be
present to answer questions and/or help motivate, but for the most part you will be
left alone so you can just focus on writing.
A Zoom meeting link will be sent just prior to the meeting time.
Need help signing up? Check out this video or step-by-step guide.
Fall 2024:
- Tuesdays @ 7 pm
- Thursdays @ 3 pm
GWS Blog The Fresno State Graduate Writing Studio blog is focused on topics pertaining to graduate students and academic writing. We hope it will be a helpful writing resource. Check it out now!
You must be a registered Fresno State graduate student to use the services of the
Graduate Writing Studio.
Graduate students may schedule appointments via email
(gradstudentsuccesscenter@mail.fresnostate.edu) or via Bulldog Connect.
Appointment slots are held until 10 minutes past the hour; after this time, the session will be given away to another student.
Failure to attend a scheduled appointment without notifying GWS staff 24 hours in advance may result in cancellation of subsequent appointments.
Consultants may work with students on projects, theses, or other longer papers as part of a Fresno State course assignment; consultants may also collaborate with students on professional development needs like cover letters for doctoral, employment, or scholarship applications. Otherwise, consultants are not permitted to advise students on written material unrelated to the pursuit and completion of a master's or doctoral degree at Fresno State.
The Graduate Writing Studio consultants view writing as constantly developing and
changing, and they encourage students to engage in writing as a process through brainstorming,
drafting, and discussing their work.
GWS consultants will meet graduate students at any stage of the writing process. However,
consultants are not permitted to proofread and edit papers for mechanical and grammatical
errors without explanation or discussion with the student.
GWS consultants are trained to promote collaborative learning, where the student is
an active participant in the session; offer practical encouragement and constructive
criticism; and direct students to resources that will help them continue their work
independently after the session. The goal of each session is for the student to increase
his or her skill level, confidence, and independence as a writer.
GWS consultants are trained as well to ask students questions about their writing
goals and concerns. Given the length of most graduate-level writing assignments (e.g.,
theses, projects), consultants will not likely be able to review the entire piece
of writing; students should be prepared to identify which portion or portions of an
assigned writing task they wish to cover within the time frame of the consultation.
Isabella De La Torre is a first year MFA student (poetry emphasis) at Fresno State. She received her B.A. in English in 2024 at Fresno State. Isabella aspires to be an environmental educator at a zoo or an English professor. Isabella additionally has experience working with exotic animals and environmental nonprofits. When she’s not writing, Isabella likes to volunteer with animals, draw warrior cats, and collect Pokémon cards. |
Hannah Ellsworth: more info coming soon! |
Madison Johansson is a first year M.A. student in the English Literature program at Fresno State. She received her B.A. in English Literature in 2019. Madison has worked as a tutor, substitute teacher, and paraprofessional. An avid reader, she also enjoys film, food, art, and long walks. |
Aline Schubert is an International Student from Brazil. She has been here in the USA for nearly three years now. She has over 20 years of experience teaching various groups (K12) in public, private and international schools back in Brazil. She decided to come to the USA to accompany her son who was 15 at the time and began an exchange sports program in a small town nearby. After one year volunteering at the sports program where her son played soccer, she decided to apply for the Masters in Education: Curriculum & Instruction here at Fresno State. She moved to Fresno with her two children (the youngest is now 15), met her husband and now she is very happy to be concluding the Masters degree in the Spring 2025 semester. Aline hopes she can work at the undergraduate level and in teaching credential programs and contribute to the formation of new teachers. |
Anthony Shemaria is an MFA poet in the Creative Writing program at Fresno State. He received his B.A. in Creative Writing from University of California, Riverside with a minor in English. A native of the coasts of Central and Northern California; Anthony loves fog, a hoodie, and cold weather. He lives with his partner, her cat of chaos and a probably sleeping dog. Feel free to ask him about his long history of personal hobbies or why green tea is better than coffee.
Hannah Sutton is a first year MFA student with an emphasis on fiction at Fresno State. She earned her B.A. in Psychology at CSU Monterey Bay. Hannah aspires to become a published author and teacher of Creative Writing. She loves nature, great stories—in a book or on the screen, interior design, and spending time with her cats. |
Ronald Dzerigian graduated with an MFA in Creative Writing (emphasis in Poetry) from Fresno State. He serves as a Graduate Student Support Specialist for the Division of Research and Graduate Studies and as assistant coordinator for the Graduate Student Success Center. He has authored Rough Fire (2018), regularly publishes his poems in literary journals, makes things, and lives in a small farming community outside Fresno with his wife and two daughters. He has been part of the GSSC team since 2013. |
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Debbie Neufeld graduated from the Kremen School of Education at Fresno State with a Master of Arts in Education (Curriculum and Instruction option). She also completed a Certificate of Advanced Study in Educational Technology. She has been part of the GSSC team since 2012, and she is currently serving in the role of the University Dissertation/Thesis Consultant. She also works on various program aspects related to the Graduate Student Success Center including Social Media and communication. |
The handouts contain some common issues we cover in consultations. The Power Points are shorter versions of the classroom presentations or mini-workshops offered on campus.
Video: Reading at the Graduate Level (YouTube video 10 min)
Critical Skimming Infographic (pdf - 175 kb)
Anatomy of an APA Research Article (YouTube video 2:41) NEW!!
Reading an APA Research Article (pdf - 258 kb)
Graduate Level Writing (pdf - 76 kb) University of Maryland
Paraphrasing Effectively (YouTube video 3:57)
5 Tips for Better Notetaking (YouTube video 4:20)
Summarizing, Paraphrasing, Quoting (.doc - 36.5 kb)
Transitional Words and Phrases (PDF)
Using Transitions - The University of Wisconsin Writing Center (web link)
Creating Effective Research Presentations (.pptx 124 kb)
Verb Tense in Research/Scientific Writing (YouTube video 4:25)
Scientific Writing Tips (YouTube video 3:01)
Keyboard Shortcuts (.pdf 411 kb) NEW!!
If you are using the APA documentation style, please make sure you are following the 7th edition guidelines.
APA Basics PowerPoint: View this introductory presentation on APA style (7th edition)
APA Style Guidelines: On their website, APA has provided an extensive guide (Style and Grammar Guidelines) that covers much of what is in the 7th edition.
APA Citation Quick Guide (7th Edition) (pdf - 131KB)
Library - APA 7th Edition Information
Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Concise Guide Student Paper Checklist: (pdf 315 KB) This helpful document is from the APA Style 7th Edition website.
APA In-Text Citation Checklist (pdf - 324KB) This checklist, provided by the experts at APA Style, will help with citing and paraphrasing.
Six Steps to Proper Citation (pdf - 95 KB) This infographic gives a good visual step by step guide as you read and incorporate sources into your academic writing. It has been created by the experts at APA Style.
APA 7th Trivia Challenge (Citations): Test your knowledge!
APA - adding a running head to an APA paper (YouTube video - 2:38)
Discussion Section Phrase Guide (pdf - 126 KB) This handout provides numerous sentence prompts that can help get you started on writing your conclusion or discussion section. It has been created by the formatting experts at APA Style.
Journal Article Reference Checklist (pdf 198 KB) This has been created by the experts at APA Style.
APA Style Tips: Part 1 (YouTube Video - 2:52) This video covers information about abbreviations, verb tense, and appendices.
Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS): From APA Style
These helpful links will help when organizing your document as they provide detailed information on what needs to be included in the introduction, lit review, methods, results, and conclusion/discussion.
Thesis Submission Process (pdf)
Navigating the Dissertation Template (.pptx - 3.0 MB)
Navigating the Thesis Template (.ppt - 3.6 MB)
Thesis Template: Shortcuts (.pptx - 1.4 MB)
Working with the Styles Window (video 1.33)
Pasting into the Template (video 1:40)
Sample Chapter 1: Introduction (pdf - 1.9MB)
Sample Literature Review (PDF 271 kb)
Literature Review - North Carolina State University Video (YouTube)
Lit Review Overview: Ross T. LaBaugh (Video)
Strategies for Writing Literature Reviews - Penn State
Creating an Annotated Bibliography - Brock University (Video)
Academic Word List - Victoria University (pdf 87 kb)
U.S. Academic Writing (pdf 41 kb)
Useful Web Links for ESL Students (pdf 383 kb)
Writing Paragraphs - University of North Carolina Writing Center (pdf 139 kb)
Oxford Comma - YouTube video (3 minutes)
Collective Nouns - YouTube video (5.5 minutes)
Social Media
Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram to receive information on dissertation and thesis deadlines, along with helpful advice and articles that will help you gain confidence as a writer and researcher. In addition, you can check out our YouTube channel, which houses a variety of resource videos.