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Division of Graduate Studies

Outstanding Theses and Projects 2025 (Coming Soon!)

Outstanding Thesis: 

Outstanding Project:


Outstanding Thesis: 

Outstanding Project: 

Outstanding Doctoral Project: 

Outstanding Thesis:

Outstanding Project: 

Outstanding Thesis: 

Outstanding Project: 


Outstanding Thesis:

Outstanding Project:


Outstanding Dissertation: 

Outstanding Thesis: 

Outstanding Project: 

Outstanding Thesis: 

Outstanding Project: 

Previous Outstanding Theses & Project Awards

College of Arts and Humanities

Outstanding Project:

Luis Gallegos Castañeda (Spanish)

Title: ¿Por qué la tía Malena habla tan raro?

Supervisor: Yolanda Doub

College of Health and Human Services

Outstanding Thesis

Richard Garcia (Social Work)

Title: Cultural Impacts on Traumatic Grief: An Exploratory Study on Machismo, Marianismo, & Suicide Bereaved Latinx

Chair: Candy Madrigal

Outstanding Project

Monica Solis (Social Work)

Advisor: Felipe Mercado

College of Science and Mathematics

Outstanding Thesis:

Isaiah Martinez (Mathematics)

Title: Khovanov Homology for Singular Links and Tangles

Chair: Carmen Caprau 

Outstanding Project

Ashneet Kaur (Chemistry)

Title: A Meta Analysis of Cytokine/Chemokine Profiles Induced by SARS-CoV-2 and other Viral Infections 

Advisor/Chair: Krish Krishnan

College of Social Sciences

Outstanding Thesis

Connor Naylor (History)

Title: "The Darkness that Heralds the Dawn”: Historical Memory and the 1780 Siege of Charleston

Chair: Brad Jones

Outstanding Project

Carson King (Criminology)

Title: Beyond the Game: Empowering Student Athletes Against Sexual Assault through Education

Advisor: Jordan Pickering

Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology

Outstanding Thesis:

M. Orlando Tapia

Title: Assessment of Cytokinin-Based Biostimulant for Maintaining Yield and Quality Potential in Almond

Chair: Dave Goorahoo

Outstanding Project:

Brendan Black

Title: Understanding Communication Barriers Within the Agricultural Literacy Conversation

Avery Culbertson

Kremen School of Education and Human Development

Outstanding Dissertation

Cyndee Mai Nguyen

Title: A Phenomenological Inquiry into Social Justice School Leadership 

Chair: Christina Luna 

Outstanding Project

Angela Allison

Title: Doctors Academy Summer Experience: Program Evaluation 

Advisor: Carol Fry Bohlin


College of Arts and Humanities

Outstanding Thesis

Sarah Theller (Art)

Title: The Gilded Valkyrie: How Christianization and Binary Concepts Distort Interpretation of Viking Iconography 

Chair: Keith Jordan

College of Science and Math

Outstanding Thesis

Alexander Lopez  (Biology)

Title: Origins of Amaranthus Tuberculatus (Waterhemp) in Central Valley Agroecosystems: A Population Genetics Approach Using Genotyping-by-Sequencing

Chair: Katherine Waselkov

College of Social Sciences

Outstanding Thesis

Katharina Dreher (Criminology)

Title: The Housing Needs and Experiences of Project Rebound Students at Fresno State 

Chair: Emma Hughes

Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology

Outstanding Thesis:

Analiese Goins (Food & Nutritional Sciences)

Title: Functional Properties of Flours and Proteins From Methodologies to Consumer Products

Chair: Sara Griffin

Outstanding Project:

Morgan Henson (Agricultural Science)

Title: San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Video Tours - Highlighting Agricultural Pathways Via A Virtual Vision

Chair: Steve Rocca

Kremen School of Education and Human Development

Outstanding Dissertation

José Maldonado (Ed.D.)

Title: Fostering Familismo: The Role Familismo Plays in Latiné/X First Generation Transfer Student College Success

Chair: Dr. Selena Van Horn

Outstanding Thesis

Sade Johnson (HEAL)

Title: An Autoethnography: A Black Woman Student Transitioning to Black Married Mamahood While in Higher Education

Chair: Dr. Varaxy Yi Borromeo 

Outstanding Project

Rita Sotelo (MAT)

Title: Through the Lens of Students with and without Learning Disabilities & Co-Teachers:General and Special Education

Advisor: Dr. Earl Aguilera


College of Health and Human Services

Outstanding Doctoral Project:

Stephanie Soleil (Physical Therapy)

Title: Effects Of An 8-Week Virtual Functional Yoga Program on Fatigue, Oxygen Saturation, Motor and Non-Motor Symptoms in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease

Outstanding Thesis:

Marian Pagduan (CSDS)

Title: Investigating Graduate Students’ Perceived Self Efficacy and Satisfaction Following Simucase and Teletherapy Clinical Experiences

Outstanding Project:

Natalya Khomutova (Kinesiology)

Title: Mindfulness and Self-Talk Training with a Women’s Community College Volleyball Team

College of Science and Math

Outstanding Thesis Award:

Sitong Wu (Chemistry & Biochemistry)

Title: 5,7,20-0-TRIMETHYLSILYBINS as Anti-Prostate Cancer Agents

Outstanding Project:

Miguel Baza (Math)

Title: The Positively Realizable Groups of H8 and G3

College of Social Sciences

Outstanding Thesis:

Laura Clark (Public Administration)

Title: The Adminstrator/Educator Influence on the Transition of Students, with IDEA Services, From K-12 to Postsecondary/College During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Outstanding Project:

Danielle Quiroga (Criminology)

Title: Adversity Ally Training: Improving Access to Fresno State's Student Success


College of Arts and Humanities

Outstanding Thesis

Hector Manuel Tapía III, English (Literature)

"Lust in Translation: Rethinking Why the Hyena Laughs in Aelian, Aesop, Aristotle, and Others"

College of Health and Human Services

Outstanding Thesis

Brielle Migur, Kinesiology
“Mental Toughness and Attribution of Perceived Failure in Collegiate Athletes”

Outstanding Masters Project

David Imirian, Public Health
“Improving the Prior Authorization Process for Valley Regional Home Health, INC.”
 Outstanding Doctoral Project

Ali Samii, Physical Therapy
“Effects of Transfer Education on Low Back Pain and Disability in Nurses: A Meta-Analysis” 

College of Science and Math

Outstanding Thesis

Jaeyeong Lee, Physics 

"Minimum Length in Quantum Gravity - Modified Commutator versus Modified Operator"

Outstanding Project

Shirisha Desai, Biotechnology

"Analysis of the Combinatorial Effect of Everolimus and Zoledronic Acid in Breast Cancer"  

College of Social Science

Outstanding Thesis
Sarah Garcia, Criminology
"Students' Perceptions of the Role of Law Enforcement,
Police Use of Force, and Defunding the Police"

Outstanding Project
Rebecca Pauline Hiura, History
"Shades of WWI: Teaching a Global History of the Great War"

Craig School of Business

Outstanding Thesis

Emily Regan
How Marine Scientists, Fishers, and Fisheries Managers can Effectively Collaborate to Manage United States Fisheries Sustainably in the Face of Climate Change. (Thesis Chair: Dr. Ida Jones)

Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology

Outstanding Thesis
Robert Herrell, Viticulture and Enology
"Investigating the Relationship Between Autonomic Responses and Perceptions of Pleasantness and Intensity in Response to Impact Odorants from Wine" 

Kremen School of Education and Human Development:

Outstanding Thesis
Brandi Loera-Mendiola, HEAL Program

"Serving Sudent Parents in Higher Education: An Exploration of Policy and Practice"

Outstanding Project

Joseph McIntire, Educational Leadership (P-12)

"Effective Math Strategies for English Learners"

College of Arts and Humanities
Laura T. Hendrickson
Demonstratives and Determiner-Phrase Structure in Hidatsa Narrative Discourse: A Morphological, Syntactic, and Semantic Analysis
Thesis Chair: John Boyle

College of Health and Human Services
Cynthia Reyes
Transferring Juveniles to Adult Court: A Comparative Policy Analysis

Mariya Yukhymenko
Development and Initial Validation of the Coaching Athletes Purpose Scale
Thesis Chair: Wade Gilbert

Doctoral Project
Lisa Thomas Barile
Resuscitation Quality Improvement Program: Improving CPR

College of Science and Mathematics
Dawn James
Recombinant Expression of Epidermal Growth Factor in Pichia pastories and Escherichia Coli for Commercial Production
Project Chair: Cory Brooks

Jesse Shields
Mixed Igneous Origin and Large Range of Peak Metamorphic Pressure and Temperature Conditions of Blocks in a Melange: Possible Evidence for Sedimentary Mixing
Thesis Chair: John Wakabayashi

College of Social Sciences
Heather Miller
The Cost of Desegregation: Busing, Racism, and Privilege in Fresno Unified School District
Thesis Chair: William Skuban

Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology
Josue Diaz
The Interaction Between Fusariam Oxysporum F. Sp. Vasinfectum and Rhizoctonia Solani: Two Important Fungal Pathogens of Cotton and Their Management Through Variety Selection and Fungicide Chemistries
Thesis Chair: Margaret Ellis

Outstanding Graduate Students 2024-2025 (Coming Soon!)

 Each year the Division of Research and Graduate Studies asks degree program coordinators to nominate one student from their program who really stands out and represents their program. This is a student who might lead through their character, integrity, and ability to inspire others. 

Congratulations to the outstanding graduate students for the 2024-2025 academic year!

Doctoral Programs






Educational Specialist Program



Master's Degree Programs

































































































Past Outstanding Student Archives


Doctorate Educational Leadership (Ed.D.): Cyndee Nguyen



Physical Therapy (D.P.T.): Stephanie Divita


Stephanie has stood out as a brilliant ambassador for our DPT Program. She is positive and always willing to take initiative to help with department events. Stephanie is quick to lend a hand to those needing assistance and has a strong work ethic. Her positive outlook is infectious, and her humbleness has made her a powerful leader for our program. 

- Jenna Sawdon-Bea (Program Coordinator)

School Psychology: Lauren Kong


Lauren Kong is a 3rd year intern. She has demonstrated advocacy, initiation, spirit of civic service, and respect to diversity. Her dedication and hard work have made a lasting impact on students, families, and communities. We are proud to honor her and wish her continued success in her future endeavors. 

- Hong Ni (Program Coordinator)

Agricultural Sciences: Hannah Williamson


Hannah is in her first year of her MS program, but she has been active within the department for numerous years. Hannah has been instrumental in the daily operation of the swine unit on campus as well has helping at the meat lab. Additionally, she has taught undergraduate courses in the department including to Introduction to Swine Production. Her passion for the swine industry led her to develop her own research project investigating conception rates using artificial insemination.

-Amanda McKeith (Program Coordinator)

Athletic Training: Walter Morales-Martinez


Walter is inquisitive and engaged. He pushes himself to make the most of his classwork as well as his clinical experiences. Walter is an active contributing member of his cohort and helps develop the collective spirit indicative of the MSAT program. Besides all the hard work and dedication exhibited by Walter, he has is funny and caring. He brings a great attitude with him wherever he goes. 

- Scott Sailor (Program Coordinator)

Chemistry: Patrick Bohan


Throughout his graduate studies, Patrick displayed strong scholarship alongside thoughtful consideration of his peers. He regularly offered a listening ear and gave feedback when solicited. He also demonstrated effective mentorship by guiding an undergraduate student to participate in his research. In short, Patrick was a holistic and stellar graduate student. 

– Quao-Hong Chen (Program Coordinator)

Civil Engineering: Hong Yu Tan

head shot

Hong Yu is a Civil Engineering graduate in water-resources emphasis. He is working with Dr. William Wright on a research project investigating the feasibility of using waste salts from the desalination treatment to treat hard water funded by the Department of Water Resources. These waste salts are generated from the high salinity levels of agricultural drainage water from the west side of the Central Valley.

- Xiaojun Li (Program Coordinator)

Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling: Juanita Silva


Juanita strives to welcome new incoming students, advocate for students’ needs, and mentors fellow students. She is also passionate about learning disabilities and attends training to enhance her skills to meet the needs of different learning styles. She seeks knowledge to have up to date abilities to serve diverse clients. 

-Yuleinys Castillo (Program Coordinator)

Communication: Jessica E. Massie Bonstein


Jessica is an innovative researcher, teacher, and leader. Faculty describe her as “motivated and talented,” “compassionate and impactful,” and “driven and organized.” Fellow students laud her inclusivity, work ethic, generosity, mentorship, and spirit. One concludes, "Jessica has helped to create an atmosphere of care and regard and is universally beloved.”

- Dr. Hillary A. Jones (Program Coordinator)

Construction Management: Karthik Kondabolu


Karthik has served as a teaching assistant, grader, and research assistant in the Department of Construction Management. This summer, he will start his first internship with Flatiron as a field engineer. Committed and driven, he aspires to eventually become a project manager in the AEC industry.

- Dr. Yupeng Luo (Program Coordinator)

Counseling: School Counseling: Kiera Henry


Kiera has served as a school counseling student ambassador and is a recipient of multiple renowned scholarships at Fresno State. She has completed research on the sense of purpose and self-esteem, aimed at supporting minority students. Kiera is truly an outstanding graduate student supporting her classmates and serving her community.

- Dr. Yasar Nur Dedeoglu (Program Coordinator)

Counseling: Student Affairs and College Counseling: Raveen Rai


Throughout her entire time in the program for the past 2 years, she has done an amazing job volunteering as a Graduate Student Advisor working alongside the SACC program coordinator to: 1) advise all prospective students, 2) host virtual and in-person information sessions, and 3) plan, coordinate, and implement new student orientations.

- Dr. Soua Xiong (Program Coordinator)

Creative Writing: Alberto Saldaña Uribe


Alberto Saldaña Uribe is a talented poet whose kindness and intelligence has enriched our learning community. Senior Poetry Editor for The Normal School magazine and recipient of multiple scholarship awards, Alberto completed an impressive multidisciplinary, multilingual thesis, which was a moving tribute to his grandfather and nephew. “Mostly, I just want to show the beautiful complexities of my community and record the stories of people that get overlooked way too often,” writes Alberto.

-Brynn Saito (Program Coordinator)

Criminology: Jacqueline Machado


The Department of Criminology is very fortunate to have Jacqueline as a member of our graduate program! She is an excellent student who goes above and beyond, both inside and outside of the classroom. She is dedicated to academic success, serving as a peer mentor to undergraduate students, while continuing to set and maintain high academic standards for herself. Way to go, Jacqueline!

- Dr. Jordan Pickering (Program Coordinator)

Education: Curriculum & Instruction: Rudy Rudas


Rudy Rudas approaches life and learning with enthusiasm and positivity! He will graduate with his M.A.Ed.-C&I degree along with Certificates of Advanced Study in Educational Technology and Research Methods. He is also completing a mathematics teaching credential, works with children on Saturdays as a Math Circles leader, and is training for the San Francisco Marathon! 

-Carol Fry Bohlin (Program Coordinator)

Education: Multilingual Multicultural Education: Sarah Pech


Sarah Pech is viewed by her peers as a leader in the Master of Arts in Education, Option, Multilingual Multicultural Education Program due to her ability to articulate her thoughts and opinions on issues confronting the schooling experiences of linguistically and culturally diverse learners. Both in her professional and personal experiences, she has brought fresh ideas into the program and humanizing care for others. 

- Teresa Huerta (Program Coordinator)

Educational Leadership & Administration (P12): Chris Vue

Mr. Vue with a student in front of a school banner

Dedicated and meticulous, Mr. Vue has the ability and competence to establish effective and equitable academic and behavioral systems. He always goes above and beyond with whatever task is presented to him. He completed the program with distinction and achieved both a credential and Masters degree. His research regarding best classroom practices to support English Learner students in Math is invaluable to the field of education.

- Dr. Jessica Hannigan (Program Coordinator)

English: Maddy Johansson


Maddy's future is certain to be bright, as she has already distinguished herself as a dedicated and innovative scholar. She also serves her fellow students in English as a leader of the Students for English Studies Association. We are proud to have Maddy represent English as a graduate student of distinction.

- John Beynon (Program Coordinator)

Exercise Science: Frank Jimenez


Frank Jimenez is an Outstanding Exercise Science Graduate Student. Frank serves as the lead lab assistant for the Exercise Science lab and is a Teaching Associate for multiple undergraduate activity courses. In his graduate project Frank is designing an innovative physical activity promotion course for local community colleges. 

- Wade Gilbert (Program Coordinator)

Geology: Chelsea Hutchens


Chelsea Hutchens currently applies her undergraduate degree to following her life passion of helping others, working for our local conservation district while completing her MS. She strives to understand and improve our environment by tying Geology and Forestry together, while including other students in forest and watershed management and restoration.

- Christopher Pluhar (Program Coordinator)

Higher Education Administration & Leadership (HEAL): IxChel Chagoya


IxChel Chagoya (she/ella), is completing her first-year in the M.A. Higher Education Administration and Leadership Program. IxChel's passion strongly represents the HEAL program, and she has served as an ambassador for future HEAL students. IxChel plans to take the knowledge and experiences gained from HEAL and create or coordinate programs that provide resources, growth opportunities, and mentoring to at-promise, first-generation, and low-income students to aid in their transition to college. 

- Jonathan Pryor (Program Coordinator)

Linguistics: Eliza De Souza Gomes Amadeo


We have chosen Eliza due to her dedication to community service. We count on her to mentor our undergraduate pre-service ESL teachers in classes at the American English Institute. She is also working on a collaborative home-based Portuguese language teaching project where she provides Portuguese translations and films herself demonstrating learning activities; she was a workshop leader during Arts in Motion in 2023. Her enthusiasm and commitment to the Department has been greatly appreciated!

- Chris Golston (Program Coordinator)

Mathematics: Grace Burton


Grace was selected for this honor by her peers. One of them wrote "She is an amazing person and has a wonderful work ethic, I observe her class most of the time and she has an amazing effect on the kids in her class." I think this summarizes very well what I have seen in Grace's time in the program. This honor is well-deserved.

- Oscar Vega (Program Coordinator)

Music: Donald Barley 


Donald Barley is an inspiring student leader and sets a strong example with his dedication to his personal development as well as the support and development of others. He is tireless in his positive encouragement and effective coordination of the trumpet ensemble, which was accepted to compete at the International Trumpet Guild this Spring.

- Prof. Max Hembd

Nursing: Richard Lindsey 


Richard Lindsey is one of our Spring 2024 MSN Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) students. He is noted by his instructors to be "a natural leader" within his cohort, has exhibited excellence in his academics, performs above expectations in his clinical rotations. He is noted to actively engages in peer to peer mentoring. Richard has accolades from many of his instructors in the graduate programs. We believe that Richard will represent the Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) field very well. 

- Kammi Sayaseng (Program Coordinator)

Plant Science: Jorge Garcia


Jorge’s thesis research is on fungal pathogens that impact cotton production in the Central Valley. He presented his research at National Plant Health and Beltwide Cotton Conferences. In addition to his research, Jorge helped teach the introductory plant pathology lab and assisted undergraduate and graduate students in pathology related research.

- Sharon Benes (Program Coordinator)

Public Administration: Mariya Kovalenko


Mariya is an outstanding and hardworking student within our program. She has shown growth throughout the program and worked hard during classes and internship opportunities while maintaining a 4.0 GPA.

- Naomi Bick (Program Coordinator)

Public Health: Lori Hayes


Lori discovered her love for Public Health after surviving an abdominal aneurysm. After completing the Health Career Connections Summer Internship at One Community Health, she found her passion for health equity. She has worked for the California Health Collaborative for the last two years and is a Student Research Assistant at Limp Preservation Platform Inc., where she assists the clinical research team with patient’s lower extremity care to reduce diabetic limb amputation. 

- Miguel A. Perez (Program Coordinator)

Spanish: César Flores


César holds a B.A. in Anthropology at the Universidad de Guadalajara. This background enriches his approach to literary analysis and inspires classmates into cross-disciplinary discussions. César's natural inclination to cooperate and provide guidance to others goes beyond regular class activities. His goal is to teach Spanish language and Mexican literature at the college level.

- Gloria Medina-Sancho (Program Coordinator)

Speech Language Pathology: Katie Weikle


Katie exemplifies what it means to be an actively involved & enthusiastic leader within our SLP program. She is a person of integrity who is quick to volunteer and to help others, always with a positive attitude and a smile on her face. She deserves recognition as our Outstanding Graduate Student!

-Fran Pomaville (Program Coordinator)

Sport Administration: Alexis Steele 

Alexis with a horse

Alexis Steele is an Outstanding Sport Administration Graduate Student. Alexis serves as an equine-assisted learning specialist who helps special needs families, crime victims, and the incarcerated population develop their coping mechanisms and provide healing experiences through horses so they can improve their quality of life.

- Wade Gilbert (Program Coordinator)

Sport & Performance Psychology: Hannah Millhollen

headshot in graduation regalia

Hannah Millhollen is an Outstanding Sport and Performance Psychology Graduate Student. Hannah serves as president of the Student Sport Psychology Club and is a Teaching Associate for multiple undergraduate activity courses. In her graduate project Hannah is designing a career transition guide for college student-athletes. 

- Wade Gilbert (Program Coordinator)


Doctorate Educational Leadership (Ed.D.): Mike Snell

Mike Snell - headshot

Mike Snell has worked on his dissertation while leading the California Teaching Fellows Foundation. He is designing a credential pathway through an expanded learning program that can offer new opportunities for pre-service teachers to gain teaching experience and get credit for it. This could lead to new opportunities for K-12 students to find legitimate caring, creative, and playful educational spaces that are rare in the traditional school systems. We are proud of Mike's leadership!

- Ignacio Hernández (Program Coordinator)

Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT): Agustin Rodriguez-Gonzalez

Augustin Rodriguez-Gonzalez


Auggie is the DPT honoree as he embodies the values and characteristics of the Physical Therapy department and profession. He is kind, empathetic, and brings joy to his colleagues, faculty and patients. He will begin his career near his home town of Woodlake, serving his community in an outpatient orthopedic facility. 

- Jenna Sawdon-Bea (Program Coordinator)

School Psychology: Cheyenne Fonseca

Cheyenne Fonseca

Cheyenne is a 3rd year graduate student. Her dedication and hard work in the field has made a lasting impact on the lives of students, families, and communities. We are proud to honor her for her achievements and wish her continued success in her future endeavors.

- Hong Ni (Program Coordinator)

ABA: Maleni Avalos Carillo

Maleni Avalos Carillo

Maleni is a bright, creative, hard-working, and caring student. She shows these characteristics through all aspects of her graduate education, from the way she approaches coursework and class activities to her work in practicum with individuals with autism spectrum disorder and her scholarship and research activities with older adults experiencing cognitive decline. She demonstrates a great deal of enthusiasm and maturity in all areas. She is an excellent student to be honored in this process. - Marianne Jackson (Program Coordinator)

Athletic Training: Jose Figueroa

Jose Figueroa

Through his consistent positivity and willingness to take initiative, Jose has become a leader amongst his peers. His integrity, kindness, and quiet perseverance has made him a great representative of the MS Athletic Training Program.

- Scott Sailor (Program Coordinator)

Business Administration, MBA: Manuela Mendolicchio

Manuela Mendolicchio

Manuela Mendolicchio epitomizes the American Dream through her hard work, perseverance, and determination to succeed. Despite facing language barriers upon arrival to the U.S. from Italy, Manuela's exceptional resilience and resourcefulness prevailed. She has worked hard in our program and developed her leadership skills along the way. In addition to her school work, Manuela is a strong and dedicated athlete, serving as Captain of Fresno State's Swimming and Diving Team.

- Dr. Zhanna Sahatjian (Program Coordinator)

Chemistry: Dennis Ashong


Dennis is an outstanding mentor for both undergraduate students and younger graduate students. Dennis is always willing to delay his own work in order to lend a hand to those who need help. With his strong work ethics and pleasant personality, Dennis is a fantastic student in our program. 

- Qiao-Hong Chen (Program Coordinator)

Civil Engineering: Patrick Reilly

Patrick Reilly

Patrick Reilly is a transportation-focused Civil Engineering Master's student (Graduating Spring 2023). His projects include EV market expansion, telecommuting travel behavior, and analyzing travel patterns using big data. Despite juggling family and a prior career, Patrick's most outstanding achievement is persistence in pursuing his passion and proving it's never too late to make a meaningful impact.

- Xiaojun Li (Program Coordinator)

Communication: Elizabeth Cedillo  Lopez

Elizabeth Cedillo Lopez

Elizabeth has stood out as a brilliant ambassador of our program. She is an astute scholar whose keen insights consistently deepen the level of discussions while affirming other graduate students, uplifting their contributions and making space for their active involvement. She is a humble yet powerful leader for our program.

- Diane Blair (Program Coordinator)

Computer Science: Janaki Panneerselvam

Janaki Panneerselvam

Janaki Panneerselvam is a special student pursuing her MS in Computer Science who has faced numerous challenges throughout her life, despite multiple obstacles. She strives relentlessly to pursue her educational dreams and rebuild her life. Her perseverance and unwavering determination inspire other students to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals with hope and determination.

- Jin H. Park (Program Coordinator)

Construction Management: Ninad Doke

Ninad Doke

Ninad Doke, a second-year MSCM student, is actively engaged as a teaching and research assistant and officer of student clubs (Digital Innovation in Research and Bluebeam User Group). He has a keen interest in emerging technologies in construction. He will work for Webcor as a project engineer intern this summer.

- Yupeng Luo (Program Coordinator)

Counseling: Student Affairs and College Counseling: George Mosqueda

George Mosqueda

Throughout his time in the program and in his current role as President of our SACC Graduate Student Association, George has worked actively to foster a learning community that supports the growth and development of his peers in the program. 

- Dr. Soua Xiong (Program Coordinator)

Creative Writing: Rosie Bates

Rosie Bates

Rosie Bates’s writing will take you to the top of El Capitan while also exploring the depths of body image, gender, and disordered eating. She has served as the Managing Editor for the Normal School, taught composition and creative nonfiction, and has worked in the GSSC. Rosie has organized readings for her peers, brought writers into classrooms and read her own work at Lit Hop and the Rogue Festival. When she's not writing or positively impacting our students, she teaches kids to rock climb. 

-Brynn Saito (Program Coordinator)

Criminology: Ashley Gonzales Oropeza

Ashley Gonzales Oropeza

Ashley is an exemplary graduate student. Not only has she excelled in our program academically, but she has gone above and beyond to seek opportunities outside of the classroom to advance her understanding of our field and to achieve her future career goals. We are proud to have her in our graduate program!

- Dr. Jordan Pickering (Program Coordinator)

Early Childhood Education: Patricia Ledbetter 

Patricia Ledbetter

Patricia Ledbetter is a strong advocate for high quality early learning opportunities. The leadership she provides her own ECE program and as a member of our advisory board is exceptional. I see an authentic leader in Patricia who will continue to make a deep impact in our community.

- Heather L. Horsley (Program Coordinator)

Education: Multilingual Multicultural Education: Erica Murillo

Erica Murillo

Erica Murillo exemplifies the Master of Arts in Education, Option, Multilingual Multicultural Education Program due to her advocacy in bringing about change for linguistically and culturally diverse students in early grades. She is a dedicated brilliant Latina who models humanizing pedagogy and is respected and loved by her peers.

- Teresa Huerta (Program Coordinator)

Educational Leadership and Administration (P-12): Hector L. Chapa Jr.

Hector L. Chapa Jr.

Hector L. Chapa Jr. is an excellent graduate, educator and current school administrator (Learning Director) at Great Western Elementary School in the Kings Canyon Unified School District. He excels in both the classroom and the field and is a fierce advocate for the students and the community he serves. He truly is an exemplar graduate of the P12 Administrator Program. 

- Jessica Hannigan (Program Coordinator)

Electrical and Computer Engineering: Faheem Shaikh

Faheem Shaikh

Faheem obtained his BS in Mechanical engineering with a minor in EE. He is now pursuing his masters in electrical engineering and is expected to graduate this semester. Faheem has been active in biomedical engineering and machine learning research. He recently published an article in IEEE on non-invasive glucose monitoring.

- Zoulikha Mouffak (Program Coordinator)

Higher Education Administration and Leadership: Ayra Agluba

Ayra Agluba

Ayra demonstrates a strong commitment to the application of her learning in the classroom to her experiences as a future leader in higher education. As a HEAL student, she pursued campus leadership opportunities, serving as the Communication Chair for the HEAL Graduate Student Association. Her commitment is also embodied through her work as a graduate assistant in the Educational Leadership Doctorate Program where she strives to foster inclusive learning and student development in her role. 

- Jonathan Pryor (Program Coordinator)

Industrial Technology: Isuru Kaveendra Wickramarachchi 

Isuru Kaveendra Wickramarachchi

Isuru Kaveendra Wickramarachchi is a graduate student in Industrial Technology in JCAST. He is conducting research and development on smart farming technologies with the application of data science focused on enhanced data acquisition for efficient and effective decision-making. Isuru has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Lyles College. Isuru aspires to lead research and development with a vision of complete automation in the agricultural industry. 

- Arun N Nambiar (Program Coordinator)

Kinesiology: Ryan Palmer

Ryan Palmer

Ryan Palmer is a deserving DGS Graduate Student Honoree due to his academic achievements, community engagement, and professionalism. He maintains a high GPA, interns at Sunnyside High School in the Athletics Department, and serves as the Graduate Assistant for Club Sports at Fresno State. 

- Wade Gilbert (Program Coordinator)

Mathematics: Isaiah Martinez

Isaiah Martinez

Isaiah is in his second semester at Fresno State, and MS program. In that short time, he has clearly made an impact, as he was chosen for this award by nomination from his peers. Isaiah is congenial and he always volunteers his time to help others and make others feel welcome. Isaiah is also a TA in our program and he has already started working on a thesis on Knot Theory under the supervision of Dr. Carmen Caprau.

- Oscar Vega (Program Coordinator)

Music: José Quiñones 

José Quiñones

José came to Fresno from Puerto Rico and is one of the hardest working cello students we have had. He is contributing to the community through his teaching with the Youth Orchestras of Fresno and in the schools. In addition, he has been a superb orchestra graduate assistant. 

- Dr. Thomas Lowenheim

Nursing: Rachel Caro


This year, the School of Nursing chooses to recognize Rachel Caro, our Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) graduate student. Rachel will be graduating this Spring 2023. As a graduate student, Rachel demonstrated that it can be done while trying to balance life, work, family, and maintaining a 4.0 GPA thus far. 

- Kammi Sayaseng (Program Coordinator)

Physics: Vega Mahajan

Vega Mahajan


Vega is a very kind, humble, and friendly physics student. Vega’s demeanor is quiet and understated, but she is also an overachiever. She completed her MS studies in two years while a teaching assistant, with thesis work that led to three research presentations, including one at the national level.

- Gerardo Munoz (Program Coordinator)

Plant Science: Gabrielle Celaya-Finke

Gabrielle Celaya-Finke

Gabrielle’s thesis research is on citrus nursery production and the use of smart lighting techniques and elevated CO2 to speed winter growth. She presented at the American Society of Horticulture Science meetings and the California Plant & Soil Conference (2nd place poster). Gabby is active in CWA (California Women in Agriculture) and volunteered with the FFA Fruit Tree judging contest. 

- Sharon Benes (Program Coordinator)

Psychology, General/Experimental option: Melissa Martinez

Melissa Martinez

Melissa is a wonderful person who has been an exceptionally conscientious graduate student, researcher, teaching associate, and OIE intern. She has taken advantage of every opportunity to develop her knowledge and skills in research and data analysis, and she is now well prepared for a rewarding career in institutional research.

- Rosa Toro (Program Coordinator)

Public Health: Samantha Perez

Samantha Perez

Sam Perez is a Fresno native who is the first in her family to pursue higher education. Her time as a Community Health Volunteer with the Peace Corps solidified her desire to help others. After years of working in small clinics that served those in need, she decided to pursue her master’s degree close to home, where she could learn more about the dynamic field of public health while also being surrounded by family. She hopes to work in the international arena in the future. 

- Miguel Perez (Program Coordinator)

Spanish: Micaelina Ramírez-Chávez

Micaelina Ramírez-Chávez

Born in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, Micaelina Ramírez-Chávez left her family seventeen years ago to pursue better opportunities in the United States. A dedicated graduate student and TA, she has been a vibrant and productive contributor to our Spanish MA program. Micaelina’s short-term goal is to teach literature in Spanish at a community college. Her long-term goal is to continue her studies on Spanish linguistics, since she finds the evolution of the language and its variations fascinating.

- Gloria Medina-Sancho (Program Coordinator)

Speech Language Pathology: Jordan Girman

Jordan Girman

Jordan Girman is a positive force within her cohort and the SLP program overall. Her smile and positive outlook are infectious. Jordan’s strong character makes her a leader within the program who inspires others to work hard and treat each other with kindness, all while enjoying the grad school journey.

- Fran Pomaville (Program Coordinator)



Doctorate Educational Leadership (Ed.D.): Peter Robertson

Peter Robertson

Peter Robertson embodies the values of the Ed.D. Program and lives his calling for equity and social justice. The title of 'honoree' could not be more fitting for Peter Robertson, as he will not only represent our graduate program this year, but in the many years to come as a proud alumnx of the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership. 

Ignacio Hernández (Program Coordinator)

Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT): Hailey Stinecipher

Hailey Stinecipher

Hailey is the DPT Graduate Student Ambassador because she represents numerous characteristics of the department’s mission including dedication, passion, and a desire for life-long learning. Hailey is enthusiastic and eager to begin her career in physical therapy and aspires to work within the pediatric rehabilitation setting after graduation.

Jennifer Roos (Program Coordinator)

Educational Specialist Program: Kati Kochevar

Kati Kochevar


Kati is an excellent student and an exceptional intern. Ms. Kochevar has worked at comprehensive sites and programs for students with severe disabilities, assignments which require functional assessment skills and knowledge of classroom and behavior management. Kati developed an in-service for the teachers on behavior tips and techniques that she was asked to share throughout the county. 

Marilyn Wilson (Program Coordinator)

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): Syakirah Md Saadon

Syakirah Md Saadon

Syakirah is an outstanding student across all aspects of our graduate program She excels in classes, in her practicum placement working with children on the autism spectrum and their families, and is also the president of our student led ABA Club. She always volunteers for community outreach events and is dedicated to helping those around her. - Marianne Jackson (Program Coordinator)

Art: Blanca Y. Davila Delgado

Blanca Y. Davila Delgado

Born in Zacatecas, Mexico and raised in the small agricultural community of Cutler, CA, Blanca received her BA in Art from the California State University Fresno in 2019. Blanca is a DACA recipient and the first in her family to pursue an MA degree. She will graduate with distinction in May of 2022. Blanca's Project Exhibition, "Estamos Aqui," is informed by her own immigration status/journey and the impact the border/border crossing has had on countless survivors of the long journey across.

Stephanie Ryan (Program Coordinator)

Athletic Training: Corie Hamilton

Corie Hamilton

Corie is an excellent ambassador for the MS in Athletic Training program and deserves to be honored. She excels in both the classroom and clinical setting.

Stephanie Moore (Program Coordinator)

Chemistry: Elia Manzo

Elia Manzo

Elia is not only a promising young scientist but also an excellent mentor for undergraduate students. Her career plan is to become a college professor in Chemistry. She is a great example of the important role Fresno State is playing in fostering the next generation scientists in the Central Valley.

Qiao-Hong Chen (Program Coordinator)

Civil Engineering: Marina Lima

Marina Lima

Marina Lima has earned academic honors for outstanding GPA, showing character, devotion, and ability to inspire others. She is a graduate fellow at the Fresno State Transportation Institute (FSTI), ITE Student Chapter President, and has led the K-12 Railroad Model Competition, which was featured at the TRB 102nd Annual Meeting in Washington D.C.

- William Wright (Program Coordinator)

Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling: Christina Chavarria

Christina Chavarria

Christina is a passionate advocate! She is involved in our student association, RCSA, as the appointed secretary providing a great opportunity to display leadership and advocacy skills. She is an engaged student who enjoys helping others. She has a positive sense of character, integrity, and her own ability to inspire others as a role model. 

Yuleinys Castillo (Program Coordinator)

Counseling - School Counseling: Karina Ibarra

Karina Ibarra


Karina is passionate about student success and helping others to the best. She is actively engaged as a student ambassador. She helps run the school counseling social media page and helps with student outreach and advising prospective students. She has assumed leadership responsibilities during events such as student orientations, faculty job talks and student interviews. - Gitima Sharma (Program Coordinator)

Counseling - Student Affairs and College Counseling: Samantha Bautista

Samantha Bautista

Samantha is currently working as the AANAPISI Work-Based Learning Experiences Project Coordinator at Fresno State. She has a genuine interest and passion to serve students. Samantha is developing into an equity-minded student affairs educator who has the counseling skills to support the holistic development and success of students from diverse backgrounds.

- Soua Xiong (Program Coordinator)

Criminology: Katharina Dreher

Katharina Dreher

Katharina is an outstanding graduate student in every sense of the word. Not only has she excelled academically, but she has taken the time to get to know her peers with the goal of fostering a true sense of support and friendship, which is such an important component of the graduate student experience. The Department of Criminology at Fresno State is very lucky to have her!

Dr. Jordan Pickering (Program Coordinator)

Education - Curriculum & Instruction: Jade Muñoz 

Jade Munoz

Jade Muñoz graduated with honors from the Liberal Studies program and is currently completing the Fresno Teacher Residency Program while earning her master’s degree. Jade is a proud and highly collaborative Bulldog who is passionate about supporting all of her peers and her primary grade students to facilitate their success! - Carol Fry Bohlin (Program Coordinator)

Education - Multilingual Multicultural Education: Jimena Castañeda

Jimena Castanedo

Jimena Castañeda exemplifies the Master of Arts in Education, Option, Multilingual Multicultural Education Program due to her advocacy in bringing about change for linguistically and culturally diverse students in today’s classrooms. Her writing strongly models her efforts by educating teachers in, “what’s in a name?”

- Teresa Huerta (Program Coordinator)

Education - Reading/Language Arts: Clarissa Johnson

Clarissa Johnson

Clarissa (Claire) Johnson is an exceptional student in the Reading/Language Arts Master's program. Claire is a model for all students through her deep analysis of course content. She continually engages in thoughtful literacy practices with depth and nuance, and always takes an ethical stance. The literacy faculty applaud her for her outstanding work in the program and in the public schools and hope she goes on to pursue a doctorate. - Monica Billen (Program Coordinator)

Educational Leadership and Administration: Armando Lua

Armando Lua

I am very pleased to submit this nomination for Mr. Armando Lua on behalf of the M.A. in Educational Leadership and Administration faculty. He is very well respected and loved by all his peers and faculty. Dedicated and meticulous, Mr. Lua has the ability and competence to manage tasks efficiently. We believe it is his personality, which is built on honesty, professionalism, intelligence, trust, and self-motivation that allows him to communicate and lead so effectively. 

Jessica Hannigan (Program Coordinator)

Higher Education Administration and Leadership: Sade Johnson

Sade Johnson

Sade Johnson is an exemplary student and leader. She shares important perspectives and experiences that help the HEAL community and cohort grow. As a HEALer, Sade represents the best qualities of our program - a thoughtful, authentic, and committed professional who cares deeply about the work and who supports community members. Sade is just starting her journey into becoming an impactful higher education leader and we are excited to support her.

Varaxy Yi Borromeo (Program Coordinator)

Linguistics: Fatemeh Samavati

Fatemeh Samavati

Fatemeh Samavati stands out for her pursuit of original research and her service in the department. She presented research on Persian phonology and syntax at three national conferences and taught introductory in Persian and Linguistics. Fatemeh has been accepted to the Linguistics PhD program at UC Davis this Fall. - Chris Golston (Program Coordinator)

Mathematics: Marissa Morado

Marissa Morado

Marissa joined Fresno State in Fall 2020. She will graduate this semester and has been admitted to PhD programs at UC Merced and UC Denver. Marissa always brings important ideas and thoughts in class discussions and to research meetings. She is developing into a mature mathematician and scientist. Marissa is involved in increasing the representation of mathematicians, exemplifying what it means to be a resilient mathematician in a field that has historically excluded minorities and women. - Oscar Vega (Program Coordinator)

Music: Jordan Pulido

Jordan Pulido

"Working with Jordan Pulido you immediately recognize his strength of personality, musicianship, character and desire to become the strongest musician possible. His natural leadership and dedication to the choral area and the music department is unparalleled. He is positive, hardworking and among the top all-around students I have been privileged to teach." (Dr. Cari Earnhart, Music)

Physics: Sarah Kroeker

Sarah Kroeker

Sarah is a top-notch student - her GPA is 3.92. She is also an excellent researcher, presenter, and Teaching Associate, as her student evaluations show. Sarah stands out in her dedication to all students, including her MS colleagues. Several faculty members have commented on hearing her name come up in conversations with our graduate students, always in a very positive context. She is held in high regard by faculty members and fellow students alike - the model of an all-around "good" student. - Gerardo Munoz (Program Coordinator)

Public Health: Zena Chafi

Zena Chafi

Zena’s work at a faith-based organization allows her to deliver services to culturally diverse underserved populations. She is quick to provide a helping hand to those who need it and her patient nature will allow her to continue in her path of servant leadership to improve the health of those fortunate enough to meet her. - Miguel A. Perez (Program Coordinator)

Spanish: César González-Aguilar

César González-Aguilar

A first generation Mexican-American born in Tulare, César González-Aguilar received in 2019 his B.A. in Spanish with Magna Cum Laude at Fresno State. As a TA, César experienced the harsh realities of being an educator during the pandemic and cherishes the lessons he learned on resilience and the power of education. With his MA focusing on class, race, and gender, César hopes to continue teaching Spanish Literature and Language to help other Latinx students reconnect with their Hispanic heritage.

Gloria Medina-Sancho (Program Coordinator)


Athletic Training: Megan Salinas

Megan is a valued addition to our graduate program. She is proactive and brings a positive attitude to the classroom and clinical setting, serving as a respected example for other students. In addition to her studies and clinical hours, Megan serves as an officer in the Sports Medicine Club.

- Stephanie Moore

Biology: Cha Thao

Cha Kong Meng Thao is a first-generation Hmong American college student who is passionate about becoming a conservation veterinarian. Cha is a current mentor in the Fresno State MENtorship program while balancing his personal life, work, and his research on the thermal ecology of the federally endangered Blunt-nosed leopard lizard.

- Hwan Youn

Business: Emily Regan

Emily has engineering background, paralegal and finished coursework in 3 semesters (with all prerequisites while holding full time employment). Currently, she's completing her thesis. Emily is extremely driven and will, no doubt, be moving mountains in her career and achieve huge success.

- Harry Xia

Chemistry: Crystina Ciula

Crystina has an innate ability for the sciences and the curiosity and drive to dive deep into her research. Her computational research on BMAA, an environmental neurotoxin, shows her creativity and independent ability to investigate a challenging project. She abounds with enthusiasm and a love of chemistry and biochemistry.

- Qiao-Hong Chen

Civil Engineering: Mary Church

Mary Church exemplifies every aspect of what a graduate student should be. She is motivated, intelligent, and applies herself to a learning process that connects knowledge. A skill she has perfected as a full-time mother, full-time employee with the City of Madera, and a full-time graduate student. 

- William Wright

Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling: Hannah Perez

In her first year, Hannah has been active within the program through RCSA, assisting with CACREP accreditation, and as an upcoming co-presenter at mental health conferences. She supports fellow classmates and works effectively to become a successful counselor. She is positive and passionate about helping people with disabilities.

- Yuleinys Castillo

Communication: Brandon Velasquez

Brandon Velasquez was born in Fresno, CA, and is a first-generation college student. His passions include education, uplifting others, and specialty coffee. In 2019, he received his B.A. in Communication from Fresno State, and has since returned to the M.A. Communication program. He is proud as an (FGCS) to have built positive relationships both on and off-campus; these have impacted him as a student and member of the Fresno community. His goal is to apply his skills to foster healthy communication approaches by consulting workplaces in the Central Valley.

- Shane Moreman, PhD.

Computer Science: Marissa Palos

Marissa Palos has been the president of Computer Science Club and showed her leadership on conducting many helpful events for students in the computer science department. Her efforts included providing a bridge between our students and local industry and alumni who work in the Bay area software industry. Marissa has also contributed to the community of women in technology.

- Jin H. Park

Construction Management: Pablo Cabrera Arreola

Born and raised in Mexico, Pablo moved to the U.S. at an age of 16. He faced many challenges. However, his passion for construction led him to finish his BSCM at Fresno State with a 3.67 GPA. He is now a full-time field engineer and a 1st-yr MSCM student.

- Yupeng Luo

Criminology: Danielle Quiroga

It is a true joy to have Danielle as a student in our graduate program! She is dedicated to achieving academic success in and outside the classroom while also supporting her peers and advocating for their successes as well. Her research has wide-reaching potential for the university community and the field of Criminology. We cannot wait to see what she does next!

- Dr. Jordan Pickering

Curriculum & Instruction: Dalton Graham

Dalton is an inspiring educator who is earning a mathematics teaching credential along with his master’s degree. A former mechanical engineer, Dalton is a passionate teacher who has a gift for motivating students to strive for success. His positive attitude, self-motivation, love of learning, and strong work ethic make him a wonderful role model for his students! 

- Dr. Carol Fry Bohlin

Early Childhood Education: Courtney Berk

Courtney Berk works as a Site Supervisor and Teacher at a rural Head Start early childhood education (ECE) program. She serves on a statewise advisory group as a member of the ECE CalTPA Design Team, helping create a teaching performance assessment for early educators. I see an authentic leader in Courtney who is making a deep impact and contribution to the ECE community. 

- Dr. Feiyan Chen

Educational Leadership (Doctoral Program): Corrine Folmer

Corrine Folmer is a member of the Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership's Face-to-Face Cohort 12, class of 2021. Corrine is a leader among her peers and a wonderful representative of our doctoral program. Professionally, Corrine is the Associate Superintendent of School Leadership at Clovis Unified School District. 

- Ignacio Hernandez

Educational Leadership (P-12): Laura Silva

It is with great pleasure that the Educational Leadership Faculty recommend Mrs. Laura Silva for this role. Mrs. Laura Silva is a recent graduate from our program and exemplifies all characteristics of a model student and alumna. Mrs. Laura Silva advocated for herself and fellow classmates throughout her time in the program in order to gain the most out of her educational experience. Laura is active in her field and connected to other educators in the Central Valley. Mrs. Silva exhibits strong communication and relationship skills that will help her in whatever role she chooses to engage in. Based on Laura's skill and desire to represent her community we are proud to have her continue to represent our program in this capacity.

- Jennifer Moradian Watson

English: Alexander Flores

Dr. Lisa Weston notes that Alex is “one of the most stellar scholars we have enjoyed” in our program. His work leading the Students for English Studies Association and organizing its yearly symposium is impressive. He has presented his work at several conferences, including the most important in his field.

-  John Beynon

Fine Arts Creative Writing: Jer Xiong

As a creative nonfiction writer, Jer is a student leader in promoting greater access to opportunities within publishing and literature. She co-founded the student organization Hmong American Ink and Stories, and her thesis is a poignant series of essays that centers the complexities of the Hmong American identity and experience. 

- Steven Church

Geology: Francisco Mata

While pursuing demanding Master’s research, Francisco Mata has been an outstanding TA, won awards, e.g. Clay Science Education and Dana Geology scholarships, and served the community, e.g. judging the Central California Science and Engineering Fair and the STEM symposium, helping the Fresno Gem & Mineral Society at the Fresno Fair.

- Christopher Pluhar

Higher Education Administration & Leadership (HEAL): Komalpreet Sangha

Komalpreet is a wonderful emerging higher education and student affairs professional. She is a steady presence in classes and her commitment to equity and social justice gives us hope for the future of our profession. Komalpreet consistently seeks out opportunities to grow as a professional. She is enthusiastic and gracious, always striving to better serve and support students. The HEAL faculty celebrate her brilliance.

- Varaxy Yi Borromeo

Industrial Technology: Kory Gilman

Kory is a stellar student in our program who while pursuing his graduate studies, continues to work full time in Tulare as Farm Irrigation and Fertilizer Systems supervisor and also assists faculty with research and laboratory sessions. Kory does not let obstacles slow down his life or educational plans. He turns them into opportunities to learn, adapt and improve. Kory also volunteers his time to lead the Future Farmers of America Field Day for students from across the state of California.

- Balaji Seth

Kinesiology: Miu Yee Mimi Ho

Mimi has demonstrated commitment in her scholarly pursuit by her active engagement with peers and faculty, and also in the application of knowledge in her field of work. During her time in the program, she combined her passion for education and ability to lead others in the role of the women's assistant golf coach at Fresno State. She is currently working at the Hong Kong Golf Association to continue in her pursuit to inspire and mentor the next generation of local golfers.

- Jenelle Gilbert

Linguistics: Reem Saleh

Reem Saleh is an international student from Jordan, part of the Palestinian diaspora that can't return to its homeland for political reasons. She is working on the grammar of her native Palestinian dialect of Arabic—in exile—and presented her work at a confererence with international attendance (WECOL 2020). She does this all as a mother of five, who raises her children on her own. She recently interviewed for the PhD program at UCSD.

- Chris Golston

Mathematics: Samuel Cleofas

Sam, who graduates this semester, has been one of our TAs for a couple of years now, and is a staple at, pretty much, all events our department has organized for years. Also, he likes to help students (peers and not) and he is always a source of positive energy. His love for math is easy to see, and now he will follow his passion for math and for helping others by getting into the credential program to become a High School math teacher. 

- Oscar Vega

Multilingual Multicultural Education: Raul Gonzalez

Raul Gonzalez is viewed as a leader in the Master of Arts in Education, Option, Multilingual Multicultural Education Program due to his ability to articulate his thoughts and opinions on issues confronting the schooling experiences of linguistically and culturally diverse learners. Both his professional and personal experiences have served him to bring fresh ideas into this program.

- Teresa Huerta

Music: Micah Byers

Micah Byers’ passion for music-making and storytelling is evident in his career as a composer, educator, and performer as he aims to inspire others’ creativity and help tell stories through original music. In addition to pursuing his MA degree, Micah teaches at Fort Miller Middle School in Fresno, CA.

- Donald Henriques

Physical Therapy (DPT): Karina Angouw

Karina is a compassionate leader and representative for the Physical Therapy Department. She exemplifies many attributes that represent the programs mission and values such as empathy, selflessness, integrity, advocacy, and service to others. She will undoubtedly make a positive impact on the profession as she enters the healthcare workforce. Congratulations!

- Jennifer Roos

Plant Science: Ranvir Tung

Ranvir Tung is from Selma, CA where he is involved with almond and grape production on the family farm. Ranvir’s thesis research examines the physiological responses of pistachio grown under saline conditions, working with Dr. Gurreet Brar and scientists at the USDA-ARS lab in Parlier. Ranvir hopes to pursue a career in farm management.

- Sharon Benes

Psychology: Mehak Kaur

Mehak is an excellent student and researcher. Her ambitious thesis work is looking at how self-deception may reduce stress brought on by economic inequality. She is always engaged in discussions during our weekly class seminars and puts extra effort in helping and encouraging other students in the program. 

- Martin Shapiro

Psychology ABA: Abril Lopez Cervantes

Abril excels academically and contributes to a positive and supportive educational environment. She has been instrumental in the provision of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services to Spanish-speaking families and her thesis focuses on the important differences between interpretation and translation in the provision of ABA services to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families. I have no doubt she will go on to be a positive force for change in the world of ABA.

- Marianne Jackson

Public Health: David Imirian

Friendly, dedicated, sensitive, thoughtful, and responsible are among the adjectives used to describe David Imirian, the MPH's nominee for Student Ambassador for academic year 2020-2021. Davis is highly respected by both faculty and students who admire his dedication to academic excellence and his willingness to help others along the way. He continues to promote public health in his role as Office Manager at the Valley Regional Home Health. Congratulations on this well earned kudos David. 

- Miguel A. Perez, Ph.D.

Reading & Literacy: Claire Johnson

Claire Johnson, third grade teacher in Fresno's South Valley, and graduate of Fresno State’s multiple subject credential program has demonstrated her work ethic, analytical insight, and commitment to her learners through several high quality original research studies conducted during her first year in the Literacy MA program.

- Maria Goff

School Counseling: Diana Moron Guzman

Diana was the recipient of many awards and honors and has a strong school counselor identity. She truly exceeds the expectations for the program, and her work ethic is unmatched. Diana has since become a Program Ambassador and has advocated for her peers. She has transformed our recruitment platforms. Diana has advocated for her peers and made the program aware of the needs and wants of her colleagues, and made recommendations for the program.

- Dominiqua Griffin, PhD, NCC

School Psychology: Natalie Pena Marquez

Natalie’s sincerity and dedication to becoming a school psychologist who can serve children and families from culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse backgrounds is conveyed in class discussion, papers, and fieldwork evaluations. She will be part of a minority in our field of school psychology as a first generation college student, Hispanic, and bilingual. Natalie was our program representative to our local professional organization, CVA-CASP.

- Marilyn Wilson

Spanish: Germán Cervantes Ledesma

A dedicated graduate student and TA, Germán Cervantes Ledesma has shown his leadership and mentoring skills in multiple ways. For the past two years, Germán has been president of two student clubs, ¡Hablemos Español! and Club Austral, in which he has organized events to promote Spanish language and culture throughout our campus. He has also been tutor for Spanish in the Learning Center. Currently, Germán is working on his thesis and teaching elementary Spanish to University High students.

- Gloria Medina-Sancho

Special Education: Randi Parkinson

Randi Parkinson is not just an exceptional student in the Special Education MA program at Fresno State, she is also an exceptional human being. She is bold without being brash, has a great sense of humor, and she fiercely goes where others fear to tread. She is also the recipient of a LARCS Scholarship and member of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). 

- William Garnett

Speech/Language Pathology Aysia James

Aysia is creative and friendly; a natural leader with a history of service to others. She served as a peer mentor and President of our student organization (NSSLHA), and has a history of helping others, whether on campus or in the community. She is a shining star and an inspiration!

- Fran Pomaville

Student Affairs & College Counseling: Jose Medina III

Drawing from his extensive background, knowledge, and expertise in student affairs, his insights during classroom discussions has greatly enhanced the learning of his peers. Outside of the classroom, Jose has been engaged in on-going efforts to build a sense of community among SACC students to thrive and succeed.

- Soua Xiong

Viticulture & Enology: Jeremiah Lloyd

Jeremiah Lloyd has been the first student to enroll in the restarted MS in Viticulture and Enology. He has worked on his project tirelessly and with great passion. His sense of humor has helped cementing the relationships between the students and contributed to restart of the program with a positive note.

- Luca Brillante

Art: Carolyn Zutler

Carolyn Zutler has been an excellent graduate student, life-long learner, and role model for other students in my seminar, regardless of massive challenges in her life. Her GPA is perfect (4.0). For community service, she was project manager for three semesters on the Fresno City College and Fresno State collaborative mural that was painted on a 250+ foot long wall at Lafayette Park by more than 60 students, faculty, and community members. She will be an exemplary ambassador who inspires many.

- Stephanie Ryan

Biology: Jason Thomas

Jason Thomas, a first-generation college student, has a perfect GPA of 4.0 and has excelled in a microbiology research lab – 4 published papers and 7 conference presentations. Jason has been actively helpful to fellow students. Jason is married with children and understands the challenges associated with balancing research and family.

 - Hwan Youn

Biotechnologoy: Dawn James

Dawn exemplified the outsomes we hope for our students: developing professional skills, contributing quality science to the Biotechnology field, and helping build community within our program. 

- Jason Bush

Chemistry: Christopher Dillon

Chris is a true leader who embodies the most important qualities in sciences: curiosity, integrity, and persistence. By holding himself to the highest standards he is an inspiration to me and other students in the lab (Thesis Advisor: Dr. Hubert Muchalski). 

Civil Engineering: Gabriela Bonilla

Gabriela’s interest in the sciences led her to pursue a career in engineering with the expectation that her future actions must produce vital benefits for society. Her research topic explores the benefits of using shallow subsurface systems to provide efficient groundwater recharge without impacting agricultural practices, water quality, and land resources. 

 - William Wright

Curriculum and Instruction: Lauren Twohey

Lauren Twohey is passionate about empowering and networking fellow middle grades science teachers, particularly those who teach in professionally isolated areas. In partnership with the Library , Kremen School, and CSM faculty, she conceptualized/delivered a 2-day STEM workshop and developed a website containing regional resources for science teachers:

- Carol Fry Bohlin

Early Childhood Education: Andrea Cervantes

Andrea Cervantes undertakes substantive projects that helps connect our program to the broader ECE community. She contributed to our program by serving as President of the ECE Club where she also mentored undergraduate students. I see an authentic leader in Andrea who will continue to make a deep impact in her community. 

- Heather L. Horsley, PhD

Electrical and Computer Engineering: Calvin Smith

Calvin is a high achiever, academically and socially. He is considered among the very top of his class. The faculty members also speak highly of his critical thinking skills. He is a very good communicator and he speaks highly of the value of graduate education. He certainly can be a role model for other students in the program. In addition to excelling in his education, Calvin also has field experiences that make him a well-rounded individual with a mature outlook. 

- Nagy Bengiamin

Fine Arts (MFA): Anthony Cody

Former U.S. Poet Laureate, Juan Felipe Herrera, says Anthony Cody, 2020 MFA Dean’s Medal Nominee, “is a groundbreaking artist of the 21st century.” His first book, Borderland Apocrypha, won the 2018 Omnidawn Open Book Award; his thesis, The Rendering, incorporates voice sculptures, photographs, climate change research and Dust Bowl narratives.

 - Steven Church

Geology: Amalie Larsen Van Vleet

Ms. Larsen is an outstanding student and teaching assistant, informally volunteers her time and energy for Dept needs, and demonstrates 99th percentile positivity & can-do mentality. Her degree is a direction change into a geology career from her theater arts background, accomplished while co-raising a family of three. Her skills in performance have made her a dynamic teaching assistant, a superlative communicator, and lend themselves well to selection as the EES Outstanding Student Ambassador.

- Christopher J. Pluhar

Higher Education Adminstration and Leadership (HEAL): Stephanie Alvarado

Stephanie is a kind and thoughtful leader in the classroom. She is also a consummate professional. We are impressed with her character and integrity. She offers important insights to her colleagues through the lens of her own experiences and leads by example in navigating complex issues. She is a wonderful representative and emerging leader in our field. 

- Varaxy Yi Borromeo

Industrial Technology: Saylee Kerure

Saylee has a perfect 4.0 GPA and she has been in the top 1% of many classes in the graduate program. Saylee is very dedicated and makes sincere effort to not only obtain good grades but also get a firm grasp and thorough understanding of the technical concepts and their practical significance. Saylee is truly a model student! 

- Arun Nambiar

Kinesiology: Alexandria Young

The Kinesiology Graduate Program chose Alexandria Young as she excelled as a student, Marketing Team member, Graduate Assistant, and emerged as an effective leader. She has a growth mindset, and has accomplished, and will continue to accomplish great things! 

- Jenelle Gilbert

Linguistics: Laiylaly Mandujano

Laiylaly Mandujano is conducting original research, including the documentation and preservation of Crow, an endangered north American Indian language, and the project of linguistic/science communications. She is also a teaching assistant for ESL classes at local adult schools. 

- Jidong Chen

Mathematics: Erica Sawyer

Erica is is one of our TAs. An out-of-state student, she was our 2019 graduate ambassador, and she also won our department’s outstanding TA award last year. She is currently doing research in Data Science, and has presented her work at various conferences.

- Oscar Vega

Music: Emily Johnson

It is our privilege to nominate Emily Johnson for Graduate Student Ambassador. Emily is currently in her fourth year of teaching in Clovis Unified School District and second semester of graduate study in music education. Emily’s M.A. project examines existing research and resources on string pedagogy, and includes the creation of a new method book specifically for beginning elementary string students.
- Donald Henriques, Program Coordinator 

Multilingual Multicultural Education: Sandy Gonzalez

Sandy Gonzalez is our chosen Outstanding Student Ambassador for the master's program option, Multilingual Multicultural Education because of her strong dedication to the program and service to linguistically and culturally diverse learners. Sandy is self-determined, confident, intelligent, and equally, kind. As such, she is admired by her peers and others.

- Teresa Huerta

Nursing: Dianne Benigno

Dianne started her quest for higher education at California State University, Fresno, School of Nursing's Graduate Program (Primary Care Nurse Practitioner, Family) in Summer 2018. Since her admission into the program, Dianne has been able to maintained her 4.0 GPA all along while continues to work as a Registered Nurse. Diane has been courteous and very respectful to her instructors and peers. She takes in constructive feedback with learning enthusiasm. 

- Dr. Kammi Sayaseng 

Physical Therapy (Doctoral Program): Myraelen Aguilar

Myra is the Physical Therapy program Student Ambassador representative for 2020. Myra is an excellent collaborator, demonstrates humility and compassion for others, and supports the program through mentorship and volunteerism. She embodies what this program and profession represents. Congratulations from the PT program! 

- Jennifer Roos

Plant Science: Simarjeet Singh

Sarah Sirota is one of our best and brightest graduate students. She developed her own creative idea for her master’s thesis research and was the first student in her cohort to complete and defend her thesis. Sarah was also an outstanding teacher for courses about methods and statistics. 

- Martin Shapiro

Psychology (ABA): Matisse Lovett

Matisse is an outstanding student who supports her fellow students and inspires others to do the same. She served as the ABA Club president and led the team to organize a very successful Fresno State ABA Conference. She has become an excellent clinician in her practicum role with Focused Behavioral Services, where she works with individuals with autism and their families, and is currently conducting her thesis on teaching humor comprehension and joke telling to children with autism.

- Marianne Jackson

Public Health: Cassie Valencia

Cassie Valencia has employed her skills as a health educator to help others improve their health status. She is often described as being "encouraging, helpful, and gracious to others" and is often used as an example on how to translate theory into practice in the field of public health. 

- Miguel A. Perez

Reading/Language Arts: Shereen Sawalha

Shereen Sawalha is a first year graduate student in the Reading/Language Arts MA in Education program. Shereen has a passion for learning and continues to develop her own teaching practice. As a classroom teacher, she is dedicated to supporting her students' literacy development. 

- Maria Goff

School Counseling: Cheechi Vang

Cheechi Vang embodies a strong school counselor identity. She is active within the program, having presented at conferences, and serves students in the K-12 setting. She is an active member of Chi Sigma Iota and volunteers at events. Cheechi was a peer consultant and assisted students in their practicum course.

- Dr. Dominiqua Griffin

School Psychology: Yesenia Sosa

Yesenia Sosa is currently interning in Kings Canyon Unified. She has received the Michael Herrera scholarship in recognition of her dedication to Spanish speaking students and families. She has presented at our national conference twice and at CCRS. Yesenia is a board member of the local school psychology affiliate, CVA-CASP. 

- Marilyn Wilson

Social Work: Jesica Uriostegui Pavon

Jesica was selected to represent Social Work because she exemplifies the values of Fresno State. Jesica fostered a sense of discovery with her passion for research. She embodies diversity through her inclusiveness towards others. Finally, she has served with distinction in her willingness to embrace bold ideas in her studies.

- Iran Barrera

Spanish: Teresita Trujillo de Magana

Having a large experience behind her as a teacher in her native Mexico, Teresita has been a very enthusiastic member of the Program since she started taking classes in Fall 2019. She has proved herself to be a very hard working and motivated member of the Program when organizing events and activities to promote culture in Spanish throughout campus. Teresita has collaborated with Revista Aztlán, the student club APCE, and the committee organizing the World Cultures Celebration event.

- Dr. Paula Sanmartín

Special Education: Chrystal Swart

Chrystal Swart defines dedication and service to others. She created a tech-based tool that greatly improved students' on-task behaviors and academic outcomes. With 10+ years of experience, Chrystal teaches upper elementary in Fresno Unified. She serves her community as a special education team lead, established a peer mentoring group, and distributes critically needed food, supplies, and smiles during the school closures amid the pandemic crisis.

- Sara Werner Juarez

Speech/Language Pathology: Marian Pagaduan

In addition to academic and clinical excellence, Marian demonstrates a positive attitude, leadership skills, professionalism, and a desire to serve others. As a Phillipino Immigrant who speaks several languages, she has excellent communication skills. Marian is a person of integrity who inspires others. She is a great representative for the department! 

 - Fran Pomaville


Biology: Evelin Munoz

Biotechnology: Braden Cardoza

Business: Katie Reilly

Chemistry: Candice Cortney

Chemistry: Quang Le

Civil Engineering: Jacob Lopez

Clincal Rehabilitation & Mental Health Counseling: Jessica Raygoza

Criminology: Jennifer Snell

Curriculum & Instruction: Jennifer Click

Early Childhood Education: Concepcion Garzon

Educational Leadership: Kim Bowman

English: Angel Garduno

Geology: Marcus Pacheco

Higher Education Administration & Leadership (HEAL): Erica Castanon

Industrial Technology: Prashant Dadas

Kinesiology: Robert Leija

Linguistics: John Simonian

Mathematics: Erica Sawyer

Music: Ashley Tremblay

Physical Therapy: Karissa Derousseau

Plant Science: Josue Diaz

Psychology: Andrea Weiman

Public Health: Mark Reece

Reading/Language Arts: Nicolet Diaz

School Psychology: April de la Cruz

Spanish: Maria Cristina Vasquez

Special Education: Kenneth Hortizuela

Speech/Language Pathology: Morgan Barker

Agricultural Science: Jacob Vazquez

Art: Sovannory (Nory) Setha

Biology: Fatima Hidalgo

Biotechnology: Sosse Kendoyan

Chemistry: Candice Courtney

Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling: Julayne Jorge

Criminology: Filomena DaSilva

Curriculum and Instruction: Stephanie Thiel

Early Childhood Education: Brooke Berrios

Educational Leadership: David Garza

Educational Leadership (Doctoral Program): Robert Pimentel

English: Megan Evans

MFA (Fine Arts): Matthew Kenerly

Geology: Magaly Perez

Higher Education Administration and Leadership (HEAL): Camerina Morales

History: Savannah Nakamura

Industrial Technology: William Pearson

Kinesiology: Stephanie Lee

Linguistics: Zachary Metzler

Mathematics:Antonia Yeung

Mulitlingual/Multicultural Education: Patricia Bloodgood

Music: Lim Forgey

Physical Therapy (Doctoral Program): Joseph Terrill

Plant Science: Anthony Mele

Psychology: Alexandra Nottbohm

Public Health: Elsa Villagomez

Reading and Language Arts: Kathleen Gliannandrea

School Pyschology: Yaime Farias

Spanish: Maria Madrigal Piceno

Special Education: Rebecca Pings

Agricultural Science: Emily Krage Ms. Emily Krage is working on his MS degree in Animal Science researching meat safety (beef) in relation to Appendix A (inactivation of Salmonella). Emily is from Visalia and attended College of Sequoias before transferring to Fresno State. She completed her undergraduate degree in Animal Science with an emphasis in livestock business management in May 2016. In the Fall of 2016 she started her MS degree and served as the Assistant Coach for the Meat Judging Team. She has been an important part of the Department of Animal Sciences and Agricultural Education as she has been a critical person in helping organize the food booth at the Red Wave Classic Livestock Show as well as helping with the Red Wave Sheep and Goat Sale and Fresno State FFA Meat Judging Contest. She received a Jordan-Havery Scholarship and helps at the Fresno State Meats Laboratory. Additionally, she serves as a TA for several meat science based courses.
Art: Mehgan Cartier Meghan Cartier is pursuing an MA in Art History.  In her MA thesis, she argues that the pictorial language of Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican codices, or illustrated books, helped their creators unify a large, cosmopolitan, and multi-lingual empire. Meghan has given seven conference presentations on her research including, most recently, at the annual Comic Arts Conference in Anaheim.  She served as a Perenchio Intern at Arte Americas, where she performed research and helped plan and present art exhibitions, and is currently serving as an Intern with the Center for Creativity and the Arts, where she helped organize the 2017 Symposium on California and Mesoamerican Native Art and Archaeology.
Biology: William Whalen William is one of those rare students who really befriends the faculty. His transition from private sector to undergraduate to graduate student has been journey of growth and discovery. While his interest was originally towards medicine (physician assistant), I believe that he fell in love with the classroom. William has been one of our highly-prized TAs providing valuable service in a number of different courses. He was also poached to other duties in the community colleges and to Enology/Viticulture for his abilities. I am proud of his growth and his enthusiasm to teach. I think Will is a great ambassador for many of students who see the MS as a step towards a career in the classroom.
Chemistry: Jaideep Singh Jaideep Singh completed his B.S degree in Chemistry at Fresno State and he is a 2nd second-year graduate student.  He continues his passion for research from his undergraduate days and his current thesis project is the biophysical characterization of the anticancer peptide Lunasin. He is already a co-author on a peer-reviewed publication (Journal of Molecular Structure, 1131, 196-200, 2017) and a second manuscript currently under preparation. Jaideep is the recipient of Graduate Net Initiative research fellowship and is a teaching assistant in general chemistry. He is an exemplary of a creative and diligent graduate student in the chemistry program.
Communications: Elise M. Barba Elise M. Barba is an M.A. candidate in the Department of Communications. Most recently, Elise presented her competitively selected research on instructional communication at the Western States Communication Association Annual Convention. In addition to her studies, Elise teaches Fundamentals of Public Communication and Group Discussion, and has been recognized as an outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA). She also earned the President’s Graduate Scholarship and was the Graduate Scholarship recipient for the Fresno Women’s Network. Elise is currently in the final stages of completing her graduate project, which considers how to prepare future GTAs, and will graduate with her Master of Arts this spring. 
Counseling (MFCC): Diego Rodriguez Garcia Mr. Garcia will be completing his M.S. in Counseling, Option in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling in May 2017.  Since beginning his program,  he has been active in Chi Sigma Iota, the International Counseling Honor Society, where he currently serves as Treasurer.  He is a member of the American Counseling Association, the Association for Child and Adolescent Counseling, the Association for Humanistic Counseling, the Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Issues in Counseling, the Association for Specialists in Group Work, the Association for Play Therapy, and the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists.  He currently is completing his EMDR Level One Certification.  After completing requirements for licensure in California, Mr. Garcia hopes to complete his Ph.D. in Counselor Education.
Criminology: Catherine Nakato Catherine Nakato represents the hard work and dedication in the Department of Criminology graduate program.   As an international student, Catherine has become an example for many students in our graduate program; she has adjusted well and continued her hard work despite the struggle to find housing, work, and other necessities.  Catherine has spent the last 2 years working for us as a student assistant and has really facilitated so many aspects of the department’s teaching and research, as well as developing her own creative and outstanding research endeavors.  Catherine’s research looks at policing and various issues of terrorism.   Catherine is an extraordinary student and we are lucky to have her in our department.
Education: Curriculum & Instruction: Renee Kinman Renee Kinman already holds an M.D. and a Ph.D. She was interested in pursuing an M.A. degree in Education-Curriculum and Instruction to become an even more effective and innovative medical educator. She also wanted to explore the parallels between medical education and K-12 education, and how these can intersect with public health. Renee’s graduate studies resulted in her being appointed as Associate Program Director of UCSF-Fresno’s pediatric residency program, which she has revamped to focus on community health, social justice, and advocacy. This important work, summarized in her thesis, includes partnering with local high schools’ health career pathways. 
English: Guadalupe Remigio

Guadalupe Remigio Ortega is a first-generation college student born in Sinaloa, Mexico. Her research focuses on the state of Latino/a students in higher education, specifically in writing courses. She writes to advocate for new pedagogical practices in the writing classroom that validate the experiences and identities of students from marginalized communities. She currently teaches writing at Fresno State and Reedley College. She has presented her research at various conferences and is currently working as a research assistant on a grant project and article publication that focus on bringing awareness regarding the barriers and challenges faced by undocumented students in the university.

Fine Arts (Creative Writing): Ronald Dzerigian

Ronald Lawrence Dzerigian’s poems primarily take refuge in the rural landscape of the great Central Valley and, within that space, tend to explore the transformative qualities of human nature. He received the C.G. Hanzlicek Fellowship while working on his MFA at California State University, Fresno, and has been a two-time recipient of the Academy of American Poets' Ernesto Trejo Memorial Prize in 2014 and 2015. His poems have recently been published by The Academy of American Poets, The Winter Anthology, Watershed Review, and Santa Ana River Review.

Fine Arts (Creative Writing): Erica Hughes

Erica Hughes is a first-year MFA student in Creative Writing, Poetry. She is a California native and spent the first half of her childhood in San Jose and the second half in Madera. She is a recent graduate of Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. At Dordt, Erica majored in English Literature and participated in the Kuyper Scholars program, which is Dordt College’s honors program. 

This year, Erica began teaching in the First Year Writing Program, working in the Graduate Writing Studio as a writing consultant, and blogging for The Twelve. During the 2016-2017 academic school year, she has published short essays like “Dear White Evangelicals” and “Poetry of the Body.” Later this summer, her poems “If You Choose,” “Divine Grief,” and “He Touches Us” will be published in HumanKind Magazine. 

Geology: Jessie Shield Jessie Shields is in her second semester in the Earth and Environmental Sciences graduate program, but she has already shown an exceptionally high level of scholarship.  She has a mature approach to research and has already developed the ability to formulate her own working hypotheses on complex geologic problems.  Her understanding of petrology and geochemistry, as well as her petrographic (microscope) skills are exceptional.  In addition to her fine scholarship, Jessie has an enthusiasm and dedication that is infectious and her excellence helps raise the level of scholarship among her fellow graduate students.
Higher Education, Administration, and Leadership (HEAL): Jessica Adams  Jessica Adams is a graduate student in the Higher Education, Administration, and Leadership Degree Pathway in the Department of Educational Leadership as well as the Coordinator for Gender Programs and Services at the Cross Cultural and Gender Center at Fresno State. Social justice has been woven into her work since earning her Bachelor’s degree in Women’s Studies and entering the professional world working in the field of domestic violence. She recently completed her thesis focused on White student affairs professionals’ engagement with students on the topics of Whiteness and White privilege. In Fall 2017, Jessica will begin her doctoral program in Education at Iowa State University.
Industrial Technology: Arthish Bhaskar Arthish Bhaskar is a graduate student in the department of Industrial Technology, Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology pursuing working on research projects guided by Dr. Balaji Seth in developing modern Variable Rate Wireless Sprinkler technology for Precision Irrigation and farm automation (SmartFarm) funded by National Science Foundation. Arthish received a prestigious scholarship at 2016 Irrigation Association Show as E3 – Exposure, Education and Experience winner and also was the winner of best research award at ASABE CA/NV section meeting 2017. He is the student coordinator for Future Farmers of America Computer Applications contest of FFA State Finals at Fresno State. He also represented Jordan College at the World Ag Expo 2017.
Kinesiology: Sarah Pierce Sarah has been able to maintain a 3.857 GPA as a graduate student while balancing family, work, school, and a daily 2-hr commute. Sarah works at a physical therapy office and a local gym, and volunteers to support both of her kids’ athletic programs. Her true passion and love for the field of Kinesiology is exemplified by her outstanding original thesis comparing the relative recruitment of mid-section musculature during the performance of planks to that of crunches. Her work will help professionals in the fitness and rehabilitation industry make evidence-based decisions regarding the prescription of abdominal strengthening exercises.
Linguistics: Reagan Clark “Reagan Clark maintains a 4.0 GPA and volunteers weekly at the American English Institute at Fresno State and the Calwa Elementary. She is a member of the Graduate Net Initiative's cohort STRINGS and the Graduate Mentor of the Community ESL Teaching Assistants (CETA) project, which has 14 volunteers in the Fresno Adult School ESL classes at 10 different locations. This project has reached over 250 ESL students. Reagan recently helped organize a fundraising event to showcase its impact and presented the project at a CATESOL conference and to President Castro at Vintage Days on campus.
Mathematics: Nicholas Newsome Nicholas Newsome has won the Department of Mathematics Outstanding Graduate Student Award, and he has been nominated for the CSM and University awards. He has excelled not only in his studies, but also in research, teaching, and service. Nick has presented his research at a professional conference, and he is scheduled to make more presentations this spring. In addition, he has submitted a research paper to a peer-reviewed journal, and he is currently working on a second paper. He serves as a Teaching Assistant for Math 1RA and actively participates in departmental outreach events such as Math Field Day. Next year, Nick will continue his education as a Ph.D. student at UC Riverside.
Music: Micah Davison “Mr. Davison is a gifted musician who has honed his craft as a percussionist to a high level”, According to his mentor, Dr. Matthew Darling. As a scholar Micah has maintained a 4.0 GPA, and as a musician he won the 2017 Fresno State Concerto Competition. He performs with many University musical ensembles and also performs professionally with many local groups. He has volunteered for several state and local music educators associations, serving in several capacities such as coach, adjudicator, and manager.
Physical Therapy: Marissa Carranza Marissa Carranza demonstrates attributes and actions that make her a true ambassador of the Doctorate of Physical Therapy program and Fresno State. Marissa has demonstrated tremendous growth throughout her time here at Fresno State. She has embodied the department mission of life-long learning, professional advocacy, and she has developed leadership skills which will enhance quality of life for all. Marissa’s involvement in the CA Physical Therapy Association (CPTA) Student Special Interest Group has been pivotal for all PT students across CA. Congratulations Marissa, you make us proud and we cannot wait for all of the exciting things your future holds. Welcome to the Fresno State Alumni Association…Go Bulldogs #BeBold! 
Plant Science: Jacob Hurst Jacob Hurst joined the Department of Plant Sciences graduate program in fall of 2014 following completion of his B.Sc. from Cornell University. Returning to his home state, Jacob expressed considerable interest in working on a project that addressed issues facing crop production in semi-arid climes. As he enrolled in our Department’s Plant Micropropagation course in 2009 as a University High Student he centered his research on the in vitro propagation of Opuntia indica, assessing the feasibility of this technology in graftage of salt tolerant rootstock and marketable-fruit producing scions. He completed his M.Sc. studies with distinction in December 2016.
School Psychology: Melina Ortiz Melina began her graduate program with work experience as a behavior therapist and has continued to develop expertise in applied behavior analysis concurrently with her school psychology training, earning the Janet Cisneros Memorial Scholarship.  She will complete the coursework and field experience for both, earning the Ed.S. degree and PPS credential this spring and the BCBA next year. Ms. Ortiz built on her work with children with autism and developed her project on Increasing Autism Awareness in the Central Valley Hispanic Community. 
Social Work: Savannah Gomes Savannah will receive her Masters of Social Work (MSW) this spring while completing a credential in Pupil and Personnel Services. Since 2014, Savannah has been a contributing member of the Valley Children’s Hospital staff, serving as a member on the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the protection of human subjects. As a teenage survivor of cancer, she became a trained mentor for other youth with cancer by providing social-emotional support and encouragement. Savannah has devoted lots of energy to Valley Children’s Hospital, including serving as the keynote speaker for Children’s 101 Philanthropist luncheons and Bravo Accomplishment dinners honoring staff, and participating as a panel speaker for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.  
Spanish: Jovana Lopez Jovana’s graduate research project is devoted to studying the transnational writings of Caribbean women writers. Jovana has presented her research at the Fresno State Graduate Symposium and is the co-founder and past president of A.P.C.E. (Asociación para la promoción de las culturas en español), with which she organized multiple ASI-sponsored events on campus. Jovana has worked as a TA teaching Spanish to Fresno State and University High school students, and she has played an extraordinary service role for the Spanish-speaking community on campus as a reporter for La Voz de Aztlán, a co-facilitator for Entre Mujeres- Latinx Support group-, and an instructional staff and former peer advisor at C.A.M.P. (College Assistance Migrant Program), and a student lead coordinator at the Cross Cultural and Gender Center, where her services have been  recognized with the “Cross Cultural Interaction Recognition Award."