Division of Graduate Studies
Degrees are not granted automatically. Graduate students who anticipate completing all courses and requirements by the final day of a term, must apply for graduation online at their Student Center (My Academic Records & Registration > Graduation Application), receive online approval from their graduate program coordinator/director, and pay a non-refundable application filing fee in order to complete the graduation application filing period.
In order to be eligible to apply for graduation, students must:
- Have an approved “Petition of Advancement to Candidacy” on file in the Division of Research and Graduate Studies office
- Attain a minimum 3.0 program GPA
- Receive online approval from their graduate program coordinator prior to completing the online application process
Students will receive automated emails once their graduate program coordinators have approved their graduation applications online. Upon receipt of the emails, students must then pay a non-refundable graduation application fee at their Student Center (My Finances [Financial Obligations and Financial Aid] > click on View eBills/Make a Payment > select Degree Application, then select Degree Application - Masters, Ed.S, and Doctoral).
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all requirements have been met, and appropriate paperwork has been filed in the Division of Graduate Studies office by the published deadlines.
In order to meet graduation requirements, students must complete all coursework by the final day of the semester they intend to graduate in. Grades must be posted in all courses by the published deadlines, including those that are not part of a student’s approved program. Students may not graduate with an "I", "RD", or "RP" grade in any course on their record, beginning with the earliest semester/term listed on the advancement petition.
Final thesis (299) and project (298) grades, and the completion of the Comprehensive Examination are reported on the "Graduate Degree Clearance" form. The clearance form also provides certification that a student has met all requirements for the graduate degree to be granted. Upon clearance of the degrees, project and thesis grades (as reported on the clearance forms) will be submitted to the Academic Records Office for posting. Students may not deliver the clearance forms themselves, but it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the clearance form is submitted to the Division of Graduate Studies by the deadline. Failure to submit the "Graduate Degree Clearance" form by the deadline will result in the immediate cancellation of a student’s graduate degree.
To be eligible to graduate with distinction, students must have earned a minimum 3.9 GPA in all program coursework (courses listed on the “Petition of Advancement to Candidacy”). This honor is noted on the student’s diploma and official transcript.
Note: Grade reporting deadlines for the spring semester do not permit notation of distinction in the Commencement Program for spring graduates.
Certification Letters
Students needing written confirmation of their degree prior to the posting of the degree on the transcript, may request a letter of certification from the Division of Graduate Studies. All official course grades must be posted and requirements must be completed before the letter may be issued.
Unofficial transcripts with the degree posted are available upon clearance of the degree from a student’s Student Center. Information regarding requesting an official transcript, is available from the Office of the University Registrar's website: Transcript Information.
Diplomas are mailed to students approximately three to four months after the graduation date. The Undergraduate Degree Evaluations office mails all diplomas to students. Students are sent an email on the day the diploma is put in the mail for delivery.