Division of Graduate Studies
Required GPA
Graduate degree students must meet the following grade point average requirements:
- For university admission, a 2.5.
- For graduation, a 3.0 minimum on all coursework listed on the approved degree program (“Petition of Advancement to Candidacy”). Note: No courses with grades below “C” may be listed on the student’s “Petition of Advancement to Candidacy.”
- For graduation with distinction, a 3.9 on all coursework listed on the “Petition of Advancement to Candidacy.”
For details, see the General Catalog .
Administrative Academic Probation (AAP)
Students enrolled in graduate degree programs may be placed on AAP for the following reasons:
- failure to maintain the minimum GPA of 3.0 required by Title 5, California Code of Regulations;
- withdrawal from a substantial portion of a program in two successive terms or in any three terms;
- repeated failure to make progress toward the graduate degree; or
- failure to comply with an academic requirement or regulation that is routine for all students or for a defined group of students.
Upon the report of any of the above, a permanent note of probation will be placed on the student’s transcript. (see the Graduate Coordinator Handbook). The department will be asked to monitor the student’s progress in meeting the requisite goals for continuing toward achievement of the degree.
Students enrolled in graduate programs are required to maintain a minimum 3.0 post baccalaureate cumulative grade point average (GPA) prior to advancement to candidacy. Once students have advanced to candidacy, they must maintain a minimum 3.0 program GPA, which includes only coursework listed on the “Petition for Advancement to Candidacy.”
Students who do not meet the above criteria will be placed on Administrative Academic Probation (AAP). Students who are placed on AAP for any two semesters will be disqualified from the university.