Federal Resource Links
The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
A government-wide compendium of Federal programs, projects, services, and activities
which provide assistance or benefits to the American public.
Federal Acquisition Jumpstation
Your link to federal acquisitions on the Internet
Federal Register | Fedworld - access to many Federal systems on-line.
GPO - Government Printing Office access, Federal Register, Congressional Directories,
House and Senate, Congressional Record, Public Laws, and other documents and publications.
Grants.gov - Grants.gov is the single access point for over 1,000 grant programs offered by
all Federal grant-making agencies.
NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts
Office of Justice Programs
Departmental funding Opportunities
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC)
U.S. Department of Education (ED)
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
EPA Grants and Contracts
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s programs, servers, and information.
NEH - National Endowment for the Humanities access to programs, applications and current
endowment information.
NIH - home to the National Institute of Health’s programs, resources, research and other
NSF - National Science Foundation (click on program at the right)
National Network of Law School Officers (NNLSO)
NCURA - National Council of Research Administrators.
NCURA Regions - NCURA regional information.
Welcome to California - Home page to State of California’s resources, services and information on the net
Idealist - A project of Action Without Borders; features 20,000 nonprofit and community organizations
in 140 countries, which you can search or browse by name, location or mission.
California State Contracts Register - Access to contracts released by California agencies and departments through the
Department of General Services.
California Trade and Commerce Agency - Home page to the Trade and Commerce Agency,
which provides resources for economic development and job creation.
California Department of Food and Agriculture - Agriculture Export Program, provides information on agricultural exports, services,
programs and trade links.
California Student Aid Commission - Information about California college grants, scholarships, student loans, and specialized
financial aid programs.
Earth and Space Foundation - Was founded to offer grants to expeditions or field work using space related technologies
or undertaking work with space related apps.
Portuguese Historical Museum - Preserves the culture and heritage of Portuguese immigrants from the time of the
discoveries to the present day.
Coming Soon