Research and Sponsored Programs
Conflict of Interest
Conflict of Interest law seeks to minimize the extent to which public employees pursue their own financial interests at the expense of public interest.
Investigators are required to disclose Significant Financial Interest (SFI) whenever an investigator applies for funding from National Science Foundation (NSF), Public Health Service (PHS) agencies (e.g., NIH), or other agencies adopting federal requirements. Investigators must disclose SFI annually during the life of a sponsored research project, and within 30 days of discovering or acquiring a new SFI.
PIs requesting funds from state, county, and city government are exempt from filing conflict of interest forms. Exempt sponsors are listed in this document: FPPC List of Exempt Agencies- List begins on Page 3.
PIs applying to federal agencies requiring financial conflict of interest disclosure (e.g., NIH, NSF) must complete the Federal Disclosure Form.
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(1) Principal Investigators and key personnel are required to submit a disclosure statement at the proposal submission stage and every year during the life of the grant or contract, unless disclosure is triggered by another event prior to an annual disclosure.
(2) Principal investigators and key personnel are required to complete financial conflict of interest training prior to engaging in research related to any PHS-funded grant or contract and every four (4) years after award for the life of the grant or contract. Training is offered through Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Program. CITI Program’s conflict of interest courses cover the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) regulations on financial conflicts of interest and an investigator's responsibilities related to the disclosure of Significant Financial Interests.
CITI Conflict of Interest Training Instructions
List of Agencies that Adopted Public Health Service (PHS) Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Policy: List of Agencies
PIs requesting funding from nonexempt non-governmental sources must file the one-page
California Form 700-U.
(1) Filing of form 700-U for an initial submission of a grant or contract (before the final acceptance of a contract, grant, or gift);
(2) Filing of form 700-U within 30 days after the contract, grant, or gift is renewed. California State University, Fresno defines “renewal” as a competitive renewal (i.e., the PI must apply for the grant).
(3) CSU system-wide ethics training must be completed within six (6) months of receiving the grant or contract. Subsequent training is required every two years that the grant or contract is active. Training is administered through the Human Resources department via the CSULearn system training portal.
- Please click this link to access the system: KUALI COI
- Using your Fresno State username and password, log in to Kuali COI.
- Click the “Start” button to open your “My Disclosures” user dashboard.
- Click the “Create Disclosure” button and follow the system prompts to complete a new disclosure, OR
- Click the “Update Disclosure” button and follow the system prompts to update your disclosure.
- After submitting your disclosure, you will be redirected to your “My Disclosures” dashboard.
- From your dashboard, you may confirm your disclosure status. A status should reflect either “Up-to-Date” or “Submitted for Approval” in the status column.
- Disclosures with a status of “Submitted for Approval” will be further reviewed by the Research Compliance Officer (RCO). Once approved, a system-generated email will be sent confirming the approval.
- Disclosures approved at submission will not receive an approval email in confirmation. Approval status is confirmed in your user dashboard, which immediately reflects a status of “Up-to-Date.”
- If your status correctly reflects your submission, close your browser to exit the Kuali COI system.
- Please contact the Research Compliance Officer (RCO) with any questions or concerns about your COI disclosure. Contact