Research and Sponsored Programs
24th Annual Central California Research Symposium
Thursday, April 17, 2003 University Business Center California State University, Fresno
Judges for Undergraduate and Graduate Student Presentations and Poster Presentations:
- Mr. Perry Angle California State University, Fresno
- Dr. Saeed Attar California State University, Fresno
- Dr. Sharon Benes California State University, Fresno
- Dr. Kathryn Bumpass California State University, Fresno
- Dr. Alejandro Calderon-Urrea California State University, Fresno
- Dr. Merle Canfield Alliant International University, Fresno
- Dr. Jerry Davoli California State University, Fresno
- Dr. Cynthia Earye United States Department of Agriculture
- Dr. Amir Huda California State University, Fresno
- Dr. Donna Hudson University of California, San Francisco
- Dr. Pamela Lackie California State University, Fresno
- Dr. Thomas McClanahan California State University, Fresno
- Dr. Howard Ono California State University, Fresno
- Dr. Karl Oswald California State University, Fresno
- Mr. Rick Stewart Fresno City College
- Dr. Robert Wells Children’s Hospital Central California
- Dr. Alice Wright California State University, Fresno
- Mr. Davin Youngclarke University of California, San Francisco
Time Stamp Information | Time Stamp Information |
Plenary Session University Business Center Auditorium, Room 191 |
Opening Remarks | Dr. Michael Ortiz, California State University, Fresno Dr. Thomas McClanahan, California State University, Fresno Dr. Joan Voris, University of California, San Francisco Fresno Medical Education Program Dr. Donna Hudson, University of California, San Francisco, Fresno Medical Education Program |
Health Status in the San Joaquin Valley: A Comparison of California by Regions | Veronica Rivera, B.S., Alvaro Garza, M.D., M.P.H. |
An Assessment of the Economic Feasibility of Using Raisins as an Ethanol Feedstock | Kristen Callens, Ellen Burnes, Ph.D. |
Disease and Danger in Greek Poleis: How the Ancient Greeks Interpreted Physical and Abstract Diseases | Xay Lee, B.A., Pamela Lackie, Ph.D. |
Characterization and Transposon Mutagenesis of Propargyl Bromide Degraders | |
Concurrent Session A University Business Center Auditorium, Room 191 |
Natural Law in the Holy Sonnets of John Donne | Edward J. Garcia, Ruth Jenkins, Ph.D. |
Literacy: Decontextualization, and Social Situation | Christina Harralson, Rick Hansen, Ph.D. |
Hysteria in Eliza Haywood’s The British Recluse | Laura Holden |
The New Sparta: How the Events of the Fifth Century B.C.E. Changed Spartan Society | Skyler Nielsen, Pamela Lackie, Ph.D. |
World War II and its Social Effect on the Family | Denise Best, Pamela Lackie, Ph.D. |
Legal Controversies Related to Brown v. Board of Education | Alicia Rivera, Malik Simba, Ph.D. |
Concurrent Session B University Business Center Room 192 |
Regular Flow-Direction-Switching Increased Elimination Capacity in a Vapor-Phase Biofilter During Transient Loading Events | William F. Wright, Ph.D., Edward D. Schroeder, Ph.D., Daniel P.Y. Chang, Ph.D. |
The Evolution of Cognitive Predispositions: Hunting Adaptations | Matthew J. Sharps, Ph.D., Sarah Van Valkenburgh, Heather Stahl |
Does Water Flow Become Unstable in All Soils? | Zhi Wang, Ph.D., Willaim A. Jury, Ph.D., Atac Tuli, Ph.D. |
Genetic Variation in Trifolium bolanderi A. Gray Compared with Trifolium longipes Nutt. | Renee Denton, M.S., Ethelynda Harding, Ph.D. |
Control of Nutrients in Agricultural Runoff Water by Barrier Plantings | Morton S. Rothberg |
Recent Air Quality Research Related to Dairy Operations in the San Joaquin Valley | Charles Krauter, Ph.D., Dave Goorahoo, Ph.D., Matt Beene |
Concurrent Session C University Business Center Room 193 |
The Stability of Severe Mental Illness: A Longitudinal Study of Mexican Americans | Alma Garcia, Rebeka Radcliff, Christina Alejo-Garcia, Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, Ph.D. |
Group Size Effect for Positive, Negative and Neutral Events | Andrew R. Smith, Paul C. Price, Ph.D. |
Interfering Effects of Music on Retention | Adam B. Hess, Melissa J. Boyd, Keo Mo, Karl Oswarld, Ph.D. |
Laboratory Investigations on Behaviors of Grassiella sp. (Thysanura: Nicoletiidae: Atelurinae) a Nest Associate of Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmecinae) | Christopher A. Hamm, Robert R. Baldridge, Fred E. Schreiber, Ph.D. |
Effects of Lipoic Acid and Diet-Induced Stress on Survival of Random Pattern Skin Flaps in an Animal Model | Saben Kane, Randy Shahbazian, M.D., Jared Nakashima, Kent Yamaguchi, M.D., Tim Tyner, M.D. |
Factors Affecting Incomplete Excision of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma | Bahram Sohrabi, Abdolkarim Nasrabadi |
Concurrent Session D University Business Center Room 194 AB |
Beneficial Effects of Propofol Anesthesia in Reconstructive Surgery: Survival Study of Random Pattern Skin Flaps in an Animal Model | Jared Nakashima, Randy Shahbazian, M.D., Saben Kane, Kent Yamaguchi, M.D., Tim Tyner, M.D. |
Potential Organic Control of the Invasive Riceland Tadpole Shrimp Triops longicaudatus Using Methyl Farnesoate | William K. Nelson, Brian Tsukimura, Ph.D. |
Addition of Surfactants to Improve Irrigation Efficiency in Commercial Turf Systems | Genett Carstensen, Dave Goorahoo, Ph.D. |
Object Relations in the Dynamics of Spiritual and Psychological Well-Being | Leda L. Smith, M.A. |
Virtual Counseling: A Validation Study of Academic Counseling Via Internet Facilities | Yury Kostin, Ron Unruh, Ph.D. |
Voter Registration as a Predictor of Jury Bias | Petra Smith, Shelby Palmer |
Concurrent Session E University Business Center Auditorium, Room 191 |
Petrarch’s Advice and What This Means to Humanists | Staci Grunau, Pamela D. Lackie, Ph.D. |
Pompey’s Sole Consulship in 52 BC: The Proverbial Last Straw | Jeffery S. McMullen, Pamela D. Lackie, Ph.D. |
A Novel Random-Walk Algorithm for the Solution of Time-Harmonic Helmholtz Equation at Multiple Wavelength Length Scales | Paul Matos, Kausik Chatterjee, Ph.D., Y.L. LeCoz, N.Y. Troy |
Synthesis of Rotenone Derivatives: Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain (ETC) Complex I Probes | Linda Xiong, Henry Vanbrocklin, Nandanan Erathodiyil |
Intelligent Facilitation Agent: Automating Group Meeting Facilitation | |
Concurrent Session F University Business Center Room 192 |
Environmental Effects on the Lifecycle of the Chinese Mitten Crab, Eriocheir sinensis | Daniel K. Bauer, Brian Tsukimura, Ph.D. |
Effects of Methyl Farnesaote in the Regulation of Gonadal Development in the Ridgeback Shrimp, Sicyonia ingentis | Isidro Fierro, Brian Tsukimura, Ph.D. |
Progress in the Phylogeny of the Dasycladales (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta): A Multi- ÙGene Approach | M.P. Ashworth, F.W. Zechman, Ph.D. |
Induction of PCD in Caenorhabditis elegans by Targeting Ced-9 Using RNA Interference: Potential to Control Plant Pathogenic Nematodes | Robert T. Gaeta, Alejandro Calderon-Urrea, Ph.D. |
Survival of Escherichia Coli (ATCC 25922) and Natural Microflora Populations on Avocado After Exposure | JiaJia Chen, Erin Dormedy, Ph.D., Joseph Smilanick, Ph.D. |
Microbial Gene Regulation of 2,4-D Degradation | Jovita M. Diaz, Alice D. Wright, Ph.D. |
Molecular Phylogeny of the Caulerpales Based on rbcL Gene Sequence Variations | Daryl W. Lam, Frederick W. Zechman, Ph.D. |
Concurrent Session G University Business Center Room 193 |
A Needs Assessment for a Multicultural Center at the Campus of California State University, Fresno | Rebecca Aleman |
Eyewitness Identification of Forensically Relevant Inanimate Objects: Vehicles | Amy Boothby Villegas, Matthew J. Sharps, Ph.D., Brianna Satterthwaite, Sarah Chisholm |
Development of a Method to Detect Water-Soluble Accelerants in Arson Debris for Forensic Laboratories | Julie Rodriguez, Jarrad Wagner, Ph.D. |
Fathers and Breastfeeding: A Study of Partners of Low-Income Women | Mimi Mott-Smith, F.N.P. |
Cognition, Adult ADHD, and Substance Abuse | Jana L. Price-Sharps, Matthew J. Sharps, Ph.D., Sandy Schulte Day, Amy Boothby-Villegas, Michael A. Nunes |
Nutrition Network for Healthy, Active Families: Program Description, Process Evaluation, and Outcome Evaluation | Theresa Leveque, Stacy Mele, Debra M. Harris, Ph.D. |
Concurrent Session H University Business Center Room 194 AB |
Processes and Experiences Associated with Secondary Conditions | Virginia R. Hernandez, Ph.D., M.S.W. |
Tobacco Use and Environmental Tobacco Exposure in a Southeast Asian Population: Norms, Networks and Behaviors | Deborah Helsel, Ph.D., Judith Calvo, Ph.D. |
A Comparative Study of Tuberculosis Coming From Vietnam, the Philippines and Cambodia | Dominic Dizon, M.D. |
Size and Scope of Managed Medi-Cal in Fresno County | Susan Hughes, M.S., Sean Schafer, M.D., Lydia Herrera-Mata, M.D., Norman Hearst, M.D., M.P.H. |
Serotonin Transporter Promoter Polymorphism Genotype Is Associated with Behavioral Disinhibition and Negative Affect in Children of Alcoholics | Geoff R. Twitchell, Ph.D., G.L. Hanna, E.H. Cook, H.E. Fitzgerald, R.A. Zucker |
Medical Residents Fatigue with Traditional Call and Night Float Call | Jim Phanucharas, L.Kerr, K. Van Gundy |
Profile of San Joaquin Valley Nursing Students | Sean Schafer, M.D., Andrew Alvarado, Ed.D, Lupe Vargas, Jean A. Seago, Ph.D., R.N., Dennis Keane, M.P.H.,Kevin Grumback, M.D. |
Poster Session I University Business Center 12:00 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. Gottschalks Gallery and University Business Center, Room 194 C Authors will be available for questions from 12:00 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. |
Seasonal Ammonia Emissions From Crops in the San Joaquin Valley, California | Matt Beene, C. Krauter, Ph.D., D. Goorahoo, Ph.D. |
Evidence for the Lack of Evolutionary Conservation of Cell Death Pathways Between Plants and Animals | Tesha Boado, Robert T. Gaeta, Denise K. Case, Glenda W. Polack, Alejandro Calderon-Urrea, Ph.D. |
An Investigation into the Pinus sabiniana Range Discontinuity in the Kings, Kaweah, and Tule Watersheds | Robin A. Brake, Ruth A. Kern, Ph.D. |
Assessing the Impacts of Food-Processing Effluent Land Application on Subsurface Water Quality | Florence Cassel, Ph.D., Mary McClanahan, Shankar Sharmasarkar, Dave Goorahoo, Ph.D. |
Chest X-Ray Interpretation: An Educational Module | Michael Comerford, R.N. |
Promoter Activity of tfdR | Michelle Davison, Alice Wright, Ph.D. |
Dynamic Instabilities in Tropospheric Chemical Reactions: A Modeling Study | Rhon E. Manor, Alam Hasson, Ph.D. |
Application of the Spacing Effect to a Classroom Setting | Keo Mo, Adam B. Hess, Karl M. Oswald, Ph.D. |
Analysis of Changes in PSA Levels with Reference to Recurrence of Prostate Cancer | Uma Mohanasundaram, M.D., Atsuko Shibata, M.D., Ph.D. |
Wound Management: A Teaching Module for Nurse Practitioners | Steven T. Garrard, R.N. |
Riparian Vegetation Composition and Organic Matter Inputs on Headwater Streams of the Sierra Nevada | Dana K. Nagy, Ruth A. Kern, Ph.D., Carolyn T. Hunsaker |
Management of Hepatitis C Among Inmate Population | Isabel Mathos |
Fresno State’s New Campus Observatory | F.A. Ringwald, S.J. White, A.I. Cowley, G.E. Morgan, J.W. Prigge, S.S. Endler, H.D. Guenther, B.K. Bellis, E.D. Cardoza, G. Reyna, J.D. Rorabaugh, R.W. Severson, Jr. |
Preventing Teen Pregnancy: Teenagers’ Opinions Regarding Sex Education | Nancy Ramirez |
Molecular Systematics of the Cladophorales Based on rbcL and 26SrRNA | Wendy Holmes, Rick Zechman, Ph.D. |
Persuasion and Advertising: Teaching Resistance to Unhealthy Food Choice | Sarah Horton, Robert Levine, Ph.D. |
Gender Differences and Hunger Status on Self-Esteem and Anxiety: A Quasi-Experimental Study | Tee Jane Teh, Lynnette Zelezny, Ph.D. |
Remarkable Luminescence Behavior of Two-Coordinate Gold (I) Complexes: Correlation of Structure and Spectroscopy | Daniel Rios, Saeed Attar, Ph.D., Matthias Stender, Ph.D., Rochelle L. White-Morris, Ph.D., Alan L. Balch, Ph.D. |
Sequence Diversity in the tfdR Regulatory Gene for the 2,4-D Catabolic Pathway | Kurt R. Sterling, Alice Wright, Ph.D. |
Preliminary Study of the Relationship Between E-Coli, Total Suspended Solids and Ammonium in Dairy Lagoon Effluent | Genett Carstensen, Dave Goorahoo, Ph.D. |
Poster Session II University Business Center 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Gottschalks Gallery and University Business Center, Room 194 C Authors will be available for questions from 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. |
A Cross Sectional View of a Volcanic Plumbing System: Constraints Based on Mineral Chemistry | Keith Putirka, Ph.D., Christopher D. Condit |
The Effects of List Segregation on Directed Forgetting | Nicole Moon, Danielle Hester, Mitchel Casados, Kazuko Suzuki |
Paired Watershed Study in the Forests of the Sierra Nevada | Marie Lynch |
Foster Children’s Attachment Behaviors in Visitations with Non-Custodial Parents | Brandy Lucas, Carolyn W. Graham, Ph.D. |
Fire Intensity and Shrub Cover Effects on Microclimate and Tree Regeneration in Sierra Nevada Forests | Ryan P. Lopez, Ruth A. Kern, Ph.D. |
Isolation and Characterization of Organisms Capable of Degrading Pesticide Alternatives to Methyl Bromide | Paphavee Lertsethtakarn, Archana Mohan, Joy Mombourquette, Alice Wright, Ph.D. |
Combating Phytophthora Disease in Pepper (Capsicum Annum) | B.R. Glosier, L.M. Donnelly, V.M. Gomes, E.A. Ogundiwin, G. Sidhu, J. P. Prince, Ph.D. |
Gay Identity and Anger in Homosexual Relationships | Ryan Gonzalez, Christine Edmondson, Ph.D. |
Familial Mediterranean Fever in a Pediatric Hispanic Population | Michael Henrickson, M.D. |
Improving Empathy, Knowledge, and Helping Behavior Towards the Hungry: Evaluating the Interactive Seminar, Hunger 101 | Amanda Knapp, Lisa Winters |
The Effects of Logging and Prescribed Fire on Fecundity and Seed Dispersal of Sierran Conifers | Ruth A. Kern, Ph.D. |
Cancer in the South Asian Population of California | Ratnali V. Jain, Paul K. Mills, Ph.D. |
A Comparison of Academic Success in Two Groups of Students: Those Who Participate in the Doctor’s Academy Versus Those Who Follow a Traditional High School Curriculum | Lydia Herrera-Mata, Andrew Alvarado, Ed.D., Sean Schafer, M.D. |
Identification and Characterization of Rhizobium Infecting California Native Clover | Jennifer Turner, Ethelynda Harding, Ph.D. |
Synthesis and Characterization of a New Chiral Ligand: N,N-bis (ferrocenylidene)-trans-(1S,2S)-diaminocyclohexane | Angela G. Thornton, Saeed Attar, Ph.D., Matthias Stender, Ph.D. |
Metabolic Syndrome is Highly Prevalent in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease | Nini Thomas, Prakash Deewania, M.D. |
1-Ferrocenyl-3-phenyl-2-propen-1-one and 3-Ferrocenyl-1-phenyl-2-propen-1-one as Potential Nematicidal Agents | Zachary J. O’Brien, Saeed Attar, Ph.D., Alejandro Calderon-Urrea, Ph.D., Robert T. Gaeta, Parameswar Hari, Ph.D. |
Host Associations of Bradyrhizobium From Paired Plants of Lupinus bicolor and Lotus purshianus | Leigh Schmidt, Ethelynda Harding, Ph.D. |
Online Data Collection of Secondary Agricultural Education Data | Michael Spiess |