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Research and Sponsored Programs

26th Annual Central California - Research Symposium Award Winners

Oral and poster abstracts are available online

Record Number of Poster Presentations at 26th Annual Central California Research

SYMPOSIUM FRESNO (APRIL 21, 2005) – There were a record number of poster presentations at the 26th Annual Central California Research Symposium, held April 21 at the University Business Center on the campus of California State University, Fresno.

Hosted by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at California State University, Fresno, the Symposium serves to bring together investigators, students, and faculty from a variety of disciplines to share the results of their scholarly work. Co-sponsors of the event include the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Fresno Medical Education Program, and Children’s Hospital of Central California.

A total of 52 oral and 60 poster presentations were made at the event, which attracted students from San Jose, Pomona, Santa Cruz, and throughout the Central Valley.

Three students from California State University, Fresno captured first-place honors for their oral presentations. Lisa Gaitero and Jamie Rogers received graduate honors for their project, “The Effects of a Group-Structured Balance and Mobility Program for Seniors at Risk for Fall,” while Brittany Stapp was the undergraduate winner for her presentation, “Biosynthetic Collagen Nerve Guide Abrogates Neuropathic Pain Associated with Neuroma Formation Following Sciatic Nerve Ligation.”

 In the poster competition, the two first-place winners were Kimberly Senatore (“Soil Water Retention Properties of Soils Irrigated with Saline-Sodic Drainage Water”) and Denise Lopez (“Coenzyme F420 is Involved in the Degradation of Malachite Green in Mycobacteria”). In addition, Karen L. Sproull was honored for having the best sciences presentation,“Influence of Exotic Black Rats on the Reproductive Success of Riparian Woodrats.

A complete list of winners follows. For copies of the abstracts or any questions, please contact Douglas Carey at (559) 278-0840.

Graduate Award for Best Oral Presentation ($250):

Lisa Gaitero, Jamie Rogers – The Effects of a Group-Structured Balance and Mobility Program for Seniors at Risk for Fall

Undergraduate Award for Best Oral Presentation ($250):

Brittany Stapp – Biosynthetic Collagen Nerve Guide Abrogates Neuropathic Pain Associated with Neuroma Formation Following Sciatic Nerve Ligation

Honorable Mention for Undergraduate Oral Presentation:

Kevin T. Webster– The Role of Multimodal Sensory Feedback in the Perceptual Learning of Speech

Award for Best Sciences Presentation: ($250):

Karen L. Sproull – Influence of Exotic Black Rats on the Reproductive Success of Riparian Woodrats

Awards for Best Poster Presentation: ($250 for each first-place winner):

1st place: (Session I) - Kimberly Senatore
Soil Water Retention Properties of Soils Irrigated with Saline-Sodic Drainage Water

1st place: (Session II) - Denise Lopez Coenzyme F420 is Involved in the Degradation of Malachite Green in Mycobacteria

Past Symposium Results