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Research and Sponsored Programs

Organization of Grants and Contracts


November 12, 2003

To: The Campus Community
From: John D. Welty, President
Subject: Organization of Grants and Contracts

In the fall of 2002 I appointed a task force on the organization of grants and contracts, and asked the task force to do the following:

1. Review the summary of CSU audit findings and determine if Fresno State is in compliance with the recommendations.

2. Review the current organization and administration of grant and contracts and determine if the current organization is the most effective and efficient way of administering the program. It should be recognized that the University wishes to continue to increase grant and contract activity.

3. If a proposal is made to shift the organization, please propose a timeline and method of accomplishing this change.

In June, 2003 the task force submitted its report and recommended that grants and contracts should be removed from the Fresno State Foundation. The group was split on the question of whether to move the organization into the University or to establish a separate auxiliary corporation to administer grants and contracts. Those supporting placement in the University did so because there would be a larger amount of indirect funds to distribute to schools/colleges and departments. Those supporting another auxiliary did so because of the belief that the auxiliary would be better able to respond to the needs of principal investigators and to conduct personnel appointments and other purchases in a more effective manner.

Since receiving the report, I have met with the task force, the Deans and a group of principal investigators. I have asked our administrative staff to further study models at San Diego State, San Francisco State and Sonoma State. Further, I have asked our administrative areas to study further the issues addressed in the report.

Based upon this review, it is my judgment that we would be better served if the organizational placement of grants and contracts is located within the University under the responsibility of the Associate Vice President for Research, Grants and Contracts who shall report directly to the Provost. The Associate Vice President shall be responsible for establishing close working relationships between pre and post award activities with support by the Academic Personnel office in Academic Affairs and Human Resources and Financial Management in the administrative division. The policies for grants and contracts shall be determined by a Board on Research, Grants and Contracts which is chaired by the Provost with a majority of the membership from the Academic Affairs division. The grants and contracts office will be relocated to the campus for easier access for principal investigators.

I believe this decision will allow for the maximum amount of indirect dollars to be re-invested in our grants and contracts program while providing the service needed to further stimulate research, grant and contract activity.

Obviously, there is a great deal to be done to make this transition. I am appointing the following people to serve on the implementation team and guide this transition:

D. Jeronima Echeverria, Interim Provost, Chair
Dr. Ken Shipley, Associate Provost
Dr. Jeannine Raymond, Interim Vice President for Administration and Director of Human Resources
Mr. Steve Katz, Controller
Dr. Thomas McClanahan, Associate Vice President, Research, Grants & Contracts
Mr. Thomas Ebert, Associate Vice President, Academic Personnel
Mr. Randy Larson, Director, Foundation Financial Services
Mr. David Zoldoske, Director, Center for Irrigation Technology, representing principal investigators
Dr. Ray Hall, Professor, Department of Physics, representing principal investigators
Dr. Karl Longley, Dean, College of Engineering and Computer Sciences representing the Deans
Mr. Dennis Miller, Auxiliary Human Resources Director

Other people will be called upon to assist in this effort as we proceed. The above group will be asked to recommend to me the actual date that we will implement this change but in no case will it be later than January 1, 2005.

I wish to thank the many people who have participated in this review. Change is never easy and this transition will experience some difficulties undoubtedly. However, I am confident that we will significantly improve our environment to support research, grants and contracts with this change.


Cc: Cabinet
Dr. Barbara Birch, Chair, Academic Senate

Ms. Debbie Astone, Executive Director Auxiliary Corporations Mr. Robert Oliver, Chair, Foundation Board

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