Academic Senate
Prior Tracking
Date Received | Document | Received From | Sent to | Senate Agenda | Approved by Senate | Approved by President |
11.28.22 | APM 220 Program Review |
Nichole Walsh, Vice Chair of Academic Policy and Planning, 11.21.22 |
02.13.2023 |
11.14.22 | Federal Compliance Issue - Commenced Attendance |
Nancy Nisbett, Chair of the Student Affairs Committee, November 4, 2022. The Executive Committee voted to send back to the Student Affairs Committee. 2.6.23. |
11.14.22 | APM 327 Policy on Promotion |
David Low, Chair of the Personnel Committee, November 3, 2022. |
02.13.2023 |
10.31.22 | New Policy on Credit for Prior Learning Assessment |
Nicole Walsh, Vice Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee, October 28, 2022. Policy number assigned - APM 218 and later changed to APM 219. |
12.5.2022 |
11.27.2023 Policy number updated to APM 219. |
12.8.23 |
10.31.22 | APM 131 Procedures for Votes of Confidence |
Dr. Jim Schmidtke, Interim Associate Vice President of Faculty Affairs, October 13, 2022. 3.27.23 - The Executive Committee voted to send APM 131 to AP&P. |
11.21.2022 Returned to the Executive Committee to refer to committee, 3.13.23 |
10.31.22 | Policy on Priority/Early Registration: Need to define campus policy |
Dr. Nancy Nisbett, Chair of the Student Affairs Committee, October 19, 2022. |
Refer to AP&P, 11.14.22. |
10.31.22 | Revisions to Kremen's Articles of Governance |
Becky L. Noël Smith, Chair of the Faculty Assembly for the Kremen School of Education and Human Development. Approved by the Senate Executive Committee, 11.14.22. |
10.24.22 | Resolution in support of the people of Iran and gener equity. (Resolution introduced at 10.24.22 senate meeting) |
10.24.22 |
11.07.22 | ||
10.24.22 | AB 938 required CAL GETC pathway (Resolution introduced at 10.24.22 senate meeting) |
Dr. Raymond Hall, Chair, Academic Senate/10.24.22. |
10.24.22 |
10.24.22 | ||
10.17.22 | Faculty Compensation Study 10.17.22 |
President Jiménez-Sandoval, President Information item. |
10.03.22 | APM 338 Policy on Office Consultation Hours. 9.28.22 |
David Low, Chair of Personnel Committee |
The Executive Committee voted to send APM 338 back to the Personnel Committee, 10.31.22. |
10.03.22 | Request for Articles of Governance - CHHS - 9.28.22 |
Jennifer A. Adame, Associate Professor in Physical Therapy Department APPROVED by the Executive Committee 10.31.22 |
09.19.22 | WASC reaffirmation (introduced at the 9.19.22 Executive Committee meeting) |
Provost Xuanning Fu. Consultation satisfied 10.3.22 |
08.29.22 | Policy on Technology |
Jim Schmidtke, Interim Associate Vice President of Faculty Affairs - 8.2.22 |
Dr. Hall will reach out to the Chair of AIT. |
08.29.22 | Faculty Representation on the Record Adjustment Committee for 2022/23 |
Laura Yager, University Registrar - 5/10/22 |
08.29.22 | MS in Biology Application Requirements Change. |
Maritere Lopez, Chair of Graduate Committee - 5.13.22 |
Executive Committee found that no further actions are needed 9.19.22 |
Consent Calendar 9.12.22 Return to Senate Executive Committee for more documentation. 9.12.22.
08.29.22 | APM 322 Policy on Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness |
David Low, Chair of the Personnel Committee - 4.29.22 |
10.24.22 On 5.1.23 the Senate voted to return this item back to the Personnel Committee. |
08.29.22 | APM 125 Policy on Department Chairs |
David Low, Chair of the Personnel Committee - 4.21.22 |
10.10.22 |
03.13.23 |
03.16.23 05.08.23 |
05.02.22 | Resolution: Removal of Name from University Library. Presented to the Senate floor 5.2.22. |
Keaton Johanson, Library Senator |
5.2.22 |
5.2.22 | 5.12.22 | |
04.18.22 | Bachelor of Science in Environmental Occupational Health and Safety Degree Program Elevation and Degree Title Change. |
Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum. 3.26.22 |
4.25.22 (consent calendar) |
4.25.22 | 5.12.22 | |
04.18.22 | Bachelor of Science in Physical Education Teach Education Program Elevation. |
Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum. 3.26.22 |
4.25.22 (consent calendar) |
4.25.22 | 5.12.22 | |
04.18.22 | Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science Degree Program Elevation. |
Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum. 3.26.22 |
4.25.22 (consent calendar) |
4.25.22 | 5.12.22 | |
04.18.22 | Bachelor of Arts in Sports Administration Degree Program and Designation. |
Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum. 3.26.22 |
4.25.22 (consent calendar) |
4.25.22 | 5.13.22 | |
04.18.22 | Elevation from Option to Independent Program for Sports and Performance Psychology, Exercise Science, and Sports Administration. |
Maritere Lopez, Chair University Graduate Committee. 3.28.22 |
4.25.22 (Consent Calender) |
4.25.22 | 5.13.22 | |
03.28.22 | Online and Blended Education Subcommittee Charge |
James Mullooly, Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee. 3.24.22 |
Refer to the chairs of the Online/Blended Education Subcommittee and Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for further discussion. 3.28.22 |
03.28.22 | Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences Degree Program |
James Mullooly, Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee. 3.24.22 Dr. Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. 3.23.22 |
4.4.22 Consent Calendar |
4.4.22 | 4.26.22 | |
03.28.22 | Student Ratings Subcommittee Charge Revision. Add student representation. |
Kathleen Dyer, Chair of the Student Ratings Subcommittee. 3.22.22 3.28.22 - Executive Committee approved revision. |
03.28.22 | Academic Calendars (ACal) |
Bernadette Muscat, Dean of Undergraduate Studies. 3.22.22 Call for service will be sent for faculty to serve on Calendar Committee- 4.18.22 |
03.28.22 | Bachelor of Science in Community Health Degree Title Change | Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. 3.16.22 |
4.4.22 Consent Calendar |
4.4.22 | 4.19.22 | |
03.28.22 | Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences Degree Title Change | Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. 3.16.22 |
4.4.22 Consent Calendar |
4.4.22 Removed by Dr. Keith Clement. |
03.28.22 | APM 231 Policy on Adding and Dropping Classes | Kathleen Dyer, Chair of the Dept. of Child and Family Science. 3.16.22 |
4.25.22 |
11.07.22 |
11.28.22 |
03.28.22 | Bachelor of Science in Health Administration Degree Program Elevation | Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. 3.16.22 |
4.4.22 Consent Calendar |
4.4.22 | 4.19.22 | |
03.21.22 | APM 399 Policy on Emerita and Emeritus Status | Senator Wes Wise introduced during new business 3.21.22 |
4.4.22 Senate voted to refer to the Personnel Committee, 11.21.22. |
03.14.22 | APM 206 Curriculum Evaluations. | Dr. Joseph Ross, Chair of the College of Science and Mathematics, 3.7.22. |
03.14.22 | APM 330 Policy on Market-Based Salary Increases. | David Low, Chair of the Personnel Committee, 3.3.22. |
4.25.22 |
2.13.23 |
3.15.23 |
03.14.22 | Transmittal Memo for Food and Nutritional Science, Bachelor of Science Major and Options Name Changes. | Keith Clement, Chair Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 3.2.22. |
Consent Calendar, 3.21.22. |
3.21.22 | 3.23.22 | |
03.07.22 | More Intensive Training (presented at the 3.7.22 senate meeting) | Andrea Roach, Academic Senator |
4.4.22 | ||
03.07.22 | Victim's Harm (presented at the 3.7.22 senate meeting) | James Pitts, Academic Senator |
4.4.22 | ||
03.07.22 | No confidence Resolution (presented at the 3.7.22 senate meeting) | Michael Jenkins, Statewide Senator |
4.4.22 | ||
03.07.22 | Call for Independent Investigation (presented at the 3.7.22 senate meeting) | Michael Jenkins, Statewide Senator |
3.21.22 | ||
02.28.22 | APM 320 New Deisgnated Position (Chief Diversity Officer) | Sue Shaw, CSU Learn Administrator, on behalf of Debbie Adishian-Astone, VP for Administration and Chief Financial Officer. 2.17.22 |
02.28.22 | Graduate Program Review Policy Update Proposal | Dr. Maritere Lopez, Chair of the Graduate Committee. 2.8.22 | Return to the Graduate Committee. 10.3.22 | |||
02.14.22 | Declaration of No Confidence and Call for an Independent Investigation into the Actions Taken by CSU Chancellor Castro as President of CSU Fresno (Draft) |
Michael Jenkins - Senator, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Presented at the 2.14.22 Senate meeting. The Senate voted to remove this resolution and replaced it with 4 separate resolutions, 3.7.22. |
02.07.22 | APM 125 Policy on Department Chairs | Jim Schmidtke, Interim Associate Vice President of Faculty Affairs. 2.7.22 |
02.07.22 | APM 225 Teacher Education | James Mullooly, Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee. 2.3.22 | Refer back to AP&P. 10.3.22. |
02.07.22 | APM 232 Poilicy on Student Absences | James Mullooly, Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee. 2.3.22 |
4.25.22 (Consent Calendar). Removed from Consent Calendar and added to the agenda. 4.25.22. |
10.24.22 |
11.08.22 |
02.07.22 | Course Drop/Withdrawal Process (APM 231) | Laura Yager, University Registrar. 1.24.22 |
Sent to AP&P 2.7.22. Returned to the Executive Committee meeting. 2.28.22 |
3.7.22 Removed from the 3.7.22 agenda. |
01.24.22 | Change to APM 360 |
Jim Schmidtke, Interim Associate Vice President of Faculty Affairs. 1.12.22 Returned to the Executive Agenda, 2.28.22. |
2.14.22 Removed from the senate agenda for further revisions, 3.3.22 (David Low). Returned to the Senate Agenda 4.25.22. |
11.07.22 |
11.28.22 |
01.24.22 | Art and Design: Department Name Change | Kathy Adams, Interim Chair of Art and Design. 11.17.21 |
1.31.22 Consent Calendar |
1.31.22 | 2.2.22 | |
11.22.21 | APM 337 Faculty Workload policy | Brought to senate floor by Senator Ram and Senator Holyoke. 11.22.21 |
11.22.21 |
3.21.22 Memo dated 5.13.22, with revisions to APM 337 Concerning Research Workload, submitted by President Jiménez-Sandoval on 8.29.22. |
11.15.21 | APM 320 | Dr. Xuanning Fu, Provost - Presented at 11.15.21 Executive Committee meeting. |
11.01.21 | Calendar Committee | Natalie Munoz, Chair of the Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures Department - 10.27.21 |
11.01.21 | APM 206 | Dr. Kathleen Dyer, Chair Emeritus, Fresno State Council of Chairs - 10.22.21 | Refer to the Online/Blended Education Subcommittee. |
10.18.21 | Unused email accounts (added to agenda instead of C&As) | Robert Guinn, Interim CIO. |
10.25.21 Consultation Satisfied |
10.18.21 | Credit No Credit |
ASI President Jackson during new business - 10.18.21 Executive Committee voted not to continue for Fall 2021. |
10.18.21 | APM 335 and Library Chair | Dr. Xuanning Fu, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs - 10.15.21 |
Executive Committee determined that the policy is just fine as it stands,
10.18.21 | APM 301 Policy and Procedures on the Appointment of Tenure-Track Faculty including the Award of Service Credit |
David Low, Chair of the Personnel Committee - 10.14.21 |
12.06.21 Removed from the Senate agenda for further edits. 3.3.22 (David Low) Returned to the Academic Senate agenda 4.25.22. Referred back to the Personnel Committee for further edits 9.26.22. Returned to the Executive Committee 11.14.22. Placed on Senate agenda of 11.21.22. |
10.16.23 |
10.24.23 |
10.18.21 | APM 233 Policy on Repeating Classes |
James Mullooly, Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee - 10.8.21 |
11.22.21 | 12.06.21 | 12.14.21 | |
10.18.21 | APM 241 Poicy on Course Syllabi and Grading |
James Mullooly, Chair of Academic Policy and Planning Committee - 10.4.21 |
11.22.21 | 1.31.22 | 2.10.22 | |
10.11.21 | APM 206 Memo (placed on today's senate agenda) |
Raymond Hall, Chair Academic Senate - 10.8.21 |
10.11.21 Academic Senate voted to return to the Senate Executive Committee 10.11.21 Executive Committee voted to return to the Academic Senate with clearer language - 10.18.21 |
10.25.21 | 11.10.21 | |
10.04.21 (added to the day's agenda) | Proposal: Syllabus template as part of APM |
Dr. Ray Hall, Chair Academic Senate. |
Dr. Hall will refer to AP&P. | |||
10.04.21 | Revised Conflict of Interest Policy (APM 505) |
Svetlana Bagdasarov, Research Compliance Officer - 9.22.21 |
Refer to AP&P | |||
09.13.21 | CoC letter to Exec Comm re APM 206 Fall 2021 |
Lorin Lachs, Vice Chair of Chairs - 9.7.21. Received 9.8.21 and placed on Senate Consent Calendar. |
9.13.21 (Consent Calendar) | 9.13.21 | ||
08.30.21 | APM 203 Special Majors (placed on today's agenda) |
Bernadette Muscat, Interim Dean of Undergraduate Studies - 8.30.21. Remove from agenda. Dr. Hall will follow up with Chair of AP&P. |
08.30.21 | Examine student unplanned absence policy in APM 232 (incl. APM 246) in light of COVID. (Placed on agenda) | Dr. Raymond Hall, Chair of the Academic Senate - 8.25.21. | 9.13.21 | 9.13.21 | Approved Fall of 2021 | |
08.30.21 | Request to Relax APM 203 | Bernadette Muscat, Interim Dean of Undergraduate Studies - 8.24.21. | 9.20.21 - Refer to AP&P | |||
08.30.21 | Bachelor of Arts in Women's Studies to Bachelor of Arts in Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies | Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Committee 8.23.21. | Consent Calendar - 9.13.21. | 9.13.21 | 9.22.21 | |
08.30.21 | Student/Faculty Rights | James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning - 4.23.21 | 9.20.21 - Dr. Hall and Dr. Mullooly will discuss and bring back Spring of 2022. | |||
04.26. 21 | Resolution in support of stable budgetary support for library collections | Boutsaba Janetvilay, Library Senator - 4.26.21 | 11.22.21 | 11.22.21 | ||
04.12.21 | Resolution Regarding Hazardous Work and Studies Environment | Senator Partow Hooshmandrad 4.12.21 (new business) | 4.12.21 | 5.3.21 | ||
04.05.21 | APM 215 (APM 215: General Education) | Dr. James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning 4.1.21 | 04.12.21 | 4.26.21 - approved as interim policy. | 7.16.21 | |
04.05.21 | APM 218 (American and California Government Graduation Requirement) | Dr. James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning 4.1.21 | 04.12.21 | 4.26.21 | 7.16.21 | |
04.05.21 | Authorization of flexible interpretation of APM 232 | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate | 04.12.21 Consent Calendar | 4.12.21 | 4.23.21 | |
04.05.21 | Approval of flexible interpretation of APM 338 | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate | 04.12.21 Consent Calendar | 4.12.21 | 4.23.21 | |
04.05.21 | Authorization of flexible interpretation of APM 206 | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate | 04.12.21 Consent Calendar | 4.12.21 | 4.23.21 | |
04.05.21 | Task Force Exploring Fresno State Operations in a Post-COVID World | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate | 04.12.21 | 4.27.21 | ||
04.05.21 | Bereavement Procedure Change (APM 232, APM 241, Academic Regulations) | Dr. David Low, Chair Personnel Committee 3.16.21 | Executive Committee voted to refer this item to the Academic Policy and Planning Committee 4.5.21 | |||
04.05.21 | Articles of Governance for Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology | Dr. Lisa Herzig, Chair of the Jordan College Faculty Executive Committee 3.17.21 | 4.19.21 - Approved by the Executive Committee. | |||
04.05.21 | APM 244 (CR-NC Grading) | Dr. James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning 3.15.21 | 4.26.21 | 4.26.21 | 7.16.21 | |
04.05.21 | APM 676 (International Education Agreements) | Dr. James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning 3.14.21 | 4.26.21 | 11.22.21 | 11.24.21 | |
03.15.21 | Resolution Protection Fair Workload for Faculty at CSU, Fresno | Senator Michael Jenkins. Brought to the senate floor. | 3.15.21 | 3.22.21 | ||
03.01.21 | Resolution on Faculty Hours - Changes to APM 338 | Media, Comunications and Journalism - 2.26.21 | Personnel Committee | |||
03.01.21 | Student Ratings Report | Dr. Kathleen Dyer - Chair Student Ratings Subcommittee 2.2.21 | 3.8.21 | |||
02.08.21 |
Waiving limits on CR/NC grading Flexible Policies through summer semester |
Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate 2.8.21 | 2.8.21 approved by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Senate. | |||
02.08.21 | APM 125 – Policy on Department Chairs | David Low, Chair Personnel Committee 2.4.21 | 3.8.21 - Withdrawn from agenda by David Low, Chair Personnel Committee on 3.15.21 | |||
02.08.21 | APM 335 (Policy on Periodic Review of Academic Administrators) | David Low, Chair Personnel Committee | 3.8.21 | 3.22.21 | 3.29.21 | |
01.25.21 | APM 113 Policy on Academic Organization and Governance | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate 1.8.21 | 2.1.21 | |||
01.25.21 | Waiving limits on CR/NC grading for the spring semester | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate. 1.7.21 | 1.25.21 approved by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Senate. | 1.29.21 | ||
01.25.21 | Kremen School Bylaw Amendments |
Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate. 1.5.21 Approved by the Executive Committee 1.25.21 |
01.25.21 | Online/Blended Education Subcommittee Concerns | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate. 1.20.21 | ||||
01.25.21 | APM 241 - Proposed Changes | Chadley James, Chair GE Committee 1.20.21 | 2.22.21 | 3.22.21 | 3.29.21 | |
01.25.21 | Suggestions for connecting with students |
Nancy Nisbett, Chair of The Student Affairs Committee. 12.17.20 Dr. Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate will share with Academic Senate members. 2.8.21 |
01.25.21 | University Honor Code Concern | Melanie Ram, Chair Political Science Dept. 12.20.20 | Voted to refer to the Student Affairs Committee 1.25.21 | |||
12.07.20 | APM 203 Special Majors | James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning Committee 12.3.20 | 2.1.21 | 3.15.21 | 3.22.21 | |
11.30.20 | Implementation of Ethnic Studies GE Requirement | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate 11.30.20 (document provided at the meeting) |
12.07.20 |
12.07.20 (Interim Policy) | 12.22.20 | |
11.30.20 | APM 231 Policy on Adding and Dropping Classes |
James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning Committee 11.19.20 12.4.20 Removed from Executive Committee agenda of 12.7.20. No need for further discussion at this time. |
11.16.20 | Option Elevation Proposal for ECE | Steven Church, Chair of University Graduate Committee - 1.31.20. | 11.23.20 Consent Calender | 11.23.20 | 12.11.2020 | |
10.19.20 | Student Bill of Rights | Hisham Qutob, ASI Vice President | Dr. Holyoke will email to Senators for feedback | |||
10.19.20 | Recommendation on the use of Cameras in Zoom (virtual) classes | Nancy Nisbett, Chair Student Affairs Committee 10.14.20 | Dr. Holyoke will email to faculty for spring 2021 | |||
10.19.20 | Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition Sciences Degree Program Elevation | Keith Clement, Chair Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 10.7.20 | 11.9.20 Consent Calendar | 11.23.20 | 12.11.2020 | |
10.05.20 | Memo on Final Exam Resources | Approved by the Executive Committee 10.19.20 | ||||
10.05.20 | Flexible Interpretation of Certain APM Policies |
President Joseph Castro and Provost Jiménez-Sandoval 5.11.20 The Senate Executive Committee voted to extend to May 21, 2021 |
10.05.20 | Student Ratings and APM 322 | David Low, Chair Personnel Committee - 9.3.20 | ||||
10.05.20 | APM 320 - Policy on Composition of Search Committees for Designation Administrative Positions | David Low, Chair Personnel Committee - 9.24.20 | 10.28.20 | 3.15.21 | 3.22.21 | |
9.21.20 | Request for on-campus testing facility | Hisham Qutob, ASI Vice President. Consultation satisfied | ||||
9.21.20 | COVID Liabilty Waiver | Dr. Xuanning Fu, Vice Provost | ||||
9.21.20 | APM 127 Constitution for the Academic Assembly | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate | 10.28.20 |
03.8.21 - The document will be sent to the academic assembly for final approval. 88% vote to approve the amendments. |
4.7.21 | |
9.21.20 | APM 231 Policy on Adding and Dropping Classes - extend thru spring 2021 | Laura Yeager, University Registrar | Chair Holyoke will send policy to Dr. James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning Committee to consider whether permanent change should be made. 9.21.20 | Approved by the Executive Committee on behalf of the senate to extend interim policy to Spring 2021. | ||
9.21.20 | Extension of CR/NC grading through Spring 2021 Semester | Laura Yager, University Registrar (request to revisit) | Apprved by Senate Executive Commmitee 9.21.20 | |||
9.21.20 | Support for Name Change for the Department of Chemistry | Dr. Christopher R. Meyer, Dean of the College of Science and Mathematics | 09.14.20 (on Consent Calendar) | 09.14.20 | ||
9.21.20 | Revised Abbreviated Program Review Process | Dr. James Marshall, Dean of Research and Graduate Studies | ||||
9.21.20 | Student Ratings and APM 322 | Dr. David Low, Chair Personnel Committee | ||||
8.31.20 | Procedures for Zoom meetings for the Academic Senate |
Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Academic Senate Chair |
8.31.20 | APM 648 University Policy on Video Monitoring and Surveillance Activities |
Deborah Adishian-Astone, Vice President of Administration and Finance |
Academic Policy and Planning Committee 9.1.20 | |||
8.03.20 | Temporary changes to grading, interim amendments to APM 231, and temporary changes
to syllabus template |
Malisa Lee, Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management | Approved by Executive Committee on behalf of the senate. 8.3.20 | |||
3.16.20 | APM 215 GE Policy |
Melissa Jordine, Director of Assessment 3.5.20 |
Approved by Executive Committee on behalf of the senate. 3.16.20 | 4.8.20 | ||
3.16.20 | Bachelor of Arts in English Education Degree Program |
Keith Clement, Chair Undergraduate Curriculum Committee 3.9.20 |
University Budget Committee 5.4.20 | Approved by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Academic Senate. 5.10.20 | 5.13.20 | |
3.09.20 | Flexible interpretations of certain APM policies |
Approved by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Academic Senate. 3.9.20, 4.2.20, & 4.14.20 |
3.02.20 | Reclassification request from the Women's Studies Program to the Department of Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies. |
Dr. Michelle DenBeste, Dean of the College of Social Sciences, and Dr. Yoshiko Takahashi, Interim Associate Dean of the College of Women's Studies. 2.24.20 |
3.9.20 |
3.16.20 | 3.24.20 | |
03.02.20 | Subcommittee on Stduent Evaluation of Instruction |
Athanasios Alexandrou, Chair of the Personnel Committee. 2.20.20. |
03.02.20 | CFS move from Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology to College of Social Sciences. |
Kathleen Dyer, Chair Child Family Sciences Department 2.28.20. |
3.9.20 | 3.16.20 | 3.24.20 | |
02.20.20 | Student Internship Policy - APM TBA |
Dr. James Mullooly 2.20.20 |
3.9.20 Returned to the Senate 10.12.20 |
9.14.20 12.7.20 |
12.11.2020 12.22.2020 |
02.10.20 | APM 242 Policy and Procedure on Assignment of Grades |
Dr. Thomas Holyoke 2.3.20 |
Academic Policy & Planning Committee 2.11.20 | |||
02.10.20 | APM 335 Policy on Periodic Review of Academic Administrators |
Dr. Thomas Holyoke 2.3.20 |
Personnel Committee 2.11.20 | |||
02.10.20 | APM 355 Policy on Assigned Time for Exceptional Levels of Service |
Dr. Thomas Holyoke 2.3.20 2.10.20 Executive Committee - Consultation satisfield. APM 355 will be considered again, if the need arises. |
02.10.20 | Climate Action Plan Discussion |
Mohan B. Dangi, Professor of Geography and City & Regional Planning 2.3.20 |
9.14.20 (task force is approved) | |||
02.10.20 | Building Naming Request - Enology Building |
Paula Castadio, VP University Advancement 1.30.20 Consultation satisfied |
01.27.20 | Student Ratings Subcommittee Request. |
Kathleen Dyer, Chair Student Ratings Task Force 1.21.20 |
Subcommittee and charge approved by the Executive Committee 3.16.20 | |||
01.27.20 | Online/Blended Education and Multicultural/International Subcommittee Charges. |
Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate Executive Committee approved updates to both charges 2.10.20 |
01.27.20 | Online/Blended Subcommittee two Ex-Officios. |
Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate 12.18.19 Approved by Senate Executive Committee 1.27.20 |
11.18.19 | Building Identification (V&E Annex Building) |
Dennis Nef, Dean of the Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences 11.5.19 Consultation Satisfied 12.2.19 |
11.18.19 | Administrative Policy (Interim) on Administration of Student Organizational Funds - B-56 |
Kathleen Scott, Director of Organizational Excellence and Administrative Operations 11.5.19 Consultation satisfied 1.27.20 |
11.04.19 | MA Degrees for HEAL and Educational Leadership |
Steven Church, Chair University Graduate Committee 10.30.19 |
Consent Calendar 11.25.19 | Approved by Consent 11.25.19 | 12.12.19 | |
10.28.19 | APM 232 Student Absences |
James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning 10.17.19 |
11.25.19 |
03.09.20 | 3.24.20 | |
10.14.19 | Discussion regarding the implementation of APM 355, Section III |
Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate 10.10.19 |
Personnel Committee 10.16.19 | |||
10.14.19 | Faculty Workload Task Force Report response from the Personnel Committee |
Brian Tsukimura, Chair of the Personnel Committee, 10.15.19. |
Executive Committee voted to send responses to the Provost and Academic Senate. | |||
10.14.19 | Response to the Use of Social Media Draft |
Brian Tsukimura. Chair of Personnel Committee, 10.15.19. Referred to Patti Waid. |
10.14.19 | APM 420 - Student Athlete Code of Conduct |
Tim Cupery, Chair of the Athletics Advisory Council, 10.12.19. |
11.25.19 | 03.09.20 | 3.24.20 | |
9.30.19 | Online and Blended Education Subcommittee Charge |
James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning 9.20.19. |
9.30.19 | Building Identification |
Dennis Nef, Interim Dean, Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology 9.20.19. Consultation satisfied. |
9.30.19 | Multicultural/International Policy (APM 217) |
James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning 9.19.19. |
10.21.19 | 12.2.19 | 12.12.19 | |
9.16.19 | GE Program Portfolio and Assessment of the Core Competencies |
Melissa Jordine, Director of Assessment and place on Executive Committee agenda of 9.16.19. |
Consent Calendar 9.23.19 | 9.23.19 (Consent) | 10.9.19 | |
9.16.19 | Bachelors of Art in Deaf Communicative Sciences Degree Program Elevation |
Keith Clement, Chair, University Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 9.3.19 |
Consent Calendar 9.23.19 | 9.23.19 (Consent) | 10.9.19 | |
9.16.19 | Bachelors of Art in Communicative Sciences Degree Program Elevation |
Keith Clement, Chair, University Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 9.3.19 |
Consent Calendar 9.23.19 | 9.23.19 (Consent) | 10.9.19 | |
9.16.19 | Veterans Space |
Frank Lamas, Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment 8.26.19. Consultation satisfied. |
09.09.19 | Name Change - From Department of Theatre Arts to Department of Theatre and Dance |
Consent Calendar - 9.9.19 |
9.9.19 | 9.30.19 | ||
08.26.19 |
APM 337 Faculty Workload |
Dr. Ram Nunna 8.9.19 |
Voted to send to Personnel Committee 8.26.19 | |||
08.26.19 |
Academic Calendar |
Dennis Nef, Vice Provost 5.13.19 Tom will follow up with Senators for their input and forward responses to Dr. Fu. |
08.26.19 |
Master of Science in Athletic Training. |
Marilyn Wilson, Chair, University Graduate Committee 5.15.19 |
University Budget Committee 8.26.19 Returned to Executive Committee from the Budget Committee 11.18.19 |
12.2.19 | 2.3.20 | 2.17.20 |
08.26.19 |
New Master's Program in Construction Management |
Marilyn Wilson, Chair, University Graduate Committee 4.29.19 |
University Budget Committee 8.26.19 Returned to Executive Committee from the Budget Committee 11.18.19 |
12.2.19 | 2.3.20 | 2.17.20 |
03.18.19 |
GE Resolution |
Senator Loretta Kensinger (introduced at 3.18.19 senate meeting) |
3.25.19 | 3.25.19 | ||
03.18.19 |
APM 320 Policy on the Composition of Search Committees for Designated Administration Positions |
Diana Ralls, Chief of Staff 3.11.19 This item was deemed to be purely informational and NO ACTION WAS TAKEN. Amendments were announced at the 3.18.19 Senate meeting. |
03.18.19 |
Transmittal Memo for B.A. in Integrated Design Degree Program Elevation |
Keith Clement, Chair of Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 3.6.19 |
Consent Calendar 3.25.19 | 3.25.19 | 4.3.19 | |
03.18.19 |
Proposed amendments to APM 127 -University Constitution |
Chair Holyoke 3.7.19 4.29.19 - Item was dropped from agenda and will be discussed next semester 8.26.19 - returned to Executive agenda. Chair Holyoke will consult with Dr. Baum on proposal to add lecturers and a staff position. |
03.04.19 |
Lecturer & Staff Positions on Senate |
Discuss item from Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate 3.4.19 |
03.04.19 |
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Charge |
Keith Clement, Chair Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 1.21.19 |
10.7.19 as APM 129 - Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Charge. Senate voted to referred back to the Executive Committee for review, 10.7.19. Returned to the Senate 10.21.19. |
11.25.19 |
12.12.19 | |
03.04.19 |
APM 328 (Open Letter) |
James Mullooly, Chair AP&P 2.13.19 |
Personnel Committee | |||
03.04.19 |
MI Subcommittee Charge |
James Mullooly, Chair AP&P 2.13.19 Executive Committee approved the subcommittee charge 3.18.19. |
03.04.19 |
Art B.A., Animation Intermedia Option |
Keith Clement, Chair Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 2.12.19 |
University Budget Committee. | |||
01.28.19 |
Provost Awards Committee 2018-2019 |
Robert Harper, Interim Provost 1.16.19 |
01.28.19 |
Syllabus Template |
Marianne Jackson, Chair Student Affairs Committee 12.12.18 |
2.25.19 |
4.22.19 Consultation satisfied 4.29.19 |
01.28.19 |
Administrative Policy - interim policy G-68, Administrator Emerita and Emeritus Status |
Kathleen Scott , Director of Organizational Excellence and Administrative Operations 12.20.18 |
Consultation satisfied 2.11.19 |
01.28.19 |
Degree Change for Mathematics Graduate Program |
Marilyn Wilson, Chair University Graduate Committee 12.12.18 |
2.25.19 Consent Calendar | 2.25.19 | 3.1.19 | |
12.3.18 |
Elevation from option to Independent Program for Marriage, Family, Child Counseling Option |
Marilyn Wilson, Chair, Graduate Committee 12.3.18 |
2.4.19 Consent Calendar | 2.4.19 | 2.16.19 | |
12.3.18 |
Elevation of Graduate Applied Behavior Analysis Program from an Option in M.A. in General Psychology to the Master of Arts in Applied Behavior Analysis |
Marilyn Wilson, Chair, Graduate Committee 11.18.18 |
2.4.19 Consent Calendar |
Approved 2.4.19 |
2.11.19 | |
11.19.18 |
New MI Policy |
Chair Holyoke on behalf of Dr. Xuanning Fu (11.8.18). Presented to Executive Committee. Consultation satisfied 11.19.18 |
11.19.18 |
Time, Place, Manner |
Presented by Deborah Adishian-Astone (VP Administrative Services), and Amy Luna (Administrator - Public Safety) 11.19.18. Chair Holyoke will solicit additional feedback from full senate. Needed by the end of December 2018. |
11.19.18 |
Elevation from Option to Independent Program for Early Childhood Education |
Marilyn Wilson, Chair Graduate Committee 11.18.19 |
Consent Calendar 11.26.18 | 11.26.18 | 12.06.2018 | |
10.29.18 |
APM 332 Policy on Range Elevation for Temporary Faculty |
Brian Tsukimura, Chair University Personnel Committee 10.25.18 Referred to the Personnel Committee for further review 1.29.19 Returned to the Executive Committee with edits 3.4.19 Returned to the Executive Committee by the Academic Senate 1.27.20. No further action taken. |
3.11.19 Senate voted to return APM 332 to the Executive Committee for further review, 11.25.19. 1.27.20 Executive Committee meeting - It was decided to not move further with any changes.. |
10.29.18 |
APM 103 Policy on Academic Freedom |
Brian Tsukimura, Chair University Personnel Committee 10.25.18 Informational item - no action taken by committee. |
10.29.18 |
APM 325 Policy on Retention and Tenure APM 327 Policy on Promotion |
Brian Tsukimura, Chair University Personnel Committee 10.25.18 |
2.4.19 Consent Calendar |
2.4.19 Approved by consent. | 2.11.19 | |
10.15.18 | Executive Order 1099 Revised |
Diana Ralls, Chief of Staff 10.10.18 Consultation and discussion with Dean Scott Moore satisfied 10.29.18 |
10.15.18 | Establisment of the MI Subcommittee |
James Mullooly, Chair of AP&P 10.10.18 Approved by Executive Committee (w/amendments) and sent to AP&P Chair Mullooly 10.29.18 |
10.15.18 | Planning: Committee Structure |
James Mullooly, Chair of AP&P 10.10.18 Dr. Keith Clement will consider possible committee structure and updates to the bylaws 11.19.18 |
10.15.18 | APM 231 Drop Deadlines |
James Mullooly, Chair of AP&P 10.10.18 |
11.5.18 |
Senate Executive Committee approved as interim. 12.5.18 Approved by Academic Senate 2.4.19 |
12.06.2018- "approved as interim" 2.11.19 (approved) |
10.15.18 | Memo from the Chair of the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects |
Dr. Robert Harper, Interim Provost 10.2.18 Executive Committee agreed to proposal 10.15.18 |
10.15.18 | GE Learning Outcomes |
Melissa Jordine, Director of Assessment 10.1.18 |
11.5.18 Consent Calendar | 11.5.18 | 11.10.18 | |
10.15.18 | Request from Dr. Scott Moore and Dr. Sarah Lam to change the name of International Student Services and Programs to International Affairs |
Interim Provost Robert Harper (verbal request) 10.15.18 Drs. Moore and Lam presented information regarding this request at the 10.29.18 Executive Committee Meeting. Consultation Satisfied 10.29.18. |
10.01.18 | Best Practices for Freedom of Speech |
Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 9.25.18 |
Executive Committee voted to refer back to Personnel Committee for more edits - 10.15.18. Returned back to Executive Committee agenda of 10.29.18 Referred back to the Personnel Committee 11.19.18. Returned to Executive Committee 12.3.18 |
2.4.19 pending approval by university counsel 3.11.19 Returned to Senate agenda. |
4.22.19 | |
09.17.18 | APM 241 Policy on Course Syllabi and Grading - Policy change |
James Mullooly, Chair of AP&P 9.13.18 |
10.22.18 | 11.26.18 | 12.06.18 | |
09.17.18 | APM 203 Change |
James Mullooly, Chair of AP&P 9.13.18 |
10.22.18 - Consent Calendar | 10.22.18 | 10.29.18 | |
09.17.18 | APM 215 New Language |
Chadley James, Chair GE Committee 9.13.18 |
Executive Committee referred back to GE Committee to add writing requirement language - 10.15.18. | |||
09.17.18 | UGC Assessment Rubrics |
Melissa Jordine, Chair GE Assessment Subcommittee and Director of Assessment 9.9.18 Informational Item |
09.10.18 | Faculty Workload Task Force Report |
Oscar Vega 9.10.18 (Senate meeting) |
Sent to Dr. Robert Harper, Interim Provost for review and to report back to the Executive Committee |
9.10.18 | ||
08.27.18 | Degree Option Elevation Program Changes for Bachelor of Music Programs |
Keith Clement, Chair Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 5.2.18 |
Sent to the Budget Committee 8.28.18 1.23.19 - UBC does not recommend due to lack of funds. Returned to the Executive Committee from the Budget Committee 11.18.19 |
11.25.19 | 2.3.20 | 2.17.20 |
08.27.18 | Proposal for Syllabus Reform |
Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate 8.21.18 |
Executive Committee agreed to refer this to the Student Affairs Committee 8.27.18 | |||
08.27.18 | Articles of Governance - College of Arts & Humanities |
Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate 8.20.18 |
Approved 10.1.18 by the Executive Committee | |||
08.27.18 | Executive Order 1112 Doctor of Audiology |
Diana Ralls, Chief of Staff-Office of the President 7.17.18 |
Consultation satisfied. | |||
08.27.18 | WASC Graduate Assessments |
Marilyn Wilson, Chair University Graduate Committee 5.8.2018 |
9.24.18 | 10.08.18 | 10.12.18 | |
08.27.18 | Executive Order 1111 Disability Support and Accomodations |
Diana Ralls, Chief of Staff-Office of the President 5.25.18 |
Consultation satisfied. | |||
04.23.18 | Resolution on Faculty Free Speech and Official University Responses |
Senator Schettler to the Academic Senate 4.23.18 |
4.23.18 Academic Senate voted to table the resolution 4.30.18 |
11.4.19 |
04.16.18 | Bachelors of Science in Forensic Behavioral Sciences Degree Program Elevation |
Keith Clement, Chair Undergraduate Curriculum 3.23.18 |
4.23.18 Consent Calendar | 4.23.18 | 4.27.18 | |
04.02.18 | Changes to Senate Bylaws |
Dr. Thomas Holyoke |
4.16.18 | 4.23.18 | 4.27.18 | |
03.19.18 | Report on Proposed M/I Graduation Requirement |
Larissa Mercado-Lopez 2.26.18 |
4.16.18 | 5.7.18 | ||
03.05.18 | APM 246 Policy on Incomplete Grades |
James Mullooly, Chair of AP&P 3.1.18 Returned to AP&P 3.5.18 |
02.26.18 | Task Force to Explore internal option for student evaluations - approved 2.26.18 | |||||
02.26.18 | Elevation from option to independent program for Speech Pathology | Marilyn Wilson, Chair University Graduate Committee 2.20.18 | 3.12.18 Consent Calendar | 3.12.18 | 3.25.18 | |
02.26.18 | APM 215 and Chancellor's Office Executive Orders | Melissa Jordine, Director of Assessment 2.18.18 |
3.12.18 Consent Calendar |
3.12.18 | 3.25.18 | |
02.26.18 | APM 405 Student Records Administration Policy | James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning Committee 2.15.18 | 3.12.18 Consent Calendar | 3.12.18 | 3.25.18 | |
02.26.18 | APM 415 Dispute Resolution | James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning Committee 2.15.18 |
Senate Executive Committee received back from AP&P 2.11.19. Returned to Executive Committee 3.4.19 |
3.12.18 Refer back to AP&P 3.19.18 Return to the senate agenda of 3.11.19 Referred back to AP&P 4.29.19 |
02.12.18 | Support for Emeritus Status | Dr. Frank Lamas, Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management 1.4.18 | Referred to Dr. Lamas and President Castro for final decision. | |||
01.29.18 | APMs: 502, 504, 507, 510, 526, 528, and 540 | Kathleen Scott, Director of Organizational Excellence and Administrative Operations 1.17.18 | Consent Calendar 2.5.18 | 2.5.18 | 3.25.18 | |
01.29.18 | APM 324a Model Probationary Plan for Dr. Jane Doe Department of Forestry | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 12.6.17 | 2.12.18 Personnel Committee will make additional updates to the policy and present to the Academic Senate | |||
01.29.18 | Bachelors of Arts in Liberal Arts | Keith Clement, Chair of Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 12.13.17 |
University Budget Committee 1.30.18 Returned to the Executive Committee Agenda 4.9.18 |
4.16.18 | 5.7.18 | |
01.22.18 | Consideration of Student Evaluations |
Consideration of Student Evaluations |
Task Force to support RFP Process - approved 2.5.18 | |||
11.27.17 | Transmittal Memo For Degree Designation Change: Bachelors of Arts in Mathematics to Bachelors of Science in Mathematics: New Department Options | Keith Clement, Chair Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 11.14.17 | Consent Calendar 12.4.17 (memo from Rajee Amarasinghe) | 12.4.17 | 12.14.17 | |
11.13.17 | Grades Due Dealine | Dennis Nef, Provost 11.8.17 | 12.4.17 | 3.12.18 | 3.25.18 | |
11.13.17 | Alcohol Policy | Deborah Adishian-Astone 11.13.17 | ||||
10.16.17 | Proposal to Change Department Name |
Kathleen Dyer, Chair Department of Child, Family, & Consumer Sciences 9.29.17. Holding request for more information. Returned to the Executive Committee 2.26.18 |
3.12.18 Consent Calendar | 3.12.18 | 3.25.18 | |
10.16.17 | Graduation Honors for Transfer Students | Kathleen Dyer, Chair Academic Standards and Grading Subcommittee 10.5.17. | 11.20.17 Consent Calendar | 11.20.17 | 1.28.19 | |
10.16.17 | Request to Convene Executive Committee/Building Naming within JCAST | Kimberly A. Cubre, Assistant to the VP for University Advancement 10.2.17 | Approved by the Senate Executive Committee 10.16.17. | |||
10.02.17 | Termination of MS in Marine Sciences | Marilyn Wilson, Chair Graduate Committee 9.20.17 | Consent Calendar 10.9.17 | 10.9.17 | 10.26.17 | |
10.02.17 | Graduate Core Competencies | Marilyn Wilson, Chair Graduate Committee 9.18.17 | Chair Holyoke will communicate with Dr. Wilson to request more information. 10.2.17 | |||
09.18.17 | Degree Title Change: Bachelors of Science in Child Development to Bachelors of Science in Child and Family Sciences | Keith Clement, Chair Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 8.27.17 | Consent Calendar 9.25.17 | 9.25.17 | 10.4.17 | |
09.18.17 | Degree Title Change: Bachelors of Arts in Family and Consumer Sciences to Bachelors of Arts in Fashion Merchancising | Keith Clement, Chair Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 9.8.17 | Consent Calendar 9.25.17 | 9.25.17 | 10.4.17 | |
09.18.17 | Higher Education Opportunities Act (HEOA) | Dennis Nef, Vice Provost 8.14.17 | ||||
08.28.17 | Minor updates to APM 501, 505, and 503 | Kathleen Scott, Director of Organizational Excellence and Administrative Operations 8.25.17 | Consent Calendar 9.11.17 | 9.11.17 | 10.4.17 | |
08.28.17 | Bachelors of Art History Elevation | Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 8.22.17 |
Voted to refer to the University Budget Committee 8.28.17 Returned to the Senate Executive Committee by the University Budget Committee 11.13.17 |
Consent Calendar 12.4.17 | 12.4.17 | 12.07.17 |
08.28.17 | Bachelors of Arts Dance Major Elevation | Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 8.17.17 |
]Voted to refer to the University Budget Committee 8.28.17 Returned to the Senate Executive Committee from the University Budget Committee 11.13.17 |
Consent Calendar 12.4.17 | 12.4.17 | 12.7.17 |
08.28.17 | Senate Committee on Faculty Equity and Diversity | Suzanne Kotkin-Jaszi 5.18.17 | ||||
08.28.17 | Grade Change Request | Christopher Sullivan, Professor; Matthew Jendian, Chair of Sociology Department 6.7.17 |
Voted to refer to Student Affairs Committee 8.28.17 Returned to the Executive Committee 10.2.17 Dr. Holyoke will Dr. Jendian |
08.28.17 | Honors Residency Units | Kathleen Dyer, Chair of the Department of Child, Family, and Consumer Sciences 5.29.17 | Voted to Refer to Academic Policy & Planning Committee 8.28.17 | |||
05.08.17 | Chair of University Graduate Committee beginning fall 2017 - Marilyn Wilson |
Timothy Skeen, Chair University Graduate Committee 5.4.17 Executive Committee has been notified. |
05.08.17 | Certificate of Advanced Study in Research Methods | Timothy Skeen, Chair of the University Graduate Committee 5.4.17 |
Senate Executive Committee voted to refer this itme to the University Budget Committee Returned to the Senate Executive Committee by the University Budget Committee 11.13.17 |
Consent Calendar 12.4.17 | 12.4.17 | 12.7.17 |
05.08.17 | Executive Order 1107 - Clery Act | Diana Ralls, Chief of Staff 5.3.17 | ||||
05.01.17 | APM 232 Policy on Student Absences | Dr. James Mullooly, Chair of AP&P 4.27.17 |
9.25.17 1.17.18 Returned to AP&P for clarification regarding excused/unexcused absences. |
04.24.17 |
New Business - Senate Meeting Proposal to amend APM 215 (General Education). Allows undergraduates to take one of their upper division courses in their home departments. |
Senator Lynn Williams - from the Senate Floor |
5.8.17 Referred to the GE Committee 9.25.17 |
04.17.17 | Policy on Systemwide Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment Executive Order 1108 |
Timothy P. White, Chancellor 4.7.17 If task force is needed, Dr. Ayotte will request President Castro's consultation with the Senate Executive Committee |
04.17.17 | Reorganization of the Student Health and Counseling Center |
Dr. Frank Lamas, Vice President, Student Affairs and Enrollment 3.24.17 Consultation Satisfied |
03.27.17 | APM 237 Policy on Faculty Responsibility for Accessible Instruction Materials |
Kevin Ayotte, Chair Academic Senate 3.27.17 Memo will be drafted by Thomas Holyoke to Bryan Berrett 5.1.17 Returned to the Executive Committee agenda 9.18.17 |
9.25.17 Returned 2.5.18 |
3.19.18 | 4.2.18 | |
03.27.17 | APM 309 Policy on faculty Consultation and Voting and APM 309A Policy on Department Chairs | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 3.10.17 | Consent Calendar 4.3.17 | 4.3.17 | 5.11.17 | |
03.27.17 | Committee Report and Recommendations regarding Intellectual Property |
Christine Miller, CSU Academic Senate Chair 3.14.17 Document will be sent to faculty for feedback. Comments will be sent to Statewide Senate and Intellectual Property Subcommittee and Patent Board |
03.27.17 | APM 113 Policy on Academic Organization and Governance | From Kevin Ayotte, Chair Academic Senate 3.16.17 |
Academic Policy and Planning Committee Return to the Executive Committee 10.2.17 |
Consent Calendar 10.9.17 | 10.9.17 | 10.26.17 |
03.27.17 | Teacher Education Preliminary Credential Programs Executive Order 1077 Revised February 17, 2017 |
Timothy P. White, Chancellor to CSU Presidents 2.17.17. Forwarded to Dr. Kevin Ayotte by Diana Ralls Consultation Satisfied 3.27.17 |
03.27.17 | Reconsideration Procedures for Management Personnel Plan (MPP) Employees - Executive Order 1106 |
Timothy P. White, Chancellor to CSU Presidents 3.16.17. Forwarded to the Dr. Kevin Ayotte by Diana Ralls No consultation needed |
03.27.17 | Delegation of Authority to Approve Subprograms (Options, Concentrations, Special Emphases) and Minors Executive Order 1071 Revised January 20, 2017 | Timothy P. White, Chancellor to CSU Presidents 1.20.17. Forwarded to Dr. Kevin Ayotte by Diana Ralls | ||||
03.21.17 | Student Ratings of Instruction Task Force | Student Ratings of Instruction Task Force Recommendations 3.21.17 | Approved by the Executive Committee 3.16.20 | |||
03.13.17 | General Education Policy Supporting Student Success and Equity in Achievement | Christine Miller, Chair Academic Senate of California State University 03.10.17 | ||||
02.27.17 | APM 311 Teaching Associate Fee waivers | Timothy Skeen, Chair University Graduate Committee 2.7.17 | Executive Committee voted to refer to the Graduate Committee with recommendations 2.27.17 | |||
02.27.17 | Student Ratings of Instruction Survey Online |
Gyanesh Lama, Chair, Student Ratings of Instruction Task Force 2.13.17 No action needed. Survey has been submitted to faculty. |
02.13.17 | Proposal for a Senate Task Force on Workload - Returned with Amendments | Thomas Holyoke, Vice Chair | 2.13.17 | 3.1.17 | ||
02.06.17 | Release Time for Chair of Curriculum Subcommittee | Xuanning Fu, Dean of Undergraduate Studies 2.1.17 | Senate Executive Committee is in agreement with the release time allocation 5.8.17 | 08.01.17 | ||
01.30.17 | Memo from the Academic Assembly of the College of Social Sciences, California State University Fresno | Loretta Kensinger, Senator Women's Studies Department to the Academic Senate 1.30.17 | ||||
01.30.17 | Academic Senate Resolution on Response to E.O. from the President of the U.S. Regarding Restrictions on Refugees, Visas, and Legal Residents | Chris Henson, Senator of the Department of English to the Academic Senate 1.30.17 | 1.30.17 | 1.30.17 | ||
01.23.17 | APM 114 Policy on faculty Consultation & APM 125 Policy on Department Chairs | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 11.21.16 | 1.30.17 | 5.8.17 | 6.16.17 | |
01.23.17 | Comments on Statewide Report on Quantitative Reasoning |
Thomas Holyoke, Academic Senate Vice Chair 1.14.17 The Provost will bring Feedback to the Senate Executive Committee. Once approved, she will send to the Chancellor's Office. |
12.05.16 | APM 241 Interim Policy on Course Syllabi and Grading | Dr. James Mullooly, Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee 12.1.16 | Consent Calendar 1.30.17 | 1.30.17 | 2.7.17 | |
11.28.16 | Senate Task Force on Faculty workload (refer to 4.11.16 resolution from Senator John Karr) |
Dr. Kevin Ayotte Task Force membership determined 11.28.16 |
12.5.16 | 2.13.17 (two senators appointed | ||
11.28.16 | APM 315 Policy and Procedures for Fingerprinting and Conducting Background Checks | Kathleen Scott, Director of Administrative Operations and Organizational Excellence 11.28.16 | ||||
11.28.16 | Revisions to APM 320 Policy on Administrative Appointments | Kathleen Scott, Director of Administrative Operations and Organizational Excellence 11.28.16 | The Executive Committee voted to refer APM 320 revisions to the Personnel Committee
Returned to the Executive Committee agenda 3.5.18 |
4.16.18 Academic Senate voted to refer APM 320 to the Senate Executive Committee 9.10.18 Returning to the Academic Senate Agenda of 10.8.18 |
11.26.18 | 1.24.19 |
11.28.16 | D-17 Interim Signage Policy | Kathleen Scott, Director of Administrative Operations and Organizational Excellence 11.28.16 | Chair Ayotte will Communicate policy suggestions from the Senate Executive to Vice President Astone (Administration) who has jurisdiction over this policy. 2.6.17 | |||
11.28.16 | ASCSU Quantitative Reasoning Task Force Report | Loren J. Blanchard, Ph.D. Executive Vice Chancellor to CSU Presidents 11.17.16 | ||||
11.28.16 | Peer Evaluation Form for the Department of Child, Family, and Consumer Sciences 11.7.16 |
Office of the Provost Consultation - no action required |
11.28.16 | Call for Service-Search Committee for AVP for Water Sustainabili |
Jes Therkelsen, Academic Senator, Dept. of Media, Communication & Journalism November 16, 2016. A member from Water Cohort will be appointed to this committee |
11.14.16 |
Draft of Resolution in Support of Campus Multiculturalism and Diversity (Added to the day's agenda) |
Thomas Holyoke, Vice Chair Academic Senate 11.14.16
Name revised - Academic Senate Resolution in Support of Campus Diversity and Freedom of Expression |
11.21.16 | 11.21.16 | ||
11.14.16 | Governing Documents - APM 127 Constitution | Kevin Ayotte, Chair Academic Senate | May 1, 2017 (Constitution for the Academic Assembly) |
Appoved by the Academic Senate 11.27.17 Amended document will go to the Academic Assembly for approval. Academic Assembly approved March of 2018. |
3.23.18 | |
11.14.16 | Nomination - Student Affairs Committee | Venita Baker - Academic Senate Office Coordinator 11.3.16 | 11.21.16 Consent Calendar | 11.21.16 | ||
11.14.16 | APM: Faculty Search Process |
Ram Nunna, Dean Lyles College of Engineering 11.9.16 Senate Executive Committee has been consulted. 11.14.16 |
11.14.16 |
Request for Senate Approval of Creation of the Liberal Studies Department |
Paul Beare, Dean of Kremen School of Education and Human Development 11.2.16 | Voted to refer to the Budget Committee 11.14.16
Returned to the Executive Committee with Budget approval 2.27.17 |
3.13.17 | 5.1.17 | 6.16.17 |
10.31.16 | Student Ratings of Instruction Task Force proposed Charge - Draft |
Dr. Kevin Ayotte 10.31.16 Dr. Ayotte & IDEA Liaison Dr. Lama will draft a charge for the Task Force |
10.31.16 | Stipulation of Settlement Agreement for Grievance Re: Lecturer Voting in Dept Chair Nomination | Personnel Committee | ||||
10.17.16 | Department Name Change Request - CDDS | Jody Hironaka-Juteau, Dean College of Health and Human Services 10.10.16 | Consent Calendar 11.21.16 | 11.21.16 | 12.07.16 | |
10.03.16 | ASI Resolution on Grading Deadline Extension |
Tim Ryan, ASI President Item has been discussed. Tim will notify committee when he plans to bring it before the full senate. |
10.03.16 | GE Task Force | Vincent Biondo 9.26.16 | ||||
10.03.16 | IDEA Committee Member |
Monica Rivera 9.7.16 Task force is in the process of being formed. |
09.19.16 | Library Subcommitee Dissolution |
James Mullooly, Chair of AP&P 9.16.16 The Library Subcommittee will be considered "Inactive". This will be reflected on the Senate website |
09.19.16 | APM 215 GE Policy re: ePortfolios | Melissa Jordine, Director of Assessment/Professor of History 9.14.16 | The Executive Committee voted to refer back to the GE Committee with suggestions 10.3.16 | 11.7.16 |
4.24.17 Received further edits 6.29.17 Executive Committee approved edits 9.18.17 |
8.4.17 |
09.19.16 | Name Change for Mass Communication and Journalism Department | Saul Jiminez-Sandoval, Dean of Arts and Humanities 9.9.16 | 9.26.16 (Consent Calendar) | 9.26.16 | 10.28.16 | |
09.19.16 | Ex-Officio for Research Subcommit |
James Mullooly, Chair AP&P 9.8.16 It was decided that AP&P has jurisdiction over this matter. Dr. Mullooly will keep Senate Executive Committee informed |
9.26.16 | 9.26.16 | ||
08.29.16 | Manager of Transportation and Parking Services | Debbie Adishian-Astone, Vice President for Administration 8.12.16 | Manager will continue to report to the Chief of Police. | |||
08.29.16 | B-54 Interim Policy on Financial Accountability and Contro |
Kathleen Scott, Director of Administrative Operations and Organizational Excellence 6.2.16 The Senate Executive Committee has been consulted 9.19.16 |
08.29.16 | Executive Order 1104 - Campus Reporting of Fiscal Improprieties |
Diana M. Ralls, Chief of Staff 5.18.16 No further role for the senate in the Executive Order implementation |
08.29.16 | APM 303 Policy on Nepotism | Debbie Adishian-Astone, Vice President for Administration 5.9.16 |
Tabled until VP Astone could be present 9.19.16 Returned to Exec by Kathleen Scott, Director of Administrative Operations and Organizational Excellence 11.28.16 5.1.17 Exec Committee voted to remove APM 303 and replace with Chancellor's Executive order and contact info |
9.25.17 Academic Senate voted to send this item to the Personnel Committee for review. Returned to the Senate Executive Committee by the Personnel Committee 11.13.17 VP Adishian-Astone will review with university's legal counsel for clarification. 11.13.17 |
05.09.16 | GE Policies, Upper Division GE |
Paul Crosbie, Chair General Education Committee 5.1.16 This item has been tabled until further notice 9.19.16 |
05.02.16 | Fresno State Track Naming Opportunity | Gena Behrens, Executive Assistant, Office of the Vice President for University Advancement 4.28.16 | Endorsed by the Senate Executive Committee 5.2.16 | |||
05.02.16 | Nominations to the Nominating/Elections Committee | Venita Baker,Academic Senate Ofice Coordinator 5.2.16 | ||||
05.02.16 | IDEA Update | Gyanesh Lama, Faculty Liaison for Student Ratings of Instruction | Working group to be formed in fall 2016 | |||
04.11.16 (New Business) | Resolution Proposal for a Senate Task Force on Faculty Workload | John Karr, Senator Department of Music | 4.25.16 | 10.24.16 | 10.31.16 | |
04.18.16 | CSU System-wide 333 for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). | Gregory Kriehn, Professor LCOE Honors Director 4.14.16 | ||||
04.18.16 | Interim Policy on Administrative Policies | Kathleen Scott, Director of Administrative Operations and Organizational Excellence 4.14.16 | ||||
03.28.16 | Resolution to Urge the Fresno State Academic Senate to Reconsider Changing the Drop Deadline - APM 231 | Submitted by ASI President, Abigail Hudson 3.28.16 | 3.28.16 | 4.25.16 | 4.27.16 | |
03.28.16 | Resolution Supporting the "Fight for Five" and Calling for Chancellor to Act to End Contract Dispute | Submitted by: Senators Kensinger, Botwin, Jenkins, Henson, Katti, Slagter 3.28.16 | 3.28.16 | 3.28.16 | 7.27.16 | |
03.28.16 | Academic Senate Resolution in Support of the AB-798 College Textbook Affordability Act of 2015 | Chris Langer, Senator 3.21.16 | 3.28.16 | 5.2.16 | 5.16.16 | |
03.14.16 | APM 311 Policy on Teaching Associates | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 3.4.16 | 3.28.16 Consent Calendar | 3.28.16 | 4.13.16 | |
02.29.16 | APM 110 Policy on Ancillary Units | Dennis Nef, 2.11.16 |
Referred to AP&P 2.29.16. Returned to Executive Committee 10.31.16 Item tabled until Executive Committee receives revised version - 9.17.18. Revised version received - 10.1.18. Referred back to V.P. Astone for further edits 10.15.18. Returned to the Executive Committee Agenda 11.19.18 |
1.30.17 Senate Agenda 2.4.19 Returned to the Senate agenda. Placed on the Consent Calendar. |
5.8.17 Approved by the Senate. 4.24.18 Returned to the Executive Committee agenda by President Castro for further edits. 2.4.19 Approved by Consent |
2.11.19 |
02.22.16 | Resolution on Final Grade Due Dates | Senator Kensinger and Henson | 2.22.16 | 5.2.16 | 5.17.16 | |
02.08.16 | B.S. in City Regional Planning Major | James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning Committee 1.28.16 |
Budget Committee Returned to the Executive Committtee 5.2.16 |
Consent Calendar of 5.9.16 | 5.9.16 | 5.17.16 |
02.08.16 | MFA Degree in Creative Writing - Optional Proposal | Marilyn Wilson, Chair University Graduate Committee 12.8.15 | Removed from 3.14.16 Executive Committee agenda. No need to consider item since it is not a change in curriculum or official option | |||
02.01.16 | Academic Resolution in Support of the Academic Senate and Faculty of California State University, Chico. | Senators Chris Henson and Loretta Kensinge | 2.1.16 | 3.7.16 | ||
01.25.16 | APM 205 Policy on Undergraduate Advising | Marianne Jackson, Chair Student Affairs Committee 1.21.16 |
Executive Committee voted to Returned to Student Affairs Committee 3.14.16 Returned to Executive Committee 5.9.16 |
First Fall 2016 meeting | 11.7.16 | 11.22.16 |
01.25.16 | Bob Bennett Stadium | Dr. Joseph I. Castro, President 1.25.16 | Endorsed by the Senate Executive Committee 1.25.16 | |||
01.25.16 | John D. Welty Center for Educational Policy and Leadership | Dr. Joseph I. Castro, President 1.25.16 | Endorsed by the Senate Executive Committee 1.25.16 | |||
12.21.15 | Modification to APM 233 | James Mullooly, Chair AP&P 12.2.15 | Sent back to AP&P 2.8.16 | |||
12.21.15 | APM 321 Report of the Faculty Scholar Blue Ribbon Committee and APM 324 Policy on Probationary Plans and Faculty Mentoring | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 11.20.15 | 2.1.16 |
4.11.16 Voted to eliminate APM 321 And revise APM 324 |
4.21.16 | |
11.16.15 | APM 320 Policy on Administrative Appointments | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 11.10.15 |
On hold until further input has been received from the President's Cabinet and AP&P 4.18.16 Follow up to Executive Committee by Kathleen Scott, Director of Administrative Operations and Organizational Excellence 4.8.16 Sent to AP&P Committee 4.19.16 |
11.09.15 | AB-798 College Textbook Affordability Act of 2015 | Chris Langer, Library Senator 11.4.15 | 11.23.15 | 11.30.15 | 1.14.16 | |
10.26.15 | Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | Ellen Shimakawa (UAV Task Force), Director Research and Sponsored Programs 10.20.15 |
AP&P 10.27.15 AP&P will review the policy after the UAV Task Force has drafted the language. |
10.12.15 | New APM Preferred Names | James Mullooly, Chair AP&P 10.8.15 |
AP&P 10.27.15 Return to Executive Agenda of 5.9.16 |
9.12.16 | 11.7.16 | 11.22.16 |
10.05.15 | Resolution on Consultation on Presidential Searches | Loretta Kensinger, Statewide Senator 10.5.15 | 10.12.15 Consent Calendar | 10.12.15 | ||
09.21.15 | APM 311 Policy on Teaching Associates | Chris Henson, Senator from Dept. of English 9.18.15 |
AP&P 9.22.15 Returned to the Executive Committee 10.5.15 |
10.12.15 | 11.2.15 | 4.2.16 |
09.21.15 | WASC/ Fresno State Institutional Learning Outcomes | Dennis Nef, Vice Provost 9.11.15 | 9.28.15 | |||
09.21.15 | Freedom of Expression Policy |
Esther Gonzalez, Assistant to the Vice President of Administration 9.14.15 Will return to agenda once language has been updated by Debbie Astone |
09.21.15 | Guidance and Recommendations for Faculty and Staff Regarding Service Animals |
Brian Haynes, Chair, Services to Students with Disabilities Advisory Committee to Vice Presidents, California State University San Bernardino, April 15, 2015 Dr. Ayotte will forward memo to faculty with contact information regarding compliance. |
09.14.15 | APM 635 | Policy on the Use of the University's Name/Seal/Logo | 9.14.15 | 10.19.15 | 11.02.15 | |
08.31.15 | Name Change - M.S. Animal Science to M.S. Agricultural Science | Marilyn Wilson, Chair of University Graduate Committee 8.25.15 |
9.14.15 (Consent Calendar) Removed from the Consent Calendar and placed on Senate agenda |
10.26.15 | 12.17.15 | |
08.31.15 | Name Change - M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling to M.S. Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling | Marilyn Wilson, Chair of University Graduate Committee 8.25.15 |
9.14.15 (Consent Calendar) Removed from the Consent Calendar and placed on Senate agenda |
10.12.15 | 11.02.15 | |
04.27.15 | Construction Management program change | Ram Nunna, Dean Lyles College of Engineering 4.13.15 |
5.4.15 (Consent Calendar) Removed from Consent Calendar and placed on Senate agenda 9.14.15 |
9.28.15 | 11.02.15 | |
04.20.15 | Faculty Senate Consideration of Support for U.S. House Bill H.R. 275 - a bill to create Presidential Commission to look into issues facing Intercollegiate Athletics | Michael G. Bowen, Chair Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics (COIA) 4.2.15 | 9.14.15
Academic Senate voted to table this item. |
04.06.15 | APM 324 Policy on Probationary Plans, and Model Probationary Plan | Brian Tsukumura, Chair Personnel Committee | APM 324 Model Probationary Plan to Personnel | APM 324 Policy 4.13.15 | 4.27.15 | 6.16.15 |
04.06.15 | Plus Minus Grading | Dennis Nef, Vice Provost 3.12.2015 | Academic Standards and Grading Subcommittee 4.10.15 | |||
03.16.15 | Student Health Center Building Name Change | Frank Lamas, Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management | Endorsed by the Executive Committee. 4.6.15 | 6.16.15 | ||
03.16.15 | APM 253 Policy on Instructional Television Fixed Service (elimination) | James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy & Planning | 9.1.15 | 11.16.15 | 1.14.16 | |
03.02.15 | APM 325 Policy on Retention and Tenure | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee | 4.13.15 | 4.13.15 | 6.16.15 | |
03.02.15 | Resolution on Academic Freedom | Presented to the Executive Committee by Chair Ayotte | 3.23.15 | 5.4.15 | ||
03.02.15 | APM 125 Policy on Department Chairs | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee |
To Personnel Committee April 10, 2015 Returned to Executive Committee 4.20.15 |
4.27.15 | 11.16.15 | 1.14.16 |
03.02.15 | APM 114 Policy on Faculty Consultation and Voting | Brian Tsukimura, Chair, Personnel Committee |
To Personnel Committee April 10, 2015 Returned to Executive Committee 4.20.15 |
4.27.15 | 11.9.15 | 12.17.15 |
02.09.15 | APMs 324 & APM 325 |
On Executive Committee agenda at the request of Chair Ayotte APM 325 returned to the Executive Committee 3.2.15 APM 324 returned to the Executive Committee agenda 4.6.15 |
Removed from agenda 2.9.15. Personnel Committee will work on these policies |
APM 325 3.23.15
APM 324 4.13.15 |
4.13.15 (APM 325)
4.27.15 (APM 324) |
02.09.15 | APM 360 Policy on Sabbatical and Difference in Pay Leaves | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 2.2.15 | 2.23.15 Consent Calendar | 2.23.15 | 5.5.15 | |
02.09.15 | APM 322 Policy on Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 2.2.15 | 2.23.15 | 4.27.15 | 6.16.15 | |
02.09.15 | APM 306 Policy on Temporary Faculty | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 2.2.15 | 2.23.15 Consent Calendar | 2.23.15 | 5.5.15 | |
02.09.15 | Proposal for the Web-Based Certificate of Advanced Study in Community and Regional Planning | Liliana Suzuki, Administrative Analyst, Division of Graduate Studies 2.3.15 |
Sent to the Budget Committee by the Executive Committee 3.4.15 Returned to the Executive Committee 8.31.15 |
9.14.15 (Consent Calendar) | 9.14.15 | 10.15.15 |
02.02.15 | Academic Senate Resolution on Teaching Associate Fee Waivers | Academic Senators: Chris Henson, Honora Chapman, Tamas Forgacs, Magda Gilewicz, Sean Fulop, Santanu Maitra, Laura Meyer, Ulrike Muller, Jin Park, John Wakabayashi | 2.23.15 | 3.9.15 | Acknowledged by President Castro 6.16.15 | |
01.26.15 | APM 1## Draft APM Language on Consultation and Executive Orders - Name updated to APM 132 | Thomas Holyoke, Vice Chair Academic Senate | 9.14.15 | 11.23.15 | 1.28.16 | |
01.26.15 | APM 361 Policy on Faculty Leaves of Absences | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 12.22.14 | 2.2.15 Consent Calendar | 2.2.15 No objections were voiced. | 5.5.15 | |
01.26.15 | APM 332 Policy on Range Elevation for Temporary Faculty | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 12.22.14 | 2.2.15 Consent Calendar | 2.2.15 No objections were voiced. | 5.5.15 | |
01.26.15 | APM 337 Faculty Workload: Policy and Procedures | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 12.22.14 | 2.2.15 Consent Calendar
Removed from Consent Calendar - requested by Senator Fulop. Senate voted to Send APM 337 to Personnel Committee 4.27.15 |
01.26.15 | (APM 237) Policy on Faculty Responsibility for Accessible Instructional Materials | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 11.17.14 | 10.5.15 Tabled until TILT guidelines on accessible course documents is available online. | |||
01.26.15 | APM 355 Policy on Assigned Time for Exceptional Levels of Service | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 11.17.14 | 3.9.15 | 3.9.15 | 5.5.16 | |
01.26.15 | ACIP Report | Dr. Martha Vungkhanching, Fresno State Representative to the Academic Council on International Programs 11.20.14 | Emailed report to Academic Senate Members January 28, 2015 | |||
11.17.14 | APM Policies that are reports: APM 321 and 358, APM 357 Policy on CETL | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 11.10.14 |
APM 357 referred to Personnel 11.24.14 Note: A memo was sent referring APM 357 to the Personnel Committee 11.19.15 |
12.1.14 APM 321 Referred back to Personnel Committee 11.16.15 |
APM 358 approved to remove from APM 2.2.15 | APM 358 5.5.15 |
11.17.14 |
Removal of: APM 367 - Fresno State Affirmative Action Policy, APM 370 - Discrimination Complaints (EO 419), APM 393 - Employee Assistance Program Gruidelines |
Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 11.10.14 | 12.1.14 | 11.9.15 | 12.17.15 | |
11.17.14 | APM 322 Policy on the Assessment of Teaching and APM 324 Policy on Probationary Plans and Faculty Mentoring. | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 11.10.14 | 12.1.14 Consent Calendar | 12.1.14 | 12.11.14 | |
11.10.14 | Experiential Learning Policy Feedback | Dennis Nef 11.10.14 | Refer to Academic Policy & Planning Committee 3.2.15 | |||
11.10.14 | Bold Ideas Challenge Follow-up | Kathleen Scott 10.21.14 | ||||
10.13.14 | Email to request date for Dr. Fran Lamas to speak on Food Security to Academic Senate | Terry Wilson, Department of Student Affairs 10.13.14 | November 3, 2014 | |||
10.13.14 | Modification to the Constitution in terms of student Membership of Voting Rights on Committees | James Mullooly, Chair, Academic Policy and Planning (AP&P) 9.29.14 | ||||
10.13.14 | Exemption of M/I Requirement | Matthew A. Jendian, Chair, Department of Sociology 10.8.14 | ||||
09.29.14 | COIA's 2014-15 Agenda and the Fresno State Academic Senate | Mike Bowen, COIA Chair, University of South Florida 8.11.14 | ||||
09.15.14 | Electronic Documents for Executive Committee | Chair Kevin Ayotte 9.15.14 | ||||
08.25.14 | Discussion of the Mechanisms Associated with Program Discontinuatio | John Constable, Chair University Budget Committee 6.2.14 | No further action needed. | |||
08.25.14 | ASI Left Turn Signal Resolution for Executive Academic Senate | Kiranjit Dhanjan, ASI Vice President of External Affairs 6.3.14 | Memo from the Senate Chair has been sent to members of the Fresno City Council urging them to support the left turn signal. | |||
08.25.14 | APM 231 Amendment | Marianne Jackson, Chair Student Affairs 12.10.13 |
AP&P 8.29.14 AP&P Returned to the Executive Committee 12.21.15 |
3.7.16 | 4.25.16 | 4.27.16 |
05.05.14 | Spring Break SchedulSpring Break Schedule | Honora Chapman 5.4.14 |
AP&P 5.19.14 |
04.21.14 | Faculty to Serve on Associate Provost Search | Lynnette Zelezny 4.15.14 A Call for Nominations will be sent to faculty. | ||||
04.21.14 | Nominations - Nominating/Elections Committee | Venita Baker - Senate Office Coordinator 4.21.14 | Consent Calendar 4.28.14 | |||
04.07.14 | ASCSU Resolution - Lecturers and Emeriti Status | Loretta Kensinger, Statewide Senator 4.7.14 | Personnel Committee 4.21.14 | |||
04.07.14 | Policy on Accessible Instructional Materials: APM 237 and others | Kevin Ayotte, Vice Chair 4.7.14 | 4.23.14 Referred to AIT, AP&P, Personnel Committee
1.26.15 Executive Committee received on the agenda from Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee. 10.5.15 Tabled until TILT guidelines on accessible course documents is available online. Returned by Kevin Ayotte, Academic Senate Chair 3.27.17 Memo will be drafted by Vice Chair Holyoke to Bryan Berrett 5.1.17 Returned to the Executive Committee agenda 9.18.17 |
9.25.17 | 3.19.18 | 4.2.18 |
04.07.14 | Request for updates to APM (627, 635, 640) | Shirley Armbruster, Associated Vice President University Communications and Integrated Marketing |
4.21.14 APM 635 withdrawn by Shirley Armbruster to make additional revisions 10.6.14 Returned to Senate agenda 11.3.14. Postponed for further clarification (See 9.14.15 for further actions) |
APM 627 - 10.6.14 APM 640 - 11.3.14 | APM 640 12.11.14
APM 627 6.16.15 |
04.07.14 | Policies for Executive Committee Review - APM 360 Policy on Sabbatical and Difference-in-Pay (DIP) APM 325 Policy on Retention and Tenure APM 327 Policy on Promotion | Brian Tsukimura, Chair of Personnel Committee 3.25.14 | 4.21.14 | 9.22.14 | 12.11.14 | |
03.17.14 | Proposed Changes to the Constitution | Nancy Kobata, President, Chapter 309 3.13.14 | Memo to Nancy requesting additional information 4.9.14 | |||
03.17.14 | Policy on Accessibility MAPP G-63-1 and APM 624 (Revised) | Approval from pending review from the Senate President Joseph Castro 3.14.14 | Executive Committee voted to referred to AP&P 3.17.14 | |||
03.03.14 | Top Dog Selection Committee | Ashleigh Davis, Events Coordinator Fresno State Alumni Association 2.21.14 | 3.3.14 | Senator Michael Jenkins, Mechanical Engineering, was nominated | ||
02.24.14 | Request for Redesignation to Proto-School | Jody Hironaka-Juteau, Interim Dean College of Health and Human Services 2.14.14 | AP&P/Budget
Returned to Executive Committee Agenda 4.7.14 |
4.21.14 | 4.21.14 | 5.29.14 |
02.10.14 | Reorganization of Departments (Movement of Faculty to Different Department - Name Change) | Paul Beare, Dean of Kremen School of Education and Human Development 2.5.14 | 3.3.14 | 3.3.14 | 4.8.14 | |
02.03.14 | Softball Diamond Renaming | Peter N. Smits 2.3.14 | Endorsed by the Executive Committee 2.6.14 | |||
02.03.14 | Calendar and Final Grade Deadline | Loretta Kensinger, Statewide Senator 2.3.14 Dennis Nef attended Executive Committee meeting to present information on this item 2.24.14 | ||||
02.03.14 | Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry | Michael Botwin, Chair Academic Policy & Planning Committee (AP&P) 1.29.14 | Forward to the University Budget Committee 2.12.14 Returned to the Executive Committee 4.21.14 | 4.28.14 Consent Calendar | 4.28.14 No objections voiced | 5.29.14 |
02.03.14 | Faculty Representation on the Academic Council on International Programs (ACIP) | Roxanne Robbin, Chair Academic Council on International Programs 2.23.14 A call for nominations will be sent to faculty. | ||||
01.27.14 | Use of Student Ratings of Instruction in Publications | Eric C. Person, Associate Professor of Chemistry Will be contacted by Senate Chair, Lynn Williams | ||||
01.27.14 | Final Exam Policy | Dennis Nef, Dean of Undergraduate Studies 1.17.14 |
Refer item to Senate Academic Policy and Planning Committee for revision, then forward to Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for further Review. 4.2.14 Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee sent approval to AP&P |
01.27.14 | Internship Policy | Dennis Nef, Dean of Undergraduate Studies 1.10.14 | Refer this item to the Senate Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee for review | |||
01.27.14 |
Minor Change to GE Policies and Bylaws: #1. Request for the non-voting GE Committee representative from Student Affairs be a voting member (Change in Bylaws) #2. GE Writing Requirements to be included in APM 215. |
Paul Crosbie, Chair General Education Committee 12.11.13 |
Place on Academic Senate agenda of 2.10.14. Returned to the 3.3.14 Executive Committee agenda by the Academic Senate. 3.17.14 Executive Committee voted to refer the Bylaws and Constitution to AP&P for review for consistency re: voting status for non-faculty ex-officio members. |
2.10.14 2.24.14 Academic Senate voted to refer the request for a representative from Student Affairs to be a voting member, back to the Executive Committee. |
2.24.14 Senate approved the GE requirements be included in APM 215. | 8.4.17 |
01.27.14 | Association Board Of Directors - Faculty Appointmemt | Debbie Adishian-Astone, Associate Vice President and Executive Director Auxiliary Services 12.12.13. A call will go out to faculty | ||||
12.02.13 | APM 335 Policy on the Periodic Review of Administrators | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee | Place on the Academic Senate agenda | 01.27.14 | 2.3.14 | 5.29.14 |
12.02.13 | Vacancies on Senate Committees (Amendment to Academic Senate Bylaws) | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee | Place on the Academic Senate agenda | 01.27.14 | 2.3.14 | 4.9.14 |
11.18.13 | Proposed Name Change - Department of Geography to the Department of Geography and City & Regional Planning | Andrew Hoff, Proost and Vice President for Academic Affairs 11.13.13 | Consent Calendar 12.2.13 | 12.2.13 No objections voiced | 12.13.13 | |
09.23.13 | California State University, Fresno Resolution Supporting the Academic Senate of the California State University AS-3141-13 Concern over Delay in Governor's Appointment of the CSU Faculty Trustee | Loretta Kensinger & Otto Benavides, Statewide Senators 9.23.13 | 9.23.13 | |||
09.09.13 | Referral of Recommendation to Discontinue Bachelors of Public Administration Program to AP&P. | Thomas Holyoke, Senator for the Department of Political Science. 9.5.13 | 9.9.13 Academic Senate voted to remove this item from the agenda and refer to AP&P. | |||
09.09.13 | Academic Senate Resolution on the Renaming of the Vice President for Student Affairs | Honora Chapman, Senator 9.9.13 | 9.9.13 Request to remove from agenda by Senator Chapman 9.23.13 | |||
04.29.13 | Resolution Regarding Shared Governance and Support for the CSU, Fresno Academic Senate April 2013 | Jacinta Amaral, Statewide Senator | 4.29.13 | 4.29.13 | 6.5.13 | |
04.29.13 | Forthcoming Nominating/Elections Committee Vacancies | Venita Baker, Senate Office Coordinator | 5.6.13 Consent Calendar | 5.6.13 No objections | ||
04.22.13 | APM 220 Policy for Outcomes-based Program Review (OBPR) | Prof. Michael Botwin, Chair of Academic Policy & Planning Committee |
3.5.12 9.16.13 Returned to AP&P Returned to the Executive Committee 4.28.14 Executive Committee will forward to the Graduate Committee. 5.6.14 Returned to the Executive Committee 10.13.14 Return to AP&P for further review 4.23.15 |
04.15.13 | Resolution Urging Amendments to California SB 520 | Jacinta Amaral, Statewide Senator 4.15.13 | 4.15.13 | 4.15.13 | ||
04.15.13 | Associate Vice President Titles for Senior Managers |
Paul M. Oliaro, Vice President for Student Affairs 4.2.13 Executive Committee was consulted. |
04.15.13 | Proposed Option in Multilingual and Multicultural Education |
Marilyn Wilson, Chair Graduate Committee 4.11.13 Sent to the Budget Committee 4.17.13 |
Returned to the Executive Committee 8.26.13 | 9.16.13 | 9.16.13 | 10.11.13 |
04.15.13 | Electronic Working Personnel Action Files | Sergio La Porta, Associate Professor Armenian Studies/President Untenured Faculty
Organization & Michael Caldwell, Associate Vice President Faculty Affairs 4.11.13
A call will go out to appoint four faculty representatives |
04.15.13 | Resolution to Ban the use of Military-Style Drones on the Fresno State Campus such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | Neil O'Brien, ASI Senator for Parking and Safety with support of Arthur Montejano, ASI President 3.7.13 Resolution has been sent to AP&P 4.17.13 | ||||
04.08.13 | APM 332 Revision - Policy on Range Elevation for Temporary Faculty | Michael Caldwell, Associate Vice President Faculty Affairs | 4.15.13 | 4.29.13 | 5.17.13 | |
04.08.13 | Proposed new MS options and Certificates of Advanced Study in the Nursing Department of the College of Health and Human Services. | John Constable, Chair Budget Committee | 4.29.13 Consent Calendar | 4.29.13 | 5.17.13 | |
04.08.13 | APM 360,361 | Mamta Rawat, Chair Personnel Committee | 5.6.13 | 9.9.13 | 10.11.13 | |
04.08.13 | APM 357 | Mamta Rawat, Chair Personnel Committee | 4.29.13 Returned to the Personnel Committee for further revsion. 6.3.13 | |||
04.08.13 | APM 302, 306, 307 | Mamta Rawat, Chair Personnel Committee | 4.29.13 | 5.6.13 | 6.17.13 | |
03.18.13 | Academic Senate Resolution - Annual Reports | Loretta Kensinger, Women's Studies Senator | 4.8.13 | 4.8.13 | ||
03.18.13 | Name Change -Counselor Education - Change of Degree Title and Coursework | Marilyn Wilson, Chair University Graduate Committee 3.18.13 | 4.15.13 Consent Calendar | 4.15.13 No objections | 5.17.13 | |
03.18.13 | Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Option in the Civil Engineering Graduate Program. | Marilyn Wilson, Chair University Graduate Committee 3.12.13 | Sent to the University Budget Committee 4.15.13 Returned to the Executive Committee 5.6.13 Approved as an interim program by the Expanded Executive Committee 6.18.13 | 9.9.13 Consent Calendar to be approved as a policy | 9.9.13 No objections | Approved as Interim 7.8.13 Approved as Standing Policy 10.11.13 |
03.18.13 | Departments requests to officially Discontinue Programs. | William A. Covino, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs 3.11.13 | 4.15.13 Request to refer to AP&P for approval by Senator Holyoke 9.5.13 | |||
03.04.13 | Professional Science Master's Degree in Water Resource Management. | Marilyn Wilson, Chair, University Graduate Committee 2.27.13 | 3.18.13 | 4.8.13 | 4.18.13 | |
03.04.13 | Request to Present Addendum to APM 300 for our Psychological Services Counselors | Catherine Felix, Director, Student Health Center 2.25 13 | Sent to the Personnel Committee 3.7.13 Returned to the Executive Committee 4.29.13 Sent to the Department of Psychological Services 5.1.13 | |||
02.25.13 | MGT 110 - Undisclosed Class Fees, Syllabus issues, COI and APM Violations | Mamta Rawat, Chair Personnel Committee 2.13.13 | Sent to AP&P 2.26.13 | |||
02.25.13 | General Education Policies, Procedures and Program Description | Paul Crosbie, Chair General Education Committee | 4.15.13 | 4.29.13 | 5.17.13 | |
02.25.13 | Provost's Awards Committee 2012-2013 | William A. Covino, Provost 2.12.13 The Executive Committee nominated faculty to serve on this committee 3.4.13 | ||||
02.25.13 | Faculty Development Committee | Mamta Rawat, Chair Personnel Committee 2.18.13 | 4.15.13 Consent Calendar | 4.15.13 No objections were voiced. | ||
02.25.13 | Interim Policy Changes: Interim APM 301 Interim APM 3041 Interim APM 3251 Interim APM 3321 Interim Policy on Blended Undergraduate and Graduate Program1 Interim Policy for Initiating Voluntary Suspension of a Graduate Program |
Michael Caldwell, Associate Vice President of Faculty Affairs. Requested to begin the process of changing statuses from interim to standing policies. 2.25.13 | APM 301 - Returned to Personnel Committee. 4.15.13 Interim Voluntary Suspension Policy will be returned to the Graduate Committee for revisions. 4.29.13 Interim Voluntary Suspension Policy was returned to the Executive Committee 9.9.13 agenda. Interim Voluntary Suspension Policy was returned to Graduate Committee. 9.24.13 | 4.15.13 - (APM 301, 304, 325, 332, Voluntary Suspension, Blended/Accelerated Program) APM 301 returned to 5.6.13 Academic Senate agenda | APM 325 approved 4.22.13 APM 304 approved 4.22.13 APM 332 approved 4.29.13 APM 301 approved 5.6.13 Policy on Blended/Accelerated Undergraduate and Graduate Programs - approved 4.29.13 | APM 325 5.17.13 APM 304 6.17.13 APM 332 5.17.13 APM 301 5.17.13 Policy on Blended/Accelerated Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 10.11.13 |
02.04.13 | Certificate Nursing Programs | University Graduate Committee 1.31.13 | University Budget Committee 2.7.13 | 4.29.13 Consent Calendar | 4.29.13 No objections | |
02.04.13 | Clinical Nurse Specialists | University Graduate Committee 1.31.13 | University Budget Committee 2.7.13 | 4.29.13 Consent Calendar | 4.29.13 No objections | |
01.28.13 | Interim Revised Policy and Procedures for Fingerprinting and Conducting Background Checks (APM 315) | John D. Welty, President | Sent to the Personnel Committee 2.7.13 Return to the Executive Committee 4.8.13 Returned to the Executive Committee 11.18.13 | 9.9.13 Return to Personnel Committee 9.9.13 Returned to Senate agenda 12.2.13 | 12.2.13 | 12.19.13 |
01.28.13 | Welty Celebration Committee | Peter Smits, Vice President for University Advancement An Academic Senate member will be selected to serve on this committee | ||||
01.29.13 | Information Technology Security Committee | John D. Welty, President A call will go out to select to faculty members to serve on the committee. | ||||
01.28.13 | Information Technology Strategic Plan | Dr. John V.H. Constable, Chair University Budget Committee | Sent to the Academic Information Technology Subcommittee for consideration 1.31.13 Request to place Information Technology (IT) Strategic Plan on Senate Consent Calendar. From Michael Botwin 4.15.13 | 4.22.13 Consent Calendar | 4.22.13 No objections | 4.30.13 |
01.28.13 | ASCSU Constitutional Amendment | Diana Guerin, CSU Senate Chair A voting ballot will be mailed to faculty | ||||
01.28.13 | Articles of Governance for JCAST | Alma Major, Chair Faculty Executive Committee Executive Committee recommends approval 3.11.13 | ||||
12.10.12 | APM 360 Policy on Sabbatical and Difference in Pay | Mamta Rawat, Chair Personnel Committee Personnel Committee requests APM 360 be removed from the Academic Senate agenda of 2.25.13 until the Executive Committee reviews APM 361 Returned to the Executive Committee agenda 4.8.13 with APM 361 | For further action, scroll up to date received 4.8.13 - APM 360,361 | |||
12.10.12 | Transmittal RE: APM 235 (Honor Code) | James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy & Planning Committee |
4.15.13 Removed from the 4.15.13 Senate agenda. Need current red-lined version. |
12.10.12 | Transmittal RE: APM 206 (TMI) | James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy & Planning Committee |
Executive Committee Sent back to AP&P with recommendations 3.4.13 Returned to the Executive Committee 4.22.13 Returned to Executive Committee 3.16.15 4.20.15 Changes will be worked out by email. Return to 5.4.15 Executive agenda Returned to Executive Committee 5.1.17 |
9.14.15 APM 253 and APM 206 combined as one agenda item. 11.16.15 Tabled until current version is received. 11.23.15 returned to Senate agenda. 11.30.15 returned back to AP&P. 1.29.16 Referred to AIT from Dr. James Mullooly, Chair AP&P. 4.29.16 returned to AP&P (by email) from Otto Benavides, Chair AIT 4.29.16 Returned to AIT due to lack of red lined version 12.6.16 Returned to AP&P with red-lined version Returned to the Executive Committee agenda of 9.18.17 Senate agenda - 10.23.17 |
3.19.18 | 4.2.18 |
12.03.12 | Recommendation for Campus Planning Committee Membership | Cynthia Matson, Chair Campus Planning Committee Executive Committee will recommend two faculty to serve on this committee. | ||||
12.03.12 | Graduating With Honors | James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy & Planning Committee |
Language change approved by the Senate Executive Committee 2.11.13 Since there is no policy on Graduating with Honors and this is only a change in the catalog, no need to send to the Senate |
3.13.3 | ||
11.26.12 | Draft Web Policy | Bruce Whitworth, Executive Director of Web Communications | 2.4.13 | 2.25.13 | 4.5.13 New - Web Policy APM 623 | |
11.05.12 | Resolution on Choice and Appointment of Faculty Representation on the Advisory Committee to the Trustees Committee for the Selection of the President (ACTCSP) for the Search for the Position of President of California State University, Fresno | Magda Gilewicz on behalf of the College of Arts and Humanities Executive Committee | 11.5.12 | 11.5.12 | ||
11.05.12 | Resolution on Campus Visits and Interview Process of Candidates for the Position President of California State University, Fresno | Magda Gilewicz on behalf of the College of Arts and Humanities Executive Committee | 11.5.12 | 11.5.12 | ||
11.05.12 | Athletic Recruiting Policy | President John D. Welty Removed from Executive Agenda for further review 11.6.12 | ||||
11.05.12 | Proposed Professional Science Master's in Water Resources Management | University Budget Committee 10.26.12 Submitted to the Graduate Curriculum Subcommittee by Scott Moore, Associate Dean of Continuing and Global Education Nov. 2012 Returned to the Executive Committee as Communications and Announcements 3.4.13 |
3.18.13 | 4.8.13 | 4.18.13 | |
10.29.12 | Academic Senate Resolution on Ending Cohort Hiring Through the Office of the Provost | Academic Senators: Chris Henson, Jacinta Amaral, Honora Chapman, Katie Dyer, Magda Gilewicz, Ray Hall, Michael Jenkins, Robert Maldonado | 11.5.12 Academic Senate voted to postpone to 11.19.12. Academic Senate voted to forward questions to the Provost and Postpone discussion until 12.10.12 Item returned to the 1.28.13 Senate Agenda. | 2.11.13 | ||
10.22.12 | CSU Honorary Degree - Ad Hoc Subcommittee | Provost Covino 10.15.12 | 11.5.12 - Executive Committee will issue a call for two faculty to serve on this subcommittee | |||
10.15.12 | APM 510 Policy on Investigations of Research Misconduct | President John D. Welty | Forwarded to the Research Committee 10.15.12 Returned to the Executive Committee 4.8.13 Returned to the Executive Committee from the Research Subcommittee 1.21.14 | 9.9.13 Return to the Research Subcommittee to adjust language Return to Academic Senate Agenda 2.3.14 | 2.3.14 | 4.3.14 |
10.08.12 | Proposed Resolution Regarding CSU Board of Trustees' Committee on Educational Policy September 2012 Agenda Item 3 | Loretta Kensinger, Women's Studies Senator | 10.8.12 | 10.8.12 | ||
10.08.12 | Resolution in Support of Proposition 30 | Loretta Kensinger, Women's Studies Senator | 10.8.12 | 10.8.12 | ||
09.24.12 | APM 369 and G-25 | President John D. Welty 9.13.12 | Sent to Personnel Committee & Student Affairs Returned to Executive Committee 4.8.13 |
9.16.13 10.28.13 Rescinded due to new Executive Order |
09.10.12 | Resolution regarding Consultation and Elimination of Nine Units of Upper Division G.E. - September 10, 2012 | Jacinta Amaral, Statewide Academic Senator | 9.10.12 | 9.10.12 | ||
08.27.12 | Potential Changes to APM 322a (Guide to creating a departmental policy on assessment of teaching effectiveness) 8.24.12 | Mamta Rawat, Chair of the Personnel Committee | 9.10.12 | 9.17.12 | ||
08.27.12 | Campus Planning Committee-FY 2012/13. 7.10.1 |
Cynthia Matson, Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer Withdrawn from Executive Committee Agenda by Jacinta Amaral for further discussion. 9.17.12
10/1/12 - Executive Committee to recommend three faculty, by 10.8.12, to serve on the Campus Planning Committee. | |||
06.21.12 | Director of Sponsored Programs 6.13.12 | Thomas McClanahan, Administrator, Research and Sponsored Programs | 6.21.12 - A faculty member will be recommended by the Chair of the Academic Senate | |||
06.21.12 | Office of Institutional Effectiveness | Provost Covino | 6.21.12 Approved by the Expanded Executive Committee on behalf of the Academic Senate the Provost's proposal to to appoint an Interim Director until a national search is conducted | |||
06.21.12 | Director of Social media and Integrated Marketing - Tamyra Pierce (Interim) 6.15.12 | Peter Smits, Vice President for University Advancement to the Expanded Executive Committee | ||||
04.30.12 | Recommendation on Low Enrollment Courses 4.20.12 | The University Budget Committee 8.27.12 - Remove from Executive Committee Agenda pending Senate Chair's consultation with Chair of University Budget Committee. | ||||
04.30.12 | University Committee on Controlled Substances 4.18.12 | Brian Tsukimura, Academic Senator | Executive Committee voted to reappoint current members 8.27.12 | |||
04.23.12 | Resolution Commending Campus Presidents and the Chancellor for Re-institution of SUG Graduate Student Grants for Academic Year 2012-2013 | Jacinta Amaral, Senator (MCLL) 4.23.12 | 4.23.12 | 4.23.12 | ||
04.16.12 | CGE Senator Thoughts | Scott Moore, Professor & Senior Director of Division of Continuing and Global Education 4.13.12 | Academic Senate 4.30.12 | 8.27.12 | 10.1.12 | |
04.16.12 | Policy for Initiating Voluntary Suspension of a Graduate Program | Graduate Committee 4.10.12 |
Expanded Executive Committee approved as interim policy 7.19.12 |
8.7.12 | ||
04.16.12 | APM 325 Policy on Retention & Tenure | Personnel Committee 3.29.12 |
6.21.12 Expanded Executive Committee approved, on behalf of the Academic Senate, as an interim policy 6.21.12 |
7.20.12 | ||
04.16. 12 | Forthcoming Nominating/Elections Committee Vacancies | Venita Baker, Coordinator Academic Senate Office 3.26.12 Executive Committee approved appointments to the Nominating/Elections Committee | ||||
04.16.12 | APM 540 Interim Intellectual Property Policy |
Intellectual Property Review Committee 4.9.12. Removed from Executive Committee agenda. Revisions are in process. Return to Executive Agenda 10.22.12 |
11.19.12 | 12.3.12 | 1.10.13 | |
04.09.12 | Substitute Resolution on Rebranding | Jacinta Amaral | 4.9.12 | 5.7.12 | ||
03.26.12 | Priority of APM Policy Revisions | Personnel Committee | ||||
03.26.12 | APM 306 (Policy on Full-time Temporary Faculty), APM 302 (Policy and Procedures for Full-time Temporary Faculty), APM 307 (Policy on Part-time Temporary Faculty) | Personnel Committee | Executive Committee to the Academic Senate 4.30.12 | 8.27.12 Returned to Personnel Committee 9.17.12 | ||
03.26.12 | Potential Changes to APM 320 | Ted Wendt, Associate Vice President for Academic Personnel | Returned to the Personnel Committee 8.27.12 Returned to Executive Committee 9.24.12 | 10.15.12 | 11.5.12 | 11.19.12 |
03.19.12 | Resolution Regarding State University Grants for Graduate Students- received by Academic Senate | Statewide Senator J. Amaral | 3.19.12 | 3.19.12 | ||
03.12.12 | Proposal to Reassign Economics Department to the Craig School of Business Recommendation to Reassign Department of Economics to the Craig School of Business | Department of Economics Faculty Luz Gonzalez, Dean of Social Sciences and Robert Harper, Dean Craig School of Business | Academic Senate | 3.19.12 | 4.09.12 | 4.23.12 |
03.12.12 | Online M.A. Program in Deaf Education | Graduate Committee | AP&P 3.12.12 To Executive Committee from University Budget Committee 5.2.12. Executive Committee Sent it to University Graduate Committee 8.27.12 Returned to Executive Agenda 10.8.12 | 10.29.12 | 11.05.12 | 11.19.12 |
03.12.12 | APM 301 and 304 Revisions | Personnel Committee |
6.21.12 Expanded Executive Committee approved, on behalf of the Academic Senate, APMs 301 & 304 as interim policies. |
07.20.12 | ||
03.12.12 | APM 361 Policy on Faculty Leaves of Absence - Allocation of Sabbatical Leaves | Personnel Committee | 4.23.12 Returned to Personnel Committee 9.17.12 | |||
02.27.12 | Ted Wendt Retirement | Provost William Covino | Call will go out to select a search committee 2.28.12 | |||
02.27.12 | Personnel Response to Sean Fulop Letter | Personnel Committee | Will forward to Sean Fulop | |||
02.27.12 | Provost's Awards Committee | Provost William Covino | Calll will go out to faculty 2.28.12 | |||
02.27.12 | APM 399 Policy on Emerita and Emeritus Status | Personnel Committee | Executive Committee to the Academic Senate 4.30.12 Expanded Executive Committee approved, on behalf of the Academic Senate APM 399 as an interim policy 6.21.12. | Returned as an Interim Policy to the Academic Senate Agenda 9.10.12 | 10.8.12 | 10.24.12 |
02.27.12 | Name Change-LEE Department | Paul Beare, Dean, Kremen School of Education and Human Development | Approved by the Executive Committee 2.27.12 | 03.28.12 | ||
02.27.12 | Review of Current Smoke-Free Campus and Implementation Procedures | President John D. Welty | Call will go out to select a faculty to serve on committee 2.28.12 | |||
02.27.12 | Certificate of Advanced Study in Homeland Security Program | University Graduate Committee | 4.23.12 | 5.7.12 | 5.14.12 | |
02.13.12 | Academic Senate Resolution on the Academic Affairs Budget Advisory Task Force Report and Revised Recommendations | Chris Henson & Alex Espinoza - Department of English | 2.13.12 Forwarded to the University Budget Committee with Instructions for its review 3.5.12 | |||
02.13.12 | Academic Senate Resolution on Cohort Hiring Through the Office of the Provost | Chris Henson & Alex Espinoza - Department of English | 2,13,12 | 4.23.12 | ||
02.06.12 | Proposal for Online Masters of Business Administration Program | University Graduate Committee | 4.23.12 | 5.07.12 | 5.14.12 | |
01.23.12 | APM 332 Policy on Range Elevation for Temporary Faculty | Personnel Committee |
Executive Committee to Academic Senate 4.30.12 No further action taken pending CBA 8.27.12. Expanded Executive Committee approved, on behalf of the Academic Senate, APM 332 as an Interim policy. 6.21.12 |
7.20.12 | ||
01.23.12 | Policy on Graduate Faculty Groups for Doctoral Program | University Graduate Committee | 9.10.12 | 10.8.12 | 10.24.12 | |
01.23.12 | Policy on Dual Listed/Co-scheduled Courses | University Graduate Committee | Expanded Executive Committee returned policy back to the University Graduate Committee 7.19.12 Returned to Executive Committee 10.1.12 Sent back to the Graduate Committee 10.8.12 Returned to the Executive Committee agenda 10.29.12 | 11.5.12 Academic Senate returned to Graduate Committee for further revisions. 11.26.12 Returned to the Academic Senate agenda of 2.11.13 |
02.11.13 | 02.27.13 |
12.05.11 | Resolution on Protecting Faculty Governance | Loretta Kensinge | 12.05.11 | 12.05.11 | ||
12.05.11 | Academic Senate Resolution in Support of the Title 5 "American Institutions" Graduation Requirement for all Undergraduate Degrees at CSU, Fresno and a Commitment to an Equal and Uniform Educational Experience for both Transfer and Native Students December 5, 2011 | Thomas Holyoke | 12.05.11 | 12.05.11 | ||
12.05.11 | Resolution in Support of CFA Concerted Action on November 17, 2011 | Loretta Kensinger | 12.05.11 | 12.05.11 | ||
12.05.11 | Academic Senate Resolutions on the Academic Affairs Budget Advisory Task Force Report - College of Science and Mathematics | Michael Botwin | 12.05.11 | 1.30.12 | ||
12.05.11 | Resolution in Support of UC Davis Students and Faculty Right to Peaceably Assemble | Bridget Conlon | 12.5.11 | 4.23.12 | ||
11.28.11 | APM 327 Policy on Promotion | From Personnel Committee to Executive Committee 11.21.11 | 3.19.12 | 9.17.12 | 10.02.12 | |
11.28.11 | APM 206 Policy on Technology - Mediated Courses and Programs | From AP&P to Executive Committee 11.18.11 | To Academic Senate 03.5.12 |
11.28.11 | APM 137 Interim Policy on Student Participation | From Student Affairs Committee to Executive Committee 11.14.11 | To Academic Senate Consent Calendar 12.5.11 | 12.5.11 | 12.5.11 | |
10.24.11 | Discontinuation Professional Science Master's in Forensic Science | From Graduate Committee to Executive Committee 10.20.11 | To Academic Senate Consent Calendar 11.7.11 | 11.7.11 | 11.7.11 | 12.07.11 |
10.24.11 | The Geographic Information Systems Graduate Certificate Program | Graduate Committee to Executive Committee 10.11.11 | To Academic Senate 12.5.11 | 03.19.12 | 04.02.12 | |
10.24.11 | APM 306 Policy on Full-time Temporary Faculty | From Personnel Committee to Executive Committee 10.13.11 |
To Academic Senate 12.5.11 Withdrawn by Personnel Committee 2.13.12 |
10.24.11 | Posthumous Degree Policy | William Covino, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs |
Student Affairs Committee Returned to the Executive Committee 11.28.11 |
4.23.12 Tabled 9.24.12 until Student Affairs Committee reviews | 11.19.12 | 12.6.12 |
10.24.11 | Computer Policy | Academic Information Technology 10.10.11 |
Student Affairs Committee Return to Executive Committee 02.27.12 Return to Student Affairs for Clarification 2.27.12 Returned to Executive Committee 4.30.12 |
8.27.12 Forward to the Academic Information Technology Subcommittee 9.24.12 |
10.10.11 | APM 323 Policy on Faculty Personnel Files | Personnel Committee 9.29.2011 |
To the Academic Senate |
11.7.11 | 12.07.11 | |
9.26.11 | Policy on Blended Programs -Bachelors/Masters/Master's Certificates/Credentials and Masters/Doctorate | University Graduate Committee 9.20.11 to the Executive Committtee |
To AP&P 9.26.11 Returned to Executive Committee 3.26.12 |
Expanded Executive Committee approved as interim Blended/Accelerated Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 7.19.12 | 8.7.12 | |
9.19.11 | Resolution on Selection of Presidents in the California State University | Jacinta Amaral, Statewide Senator 9.19.11 | 9.19.11 | |||
09.12.11 | Follow-up on APM/MAPP Policies | Office of the Vice President for Administration to the Executive Committee 8.23.11 |
To the Academic Senate Consent Calendar |
Senate Agenda 10.3.11 | Approved by consent 10.3.11 | 10.24.11 |
09.12.11 | Documents which define faculty workload and research responsibility | Sean Fulop, Department of Linguistics to Executive Committee 8.26.11 |
To the Personnel Committee 9.26.11 Personnel Committee sent response to Sean Fulop dated February 2, 2012 |
07.07.11 | APM 504, Post Award Audit #10-29-Fresno | Thomas McClanahan, Associate Vice President for ResearchMay 25, 2011 | Expanded Executive Committee forwarded to AP&P 7.15.11 | |||
07.07.11 | APM 243 Policies and Procedures for Student Academic Petitions a Committee | Dennis Nef, Associated Vice President and Dean of Undergraduate Studies to the Executive Committee 8.22.11 | o AP&P AP&P returned to Executive Committee 11.18.11 Returned to Executive Committee agenda 12.10.12 Executive Committee send to Student Academic Petitions Committee 1.31.13 Returned to the Executive Committee from the Student Academic Petitions Committee 2.20.13 | 4.9.12 Removed by Chair of AP&P for further revisions 10.4.12 Senate Agenda 3.4.13 | 3.4.13. | 3.21.13 |
06.20.11 | General Education Writing Requirements | Andrew Lawson, Chair General Education Committee to the Executive Committee 8.22.11 Will return to next Executive Committee Meeting 10.10.11 | Returned back to the General Education Committee 11.14.11 Returned to Executive Committee 2.27.12 | 4.23.12 | 4.23.12 | 5.14.12 |
05.28.11 | Request to Reorganize KSOEHD Departments | Paul Beare, Dean, Kremen School of Education and Human Development | Expanded Executive Committee 7.7.11 | Expanded Executive Committee on behalf of the Academic Senate 7.7.11 | 07.28.11 | |
05.25.11 | Follow-up Posst Award Audit #10-29-Fresno | Thomas McClanahan, Associate Vice President for Research | Expanded Executive Committee 7.7.11 Will forward to AP&P | |||
05.09.11 | Proposal Review of Doctorate of Nursing Practice, Department of Nursing | University Graduate Committee 5.3.11 | Executive Committee will forward to the University Budget Committee 8.22.11 Returned to Executive Comittee 9.26.11 | Senate Agenda 10.03.11 | Approved 10.3.11 | Approved 10.24.11 |
05.02.11 | Proposal for Modification of Degree Program Doctor of Physical Therapy Program | University Graduate Committee to Executive Committee 5.2.11 | Expanded Executive Committee 7.7.11 | Expanded Executive Committee on behalf of the Academic Senate 7.7.11 | 7.28.11 | |
04.25.11 | Faculty Representation - President's Commission on Human Relations and Equity (PCHRE) | President John D. Welty 4.25.11 | Recommendations sent to Present Welty 5.28.11 | |||
04.11.11 | COIA Endorsement | John S. Nicols, Professor Emeritus of Communications Penn State University | Executive Committee requests endorsement Recommendations from Athletic Advisory Council and Dr. David Schecter (Faculty Athletic Representative) 4.22.11 | |||
04.11.11 | Academic Constitutional Amendment | James Postma, Chair of the Statewide Academic Senate 4.7.11 | Will commence referendum process in Fall semester | Senate Agenda 10.17.11 | Endorsed 10.17.11 | |
04.11.11 | Added Authorization Special Education Autism Spectrum Disorder | University Graduate Committee 4.11.11 | Academic Senate Consent Calendar 5.9.11 | 5.9.11 | 7.15.11 | |
03.28.11 | Plan for Excellence IV | Strategic Planning Committee 3.28.11 | Forward to the Academic Senate 3.28.11 | Endorsed 4.11.11 | ||
03.28.11 | Retention, Tenure, and Promotion (RTP) Process (APM 324, 325, 327) | Personnel Committee to Executive 3.28.11 | Forward to the Academic Senate 4.25.11 | 5.9.11 | 7.15.11 | |
03.28.11 | Co-Curriculuar Leadership Certification Consultation | Student Affairs 3.28.11 Return of the Executive Committee 5.9.11 | Forward to the Academic Senate 9.19.11 | |||
03.28.11 | Creating A Departmental Policy on Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness (from APM 322) | Personnel Committee to Executive 3.28.11 | Forward to the Academic Senate 4.11.11 | 5.9.11 | 7.15.11 | |
03.21.11 | Discontinuation of the Environmental Sciences Joint Program with University of California Riverside. | Associate Vice President and Dean of Undergraduate Studies 3.21.11 | Forward to Academic Senate Consent Calendar 3.28.11 |
4.4.11 |
4.29.11 | |
03.21.11 | Policies and Procedures Student Academic Petitions Committee (243) | Student Affairs Committee 3.21.11 | APM 243 is in compliance defined by EO 1037. No further action needed. | |||
03.14.11 | Policy on the Scholarly Advancement of Learning and Teaching (APM 357) | Faculty Development Committee 3.14.11 | Forward to Academic Senate 3.28.11 | Return to Faculty Development Committee 4.25.11 | ||
03.14.11 | Library Opposition to Inclusion in Active Directory | Library Subcommittee to Executive Committee 3.14.11 | Library Subcommittee 3.28.11 | |||
03.14.11 | Policy on the Procedures and Guidelines for the Periodic Review of Academic Programs (APM 220) | Executive Committee March 14, 2011 with revisions | Forward to Academic Senate 4.11.11 This item was not returned to the Senate agenda in fall 2011. | Returned to Academic Senate agenda 9.10.12. Received request from Sharon Brown Welty to remove item from agenda for review by the Graduate Committee. 9.7.12 | ||
02.04.11 | Policy on Curricular Change (APM 222) | Undergraduate Studies to the Executive 2.28.11 | Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 2.28.11 | |||
01.24.11 | Univ. Graduate Comm. Advanced Certificate in Geographic Information Systems | Division of Graduate Studies to Executive 2.14.11 | Graduate Committee 2.14.11 Withdrawn By Division of Graduate Studies 3.14.11 | |||
12.01.10 | Senate Resolution Regarding the Graduation Initiative at California State University, Fresno | Student Affairs Committee to Executive 1.31.11 | Student Affairs Committee 2.28.11 | |||
12.01.10 | Class Size and Student/Faculty Ratios | Student Affairs Committee To the Executive 2.14.11 | Student Affairs Committee 2.18.11 | |||
11.30.20 | Master's Degree in Education wth an Option in Reading Online | Graduate Committee to the Executive 1.24.11 | Executive forward to Academic Senate 2.14.11 | 3.07.11 | 3.24.11 | |
11.29.10 | Multiple Off-Campus Degree Program, Master of Arts in Education, Educational Leadership and Administration (Focus on PreK-12 Administration) and the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential | University Budget Committee to the Executive 12.6.11 | Executive forward to Academic Senate 2.14.11 | |||
11.19.10 | Option in Computer Engineering (CompE) for the Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) Degree Program | Executive 01.31.11 | 02.07.11 | 03.14.11 | ||
11.08.10 | Doctorate in Educational Leadership Program - Bakersfield Campus | Executive 12.6.10 | 11.24.11 | 02.07.11 | ||
11.01.10 | Zero Units | Graduate Committee to Executive 11.8.10 Removed from Executive Agenda 12.6.10 Returned to Executive agenda 3.14.11 | Practice endorsed by Executive 3.14.11 Present Endorsement to Academic Senate 3.21.11 | No objections to Executive Endorsement 3.21.11 | 07.28.11 | |
10.11.10 | Bachelor of Science in Nursing RN to BSN - Off Campus Program | Executive 11.15.10 | 11.24.11 | 02.03.11 | ||
09.29.10 | Discontinuatoin of the Interdisciplinary Health and Rehabilitation Science Major | Peggy Trueblood, Chair of Physical Therapy 9.29.10 Re-submitted by Dennis L. Nef, Associated Vice President and Dean of Undergraduate Studies 6.21.11 | Expanded Executive Committee 7.7.11 | Expanded Executive Committee on behalf of the Academic Senate 7.7.11 | 07.28.11 | |
09.14.10 | Renaming the Graduate Specialty Areas in Counseling and Student Services | Executive 10.04.10 | 11.15.10 | 01.20.11 | ||
12.06.07 | Policy on Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness (APM 322) | 09.27.10 | 01.20.11 | |||
07.23.10 | Co-Curricular Leadership Certificate Consultation | Executive 8.30.10 Returned to Executive 3.28.11 | ||||
07.12.10 | Suspension of MS Program in Accounting | Executive 8.30.10 | 11.15.10 | 01.20.11 | ||
07.09.10 | Proposed Policy on Undergrad Policies and Procedures Majors and Minors | Executive 8.30.10 Returned to Executive 2.28.11 | To Academic Senate 4.4.11 | Returnt to Academic Senate Agenda 10.3.11 | 11.7.11 | 12.22.11 |
05.20.10 | Proposed Dept. of Ag Economics Name Change | Executive 8.30.10 | ||||
02.19.10 | Costs Associated with Performing Student Ratings of Instructor Performance -Budget Committee | Pending-form ad hoc/2 Executive/2 Personnel Chair Budget | ||||
10.22.09 | Policy on Probationary Plans and Faculty Mentoring (APM 324) | No changes were made - withdrawn from Executive Agenda 8/30/10 | ||||
05.30.10 | Policy Repeating Courses (APM233) Student Affairs | Executive 8.30.10 | 10.4.10 | 01.20.11 | ||
05.20.10 | Proposed Department of Ag Econemics Name Change Provost | Executive 8.30.10 | ||||
05.06.10 | Program Proposal:Bachelor of Arts in Latin American Studies | Return to Executive from University Budget Committee 2.28.11 Executive 8.30.10 | Returned to the University Budget Committee 2.28.11 To Expanded Summer Executive Committee 7.7.11 | 07.28.11 | ||
11.02.10 | Policy and Pocedures for Fingerprinting and Conducting Background Checks (APM 315). | From Personnel Committee to the Executive Committee. 11.8.10 | 2.7.11 | 3.21.11 | 7.15.11 | |
10.06.09 (APM 220) | Policy on the Procedures and Guidelines for the Periodic Review of academic Programs Articles of Governance Health and Human Services |
AP&P- Executive 10.12.09,Executive agenda 10.19.09 continued to 11.2.09/ forwarded
to AP&P 11/09 endorsed by executive 10.19.09 does not need approval of senate or president. |
10.02.09 | Library Faculty Resolution | Chair wrote support memo to Library | ||||
09.11.09 (APM 338) | Policy on Office adn Consultation Hours | Executive -9.21.09-forwarded to AP&P 9.21.09/returned to AP&P.4.26.10 Returned to Executive 2.28.11 | Forward to Academic Senate 3.28.11 | 4.4.11 | 07.14.11 | |
04.27.09 (APM 226) | Policy on Graduate Faculty Groups for Master's Degree Programs - Catherine Jackson | Executive 5.4.09-forward to Graduate & Personnel in the fall | TABLED | |||
04.24.09 | Grading of Activity Courses | Executive 4.27.09/Chair to write a cover letter Forwarded to AP&P & Acad Stand & Grading on 5.5.09 PENDING |
01.26.09 | Discontinuation of the Joint Program in Environmental Sciences | Executive - 2.2.09/TABLED until verification from UC Riverside |