Academic Senate
Standing Committees and Subcommittees
The variety and complexity of the tasks performed by institutions of higher education produce an inescapable interdependence among governing board, administration, faculty, students and others. The relationship calls for adequate communication among these components and full opportunity for appropriate joint planning and effort.
Academic Senate Charge Membership List Academic Senate Documents
Executive Committee
Academic Policy and Planning Committee
- Academic Information Technology Subcommittee
- Academic Standards and Grading Subcommittee
- Library Subcommittee
- Undergraduate Academic Program Review Subcommittee
- Research Subcommittee
- Service-Learning Subcommittee
Personnel Committee
University Budget Committee
General Education Committee
University Graduate Committee
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
- Multicultural/International Subcommittee
- Online/Blended Education Subcommittee
- Writing Competency Subcommittee
Student Affairs Committee
Committee for Faculty Equity and Diversity
Nominating/Elections Committee