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Academic Senate

Approved Resolutions


The Approved Resolutions
Resolution Link Date
Resolution in Support of Saving Sonoma State 03.24.2025
Resolution on the Interim CSU Time, Place and Manner Policy 09.09.2024
Resolution decrying diverson of funds from Academics to Atheltics, and in support of returning diverted funds to Academic Affairs, including support for faculty scholarly and creative activities.  04.29.2024
Resolution in Support of the People of Iran and Gender Equity 11.07.2022
CalGETC Resolution 10.24.2022
Resolution:  Removal of Name from The University Library 05.02.2022
Acknowledging Harm Resulting from Sexual Harassment by Frank Lamas and Affirming Support of Victims and Survivors by the Campus Community  04.04.2022
Declaration of No Confidence in Former CSU Chancellor Joseph I. Castro to Exercise Retreat Rights to Enter Professoriate of the CSU 04.04.2022
Call for More Intensive Training for Administrators, Faculty, and Staff on Title IX 04.04.2022
Call for an Independent Investigation into the Actions Taken at CSU Fresno to Possibly Cover Up Title IX Violations and Whether There was an Attempt to Protect the Perpetrator and his Supervisor 03.21.2022
Resolution in support of stable budgetary support for library collections 11.22.2021
Resolution Regarding Hazardous Work and Study Enviornment   05.03.2021
Protecting Fair Workload for Faculty at CSU, Fresno 03.22.2021
Resolution in Opposition to the Chancellor’s Office (CO) Proposed Implementation of Ethnic Studies, AB 1460 10.26.2020
Resolution on Faculty Free Speech and Official University Responses 11.04.2019
Resolution in Opposition to the Report of the Task Force on General Education 03.25.2019
Resolution On Lack of Adequate Faculty Consultation On Executive Orders 1100 (Revised) and EO 1110 10.09.2017
Fresno State Resolution In Support of CSU Students and Staff Admitted or Employed Under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and In support of the DACA Program 09.11.2017
Sense of the Senate Resolution Requesting Changes in the System wide Proposed Intellectual Property Policy - San Jose State University 05.08.2017
Academic Senate Resolution on Response to Executive Order from the President of the United States Regarding Restrictions on Refugees, Visas, and Legal Residents 01.30.2017
Academic Senate Resolution in Support of Campus Diversity and Freedom of Expression 11.21.2016
Proposal of a Senate Task Force on Faculty Workload 10.24.2016
Resolution on Final Grade Due Dates 05.02.2016
Academic Senate Resolution in Support of the AB-798 College Textbook Affordability Act of 2015 (Amended) 05.02.2016
Resolution to Urge the Fresno State Academic Senate To Reconsider Changing the Drop Deadline- APM 231 04.25.2016
Resolution Supporting the "Fight for Five" and Calling for Chancellor to Act to End Contract Dispute Submitted by Senator Kensinger, with Senator Botwin, Senator Jenkins, Senator Henson, Senator Katti and Senator Slagter 03.28.2016
Academic Senate Resolution in Support of the Academic Senate and Faculty of California State University, Chico 03.07.2016
Academic Senate Resolution in Support of the AB-798 College Textbook Affordability Act of 2015 11.30.2015
Resolution on California State University (CSU) 2015-16 Presidential Searches 10.12.2015
Resolution for a Comprehensive California State University Policy on Academic Freedom 05.04.2015
Academic Senate Resolution on Teaching Associate Fee Waivers 03.09.2015
Resolution Supporting the Academic Senate of the California State University AS-3141-13 Concern over Delay in Governor's Appointment of the CSU Faculty Trustee 09.23.2013
Resolution Regarding Shared Governance and Support for the CSU, Fresno Academic Senate  04.29.2013
Resolution Urging Amendments to California SB 520, Steinberg (D-Sacramento) Creating the "California Online Access Platform" 04.15.2013
Academic Senate Resolution on Annual Reports 04.08.2013
Academic Senate Resolution on Ending Cohort Hiring Through the Office of the Provost 02.11.2013
Resolution on Campus Visits and Interview Process of Candidates for the Position of President of California State University, Fresno 11.05.2012
Resolution on Choice and Appointment of Faculty Representation on the Advisory Committee to the Trustees Committee for the Selection of the President for the Search for the Position of President of California State University, Fresno 11.05.2012
Proposition 30 Senate Resolution  10.08.2012
Proposed Resolution Regarding CSU Board of Trustees' Committee on Educational Policy  10.08.2012
Consultation and Elimination of Nine Units of Upper Division G.E. 09.10.2012
Support of UC Davis Students and Faculty Right to Peaceably Assemble 04.23.2012
Resolution Commending Campus Presidents and the Chancellor for Re-Institution of SUG Graduate Student Grants for Academic Year 2012-2013 04.23.2012
Academic Senate Resolutions on the Academic Affairs Budget Advisory Task Force - CSM  01.30.2012
Resolution in Support of CFA Concerted Action 12.05.2011
Protecting Faculty Governance Loretta Kensinger 12.05.2011
Academic Senate Resolution in Support of the Title 5 "American Institutions" Graduation Requirement for all Undergraduate Degrees at CSU, Fresno and a Commitment to an Equal and uniform Educational Experience for both Transfer and Native Students 12.05.2011

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