Faculty Affairs
Range Elevation for Temporary Faculty
Policies and Procedures for Range Elevation
- APM 332 Policy on Range Elevation
- CBA Article 12.16 - 12.20
- HR/Salary 2017-14 Technical Letter: Describes calculation and implementation timelines.
- HR/Salary 2017-14 Supplement - extends the FTAS qualifications
Other Policies related to Range Elevation
- APM 322 Policy on the Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness
- Department Policies on Teaching Effectiveness
Request Faculty Affairs to create a case for you
- An email was sent to restricted Google Group for those that are elgible to apply for Range Elevation, please use th elink that was sent in the email.
- If you believe are you are eligible, please email facultyaffairs@mail.fresnostate.edu to verify your eligibility and to place you on the restricted Google Group.
- Reviews will occur using Interfolio's Cases - we need to create a case for your file to be uploaded and your application to be completed by you.
- Range elevation is the advancement of a temporary instructional or librarian faculty member from one salary range to the next following a campus review process.
Application and Procedures
- Calendar please scroll down to link for "Temporary Faculty: Range Elevation and 3-Year Review"
- The review process is described in APM 332
- Criteria are described in APM 332 section II, please review the tables
- Interfolio will be used as the tool to house the evaluation materials.
- More information on accessing Interfolio.
- Training on Interfolio and by College will be offered by Faculty Affairs calendar (pending)
- Indicate your interest in applying by completing the Google Form link that was sent
to restricted Google Group for Eligible Temporary Faculty
Eligibility for applications during 2024-2025 to be effective Fall 2025
Method A: Standard Method using SSI MAX and Years in Rank. Criteria - both must be met.
- No more eligibility for Service Salary Increases (SSIs) or at SSI Max (regardless of FMIs) for your current salary range or rank. View the salary information by rank.
- At least five years of service in your current range or rank in the same department.
Method B: Calculating Full-time Adjusted Serviced (FTAS). At least six years of FTAS in the same department at your current range or rank. Eligibility is determined separately for each department you are assigned.
- FTAS each year will be summed over the entire number of years the faculty member has been in the current range to generate total FTAS.
- In any given year, an individual can only be credited with a maximum of 1.0 FTAS, total FTAS cannot exceed the number of years since the individual was appointed to the current range.
- For each academic or fiscal year, FTAS is defined as the average time base (FTE) worked over the year, divided by 0.8, and up to a maximum of 1.0 for that year. Average FTE can either be determined from the FTE assigned each term or by adding up the number of WTUs assigned over the academic year and dividing by 24.
- If you would like to verify your eligiblity please email facultyaffairs@mail.fresnostate.edu
- Calculator to help with calculating your eligibility here EXCEL