Faculty Affairs
Temporary Academic Employees
Temporary Appointments are recruited through the departments. If there is a discipline you may be interested in teaching, please contact the specific department for the subject.
Review the descriptions below. Select the classification that applies to the assignment. Recruitment Process is listed at the links provided below. If you need additional guidance for applying to a position, contact the department in which you want to work.
- Graduate Assistant - AY/Monthly
- Immediate Pay classifications (CGE) - contact CGE/Department for Course Proposals
- Music Studio Instructors - Contact Music Department
- Nepotism - Sample Memo ( Word)
- Separation and Separation Form: Use Separation Notice in AdobeSign.
- Substitute Instructor Forms and Policies
- Volunteer (Current faculty or new appointments)
Workflow Overviews
- Academic Student Employees (ASE) Includes TA, GA, and ISA
"Temporary faculty employee" is any faculty unit employee who is serving in a temporary faculty appointment for a specified period of time, whether full-time or part-time in accordance with Collective Bargaining Unit, California Faculty Association, Unit 3. The classification most assigned is a Lecturer position (see APM 306 under "Policies").
Policies and Resources
Procedures for Temporary Faculty job announcements in CHRS Recruiting (under construction)
- OFA ToolKit (for Chairs and DAAs)
- Job Request and Job postings
- Hiring a New Temporary Faculty - New Temporary Faculty Appointment Nomination Form (template in Adobe Sign)
Salary Payment
- Salary Schedule (opens in New Window to Faculty Affairs>Current/Prospective Faculty>Salary Schedules>Lecturers)
- Pay Calendars (opens in New Window to Payroll website)
- Pay Schedule: AY Lecturers are salaried positions and receive six pay warrants for each semester assignment.
Other Pay related resources:
- Full-Time Temporary Faculty Additional Unit (16th unit) (Instructions in OFA ToolKit, template in Adobe Sign)
- Range Elevation
- Benefits Information:
- Temporary Faculty Benefits Eligibility Information
- Benefits (opens in New Wind40ow to Payroll website)
Temporary Faculty are subject to evaluations. Please review APM 306 and pertinent department policies.
CBA 38.48
Link to submit interest to return (in progress)
- The hiring of Academic Student Employees (Teaching Associates, Graduate Assistants, and Instructional Student Assistants) is regulated by the articles of the Collective Bargaining Agreement as agreed upon by the CSU and the UAW (Bargaining Unit 11). The current CBA covers the period of November 13, 2018 through September 30, 2020 and may be accessed at: https://www2.calstate.edu/csu-system/faculty-staff/labor-and-employee-relations/Pages/unit11-uaw.aspx
- Care must be taken to ensure that Agreement articles related to appointment and notice, as well as CSU System-wide Classification and Qualification Standards are upheld.
- Please review the Policies and Salary Resources. Dean's offices may adjust salaries based on level of candidacy.
Policies and Resources
Teaching Associates are given work assignments that primarily involve classroom and laboratory instruction. Responsibility for preparing course materials and administering the course is vested in the TA under the direct supervision of a faculty member.
Teaching Associates may serve a maximum of twenty (20) hours per week. Work Assignments are to be closely associated with their program of study or the academic department in which they are enrolled. Teaching Associates appointed for less than half-time may be appointed concurrently in another student classification, up to a combined total of approximately 20 hours per week.
Job Announcements for TA's will be posted to the Careers Page at https://careers.fresnostate.edu/en-us/listing/
- Procedures for Creating a Job Announcement (available in OFA ToolKit)
- Procedures for Hiring NEW TA's (instructions available in OFA ToolKit)
Duties Form - Required for ALL Unit 11 Employees
- Duties Form: Template in Adobe SIgn and instructions in OFA ToolKit,
If a student has not worked in as an employee with Fresno State, the appointment will be a NEW Hire. Submit all required and Faculty Affairs will reach out for a Payroll Intake Session.
New Hires are also considered changing positions and will require a New Hire Payroll Intake Session:
- (a) ISA --> TA;
- (b) ISA --> GA;
- (c) GA --> TA
TAs, GAs, and ISAs may be hired at any salary within the appropriate range on the salary schedule.
- Salary Schedule 2354 (CalState website)
- Pay Calendars
- Pay Schedule: AY TA’s are salaried positions and receive six pay warrants for each semester assignment.
Returning TA's: no break, or one semester break (Fall) (Spring)
Rehire TA's: If a TA has had a break for 2-semesters or more in all ASE positions, the TA will be a NEW hire.
- The hiring of Academic Student Employees (Teaching Associates, Graduate Assistants, and Instructional Student Assistants) is regulated by the articles of the Collective Bargaining Agreement as agreed upon by the CSU and the UAW (Bargaining Unit 11). The current CBA covers the period of November 13, 2018 through September 30, 2020 and may be accessed at: https://www2.calstate.edu/csu-system/faculty-staff/labor-and-employee-relations/Pages/unit11-uaw.aspx
- Care must be taken to ensure that Agreement articles related to appointment and notice, as well as CSU System-wide Classification and Qualification Standards are upheld.
Policies and Resources
Graduate Assistants provide non-teaching assistance to faculty members with work assignments that may involve supervising students, research for a supervising faculty member, and the evaluation of student work and examinations.
Graduate Assistants are limited to a maximum of 20 hours per week of total employment while the student is enrolled in classes. Graduate Assistants employed for less than 20 hours per week may be appointed concurrently in another student classification up to a combined total of approximately 20 hours per week.
Job Announcements for TA's will be posted to the Careers Page at https://careers.fresnostate.edu/en-us/listing/
- Procedures for Creating a Job Announcement (available in OFA ToolKit)
- Procedures for Hiring NEW GA's (instructions available in OFA ToolKit)
Duties Form - Required for ALL Unit 11 Employees
- Duties Form: Template in Adobe SIgn and instructions in OFA ToolKit.
If a student has not worked in as an employee with Fresno State, the appointment will be a NEW Hire. Submit all required and Faculty Affairs will reach out for a Payroll Intake Session.
New Hires are also considered changing positions and will require a New Hire Payroll Intake Session:
- (a) ISA --> TA;
- (b) ISA --> GA;
- (c) GA --> TA
- Salary Schedule 2355 (CalState website)
- Pay Calendars
- Pay Schedule: GA’s are salaried positions and receive five pay warrants for each semester appointment (Fall: Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan; Spring: Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun). Monthly GA’s (2325) are paid monthly based on length of employment.
Returning GA's: no break, or one semester break (Fall) (Spring)
Rehire GA's: If a GA has had a break for 2-semesters or more in all ASE positions, the GA will be a NEW hire.
- The hiring of Academic Student Employees (Teaching Associates, Graduate Assistants, and Instructional Student Assistants) is regulated by the articles of the Collective Bargaining Agreement as agreed upon by the CSU and the UAW (Bargaining Unit 11). The current CBA covers the period of November 13, 2018 through September 30, 2020 and may be accessed at: https://www2.calstate.edu/csu-system/faculty-staff/labor-and-employee-relations/Pages/unit11-uaw.aspx
- Care must be taken to ensure that Agreement articles related to appointment and notice, as well as CSU System-wide Classification and Qualification Standards are upheld.
Policies and Resources
Instructional Student Assistants have working assignments that may involve tutoring, advising, and/or grading.
Instructional Student Assistants are limited to a maximum of 20 hours per week of total employment while the student is enrolled in classes. Instructional Student Assistants employed for less than 20 hours per week may be appointed concurrently in another student classification up to a combined total of approximately 20 hours per week.
Job Announcements for ISA's will be posted to the Careers Page at https://careers.fresnostate.edu/en-us/listing/
- Procedures for Creating a Job Announcement (available in OFA ToolKit)
- Procedures for Hiring NEW ISA's (instructions available in OFA ToolKit)
Duties Form - Required for ALL Unit 11 Employees
- Duties Form: Template in Adobe SIgn and instructions in OFA ToolKit
If a student has not worked in as an employee with Fresno State, the appointment will be a NEW Hire. Submit all required forms and Faculty Affairs will reach out for a Payroll Intake Session.
New Hires are also considered changing positions and will require a New Hire Payroll Intake Session:
- (a) ISA --> TA;
- (b) ISA --> GA;
- (c) GA --> TA
- Salary Schedule 1150 (CalState website)
- Pay Calendars
- Pay Schedule: ISA’s are positive pay positions, paid for hours worked. ISA’s receive their pay warrants on the dates as noted on the University Payroll Calendar, usually the 15th day of the month. See Time Entry content.
ISAs are appointed for a selected amount of time and are paid on a monthly basis during the period of employment.
A Timesheet must be completed by the last day of each month. This timesheet is accessed through MyFresnoState.
Time Entry Guide is located on HR website (PDF)
It is sometimes necessary for programs to temporarily replace faculty who, because of illness or other absences, are unable to meet their assigned instructional duties. Such substitutions are governed in part by the Unit 3 (Faculty) Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Article 20.8.
Please email the Office of Faculty Affairs for consultation regarding substitute assignments at facultyaffairs@mail.fresnostate.edu
There are three types of substitutions:
The CBA at Article 20.8 allows faculty to substitute for colleagues for periods of short duration on a voluntary basis, and this practice is often used when the absence entails only a limited number of classes and involves modest amounts of preparation for the faculty member doing the substituting. The CBA requires prior approval of the program chair for such arrangements.
Because the University currently receives no separate allocation to pay for substitutes, funds for this purpose are normally drawn from part-time faculty funds in the Program in which the substitute is hired. For substitutions of short duration (the CBA refers to normally 20 or fewer days), faculty are to be compensated at the hourly rate on the current salary schedule for class code 2356.
1. Workload reduction in subsequent semester
For periods in excess of 20 days, the CBA states that compensation is to be in the form of a workload reduction, given as soon as is practicable (e.g., a faculty member who substituted for a colleague for most of the semester in a 3-unit class might be given a 3-unit reduction in workload the following semester in the same academic year). This must done in consultation with the affected Faculty member and memorialized in writing by both the faculty member and the Dean. In the event the substitute is not returning, compensation would be required at the time of separation. Article 12.29(d) of Unit 3 (Faculty) Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) provides additional information regarding workload reduction for temporary faculty assigned work in excess of 15 wtu.
2. Replacements
When it is not known at the time of appointment whether or not a regular faculty member will be returning or when the faculty member is returning from his/her absence and the duration is within a 20 days, the replacement may initially be hired as a substitute and paid at the appropriate Lecture rate of pay under job code 2356.
If the appointment is known to be of a longer duration (normally in excess of 20 days), a temporary lecturer appointment may be processed for the substitute employee which may be a late start/early term appointment offer for the applicable Academic days or may cover the full Academic Year.
1. Offer to current Tenured/Tenure Track (T/T-T) or Lecturers
2. If a certain expertise is required which is only available from a current Tenure/Tenure Track (T/T-T) faculty member, the T/T-T faculty member may be released from part of his/her assigned classes to cover the needed class, and a "substitute" for his/her vacated class may be appointed
3. Hire qualified temporary faculty outside the department, using the normal process and forms for temporary lecturer appointments. follow instructions to submit new hire application.
- Full-Time faculty members (whether tenured, probationary, or temporary) are exempt employees and are not eligible for substitute pay; they cannot go over 1.0 timebase (see CBA, Article 36.5 below).
- Substitute work is not of a substantially different nature than their primary or normal employment, therefore, they cannot be paid Additional Pay for the substitute teaching assignment (36.5(a)).
- Faculty on "paid" leaves (Sabbatical, DIP) are considered to be in work status (thus, full-time status).
- Per the Collective Bargaining Agreement on Limitations on Additional Employment:
- 36.5 A faculty unit employee shall be limited in CSU employment to the equivalent of one (1) full-time [position]. An “overage” of up to twenty-five percent (25%) of a full-time position shall be allowed if the overage employment:
(a) consists of employment of a substantially different nature from his/her primary or normal employment;
(b) is funded from non-general fund sources;
(c) is the result of the accrual of part-time employment on more than one (1) campus;
(d) is necessary to meet a temporary faculty employee’s entitlement to full-time work, or to offer work to a part-time temporary faculty employee up to full time under provision 12.29 (a) (8) or (b) (9). However, in no case shall a faculty unit employee’s entitlement to subsequent employment at a campus exceed full-time in any academic term.
- Part-Time Lecturers (Job Code 2356)
The Substitute Pay form is a template in docusign "OFA - Substitute Pay Form." Please contact Faculty Affairs if you need assistance in completing the form or have any questions on when to use.
Substitute faculty are paid for actual hours worked in the classroom: the hourly rate includes: contact hours with students, normal office hours, grading time and prep time in relation to the course(s) taught.
Temporary Faculty Salary Schedule
- Teaching Associates (Job Code 2453)
Contact Faculty Affairs to complete and submit the Substitute Pay Form for Teaching Associate
The Substitute Teaching Associate is a qualified Unit 11 employee: current TA and enrolled in a master's program as specified in UAW/CSU CBA, article 2.6. They are paid: Base Rate *6/85/8 = hourly rate.
- Faculty Volunteer Form Template in Adobe Sign Updated 4/01/2022
- Definition of Volunteer: individuals who perform work or provide services to the university without compensation.
Use of the Faculty Volunteer Form - Use the form for CSU employees that do not have a faculty (Unit 3) appointment, including
- Do not use this form for faculty overload or excessive units.
- Do not use this form for the individuals that have a faculty (Unit 3) appointment.
- Definition of Volunteer: individuals who perform work or provide services to the university without compensation.
- Substitute Instructor Forms and Policies
- Need to assign a temporary faculty member to a short duration to cover a class or classes.
- Duration is 20 days or less
Rehired Annuitants as Temporary Faculty
This page is intended to convey basic information about rehired annuitants working
as temporary faculty. For staff-related rehired annuitants, please visit the Employment
Services webpage.
The CalPERS website states that "A 'retired annuitant' is a CalPERS retiree who, without
applying for Reinstatement From Retirement, returns to work with a CalPERS employer
in a designated retired annuitant position."
Work Limitations
Rehired annuitants may not be employed at Fresno State (or by any CalPERS employer) for a period of 180 days after the retirement date (excluding FERP participants).
Retirees may be hired during an emergency to prevent stoppage of public business and/or because the retirees have skills needed in performing specialized work of limited duration.
Fresno State is prohibited from hiring retirees who have collected unemployment insurance compensation during the 12-month period prior to the proposed appointment (HR 2017-04).
Employment within a fiscal year may not exceed 960 hours or 50% of the time base in the year preceding retirement, whichever is less.
All the academic workdays (prorated by time base) defined by the academic calendar
count toward the 960 hour (the equivalent of 120 academic workdays) or 50% of the
hour’s methodology maximum (time base maximum) whichever is less, regardless of actual
days spent teaching. (GC 21227).
Rehired annuitants must monitor their hours of work. Penalties for exceeding limitations
above include the risk of having their retirement terminated and all of the retirement
allowance paid during the period of unlawful employment may be collected.
Classification and Salary
The position classification (rank) and salary are not required to be the same as prior to retirement. In circumstances where the job tasks have changed, Faculty Affairs will determine the correct classification and appropriate pay rate. The pay rate for employment of rehired annuitants may not be less than the minimum, nor more than the maximum, paid to other employees performing comparable duties. Please note: Retired annuitants are not eligible for vacation, sick leave, or holidays.
Appointment Information
Appointment as a rehired annuitant will be in the form of a temporary faculty (lecturer)
appointment, regardless of the type of appointment the retiree held prior to retirement.
Rehired annuitants will be subject to the same rights and responsibilities as other
temporary faculty as provided in the Unit 03 contract unless specifically stated.
Retirement is a voluntary termination of employment, thus when a retiree gains employment as a rehired annuitant faculty, they are considered a brand new hire for purposes of entitlement, order of assignment, and eligibility (range elevation, 3-year contracts, etc.).
Retirees are required to re-apply to the Temporary Faculty pool for teaching consideration and ranked against all other pool candidates.
CalPERS Retired Annuitant Website: https://www.calpers.ca.gov/page/retirees/working-after-retirement/retired-annuitant
Chancellor's Office Technical Letter HR 2017-04 Post Retirement Employment: CalPERS' Retirees (internal, requires login)
Recruitment Process for prospective employees
PageUp (online application) job announcements for positions
- Departments are encouraged to list Job announcements for Temporary Faculty (U03), Teaching Associates, Graduate Assistants, and Instructional Student Assistants (U11) positions at http://jobs.fresnostate.edu
- Each department has different materials required for review. Please check with your department for the Job Announcement and the requirements for applying.
Processing Information: DAA's and Chairs
Job Card Requests
- AY 2022-2023: Postings to close by March 30, 2023
- AY 2023-2024: March 15, 2023
Contract Dates:
- Fall 2023 Semester: 8/17/2023 - 12/22/2023
- Spring 2024 Semester: 1/16/2024 - 5/18/2024
- AY 2023-2024: 8/17/2023 - 5/18/2024
- Year 1 of 3: 8/17/2023 - 5/31/2026
- Year 2 of 3: 8/17/2023 - 5/31/2025
- Year 3 of 3: 8/17/2023 - 5/18/2024
Information for Processing
- Fall Contract Timeline Dates (PDF) pending for Fall 2023
- Spring Contract Processing Timeline (PDF) pending for Spring 2024
- Hiring new Temporary Faculty
- Link to Temporary Faculty
- OFA ToolKit (for Chairs and DAAs)