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Faculty Affairs

Department Policies

Department Chairs Policies and Procedures for Elections

Nomination/Election: See APM 125 Policy on Department Chairs

1 - Dean's Office

  • Deans or their designee will solicit Department Chair nominations internally prior to contracting OIE.
  • Deans or their designee will request a Department Chair Election ballot by OIE staff:
  • Request will need to be submitted at least 2 working days prior to the expected distribution date to allow OIE sifficient processig time.
  • The Dean's office will provide the names of the nominees and any relevant documents (e.g., personal statement) to be included on the ballot, as well as the expected voting period (usually two weeks).

2 - Faculty Affairs

  • Faculty Affairs will provide OIE with the list of all eligible voting faculty including email addresses and voting weights.
  • this list is calculated after two weeks into the semester for accurate teporary faculty eligilibilty votes.

3 - Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE)

  • In accordance with the sample provided in APM 125, OIE will create a ballot and handle distribution using Qualtrics. This ensures that each voting faculty member receives a unique ballot link that can only be used once.
  • After the ballot closes, OIE will tabulate the results and provide them to the Provost, Dean, and the Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs. Results will include the number of total votes, weighted votes, percentage of eligible votes, and total weighted eleigible votes.
  • OIE must be used for Voting and the Calcuations must be attached to the Nomination.

4 - Dean's Office

  • Dean's must request and receive (email) approval from Provost.
    • This is inferred when results are provided to the Provost, Dean and AVP.
  • Please save the email as a PDF and attach the approval to the Chair Nomination Form via AdobeSign.
  • The Workflow in AdobeSign for the Chair Nomination is initiated by the Dean's office.
  • The following are required on the form:
    • Names of Chair nominees
    • OIE Vote Totals for each nominee
    • Justification why OIE votes was not used for count
    • Attach qualifications
    • Final recommendation Name
    • Appointment Type: Semester, Academic Year or 12-month
      • Gentle reminder that Chair appointments are on an Academic Year appointment. This means that faculty are paid 6-monthly paycheck each semester, or 12-monthly paychecks for an academic year.
      • Please review the Pay Schedule Chart below for the paycheck months for each semester
    • Date/Semester Beginning and Enging
    • Number of Units Assigned Time as Chair
    • Flat Monthly Stipend (this is different from the Calculated Stipend each Chair receives):
      • $160 for < 18 FTEF
      • $240 for >= 18 FTEF
      • Other $(Specify amount)
    • Attach Approval from Provost/President for Nomination

5 - Faculty Affairs

  • After the AVP has approved the AdobeSign, Faculty Affairs will:
    • Enter and calculate the Chair's Salary
    • Generate a Chair Appointment Letter and submit for signatures via AdobeSIgn
    • Update the PeopleSoft with the appointed units towards the Chair Job Code (2482) and towards the Faculty Job Code (2360)

Chair Appointment Letter

The Chair appointment letter will include:

  • Beginning and End Dates
  • Classification Job Codes (2482 & 2360)
  • Compensation Summary (per month):
    Current Academic Faculty Base Rate Sample AY Faculty Base Rate


    Faculty portion calcualted by # of units assigned: (BR * # /15) = $ Faculty Portion  Faculty Portion 6/15 = FTE 0.40 $3,864.40
    Chair portion has three areas:    
    Chair portion calculates by # of units assigned: (BR * #/15) =$ Chair Portion Chair Portion 9/15 = FTE 0.60 $5,796.60
    Department Chair Flat Stipend: =$ Flat Stipend >= 18 FTEF $240
    Department Chair 7% Stipend (Chair Portion * 7%), = 7% Department Chair 7% Stipend ($5,796.6 * .07 = $395) $395
    Total Chair portion (Add Chair Portion + Flat Stipend + Calculated Stipend) $5,796.60 + 240 + 395 =  


    Total Monthly Compensation = Faculty Portion + Total Chair Portion $3,864.40 + $6,431.60 = 


Things to know about Fall only, Spring only and Academic Year appointments 

  • Fall only appointments are scheduled from beginning of Fall semester to the end of the Fall semester (mid-August to late December)
    Paychecks received are September, October, November, December, January and February
    *If a Chair is going on Sabbatical during the Spring and and Interim is selected (see below), the outgoing Chair still receives the January and February paychecks while on Sabbatical.
  • Spring only appointments are scheduled from beginning of Spring semester to the end of the Spring semester (mid-January to late May)
    Paychecks received are February, March, April, May, June and July
    If an Interim Chair is selected for Spring, the Chair is "termed" at the end of July, and returns to FT Faculty pay.
    This can be confusing if the regular Chair is returning from Sabbatical, but will not be reappointed until mid-August.
    Therefore, this leaves the Department without a Chair for 3-weeks before the Fall semester begins.

A Payroll Schedule Table is included to assist Chair when paychecks will be distributed.

Faculty are entitled to 6 monthly payments per semester, with an academic year paid over a 12 month period. Lecturers and Teaching Assistants fall into this group of employees. 

The Fall pay releases as September through January, and if the employee does not return for the Spring Semester, the remaining amount due may be paid as an additional January lump sum payment. Spring Semester appointments are paid in 6 consecutive payments (February through July) and are followed by 1 payment (August) which represent remaining Fall pay, #6--only if a lump sum payment has not issued for December.

Pay checks are issued at the END of each monthly pay period (e.g. June pay issues on July 1). Academic days differ in workdays for 12 month employees and can be found on this web-site under calendars. Below are the 3 typical type appointments which occur each semester. 

Academic Year Appointments
AY pay Fall #1 Fall #2 Fall #3 Fall #4 Fall #5 Spr #1 Spr #2 Spr #3 Spr #4 Spr #5 Spr #6 Fall #6
Fall Only Appointments
Fall pay Fall #1 Fall #2 Fall #3 Fall #4 Fall #5 Fall #6            
Spring Only Appointments
Spr Pay           Spr #1 Spr #2 Spr #3 Spr #4 Spr #5 Spr #6  
Please note: If an Interim Chair is appointed during Spring semester, there will be two Chair payments during the February pay period and no Chair payment during the August pay period.

  • College initiates the Department Chair Nomination form to use Workflow in Adobe Sign (updated April 2024)


Resources and Links

  • Handbook for Department Chairs 
    Former Department Chair Joe Diaz created the Department Chairs’ Handbook as part of a special assignment to the Provost. The Handbook is available here.  Should you find errors in the Handbook or if you have suggestions for improvement, please send those to Dr. Bryan Berrett, Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence ( ).


Training for Department Chairs

  (Under Construction)

Archived Teaching Effectivness Policies listed by College/Department/Year

College of Arts and Humanities

Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology

Craig School of Business

Kremen School of Education and Human Development

Lyles College of Engineering

College of Health and Human Services

College of Science and Mathmatics

College of Social Sciences



College of Arts and Humanities 

Link to policies (Click on department name)

Armenian Studies Program
Art and Design
Communication (updated October 2012)
Mass Communication and Journalism
Modern and Classical Language and Literatures
Theatre Arts

Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences & Technology

View the policiesof Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences & Technology.

Agricultural Business
Animal Science and Agricultural Education
Child, Family, and Consumer Sciences
Food Science and Nutrition
Industrial Technology
Plant Science
Viticulture and Enology

Craig School of Business

View the policies of Craig School of Business.

Finance and Business Law
Information Systems and Decision Sciences
Marketing and Logistics

Kremen School of Education and Human Development

View the policies of Kremen School of Education and Human Development.

Counselor Education and Rehabilitation
Curriculum and Instruction
Educational Research and Administration
Literacy, Bilingual and Special Education
CalStateTEACH (by MOU 04/10/2015)

Lyles College of Engineering

Link to policies (Click on department name)

Civil and Geomatics Engineering
Construction Management
Electrical and Computer Engineering (updated December 2013)
Mechanical Engineering

College of Health and Human Services

Link to policies (Click on department name)

Communicative Disorders and Deaf Studies
Kinesiology (revision approved Fall 2015)
Physical Therapy
Public Health
Recreation Administration
Social Work Education

College of Science and Mathematics

Link to policies (Click on department name)

Biology (updated January 2017)
Computer Science
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Mathematics (updated Fall 2014)

College of Social Sciences

Link to policies (Click on department name)

Africana Studies Program
Chicano and Latin American Studies
Political Science updated 2020
Women's Studies Program