Research and Sponsored Programs
General University Policies
Academic Policy Manual (APM)
APM Form Links
- Ancillary Unit Form
- Cheating and Plagiarism Form
APM Section Summaries
The Academic Policy Manual (APM) consists of seven sections. Section links are in the left navigation bar. Below is a summary of policies covered in each section:
Section 100: Organization and Governance
Mission statement; statement on academic freedom; advisory boards; ancillary units.
Section 200: Academic and Curricular Affairs
Undergraduate and graduate education and curriculum; academic standards; grading;
distance learning; international education.
Section 300: Personnel
Appointment and classification of employees; faculty evaluation; faculty responsibilities
and workload; professional development and leaves; nondiscrimination policies; other
personnel-related topics.
Section 400: Student Affairs
Student rights; discipline; miscellaneous policies relating to students.
Section 500: Research and Instructional Support
Grants and contracts; human and animal subjects; handling of controlled substances;
intellectual property.
Section 600: Miscellaneous Policies
University income; gifts and endowments; communication; facilities and grounds; complaint
Section 700: Collective Bargaining Agreement
The California Faculty Association (CFA) Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement is
located on the California State University website at this link.