Division of Academic Affairs
Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies
Student forms that require signature from the Dean of Undergraduate Studies must be
sent to undergradstudiesassist@csufresno.edu from an official Fresno State email. Forms should be attached to the email showing
signature validation and include all supporting documents.
Paper copies of any forms will not be accepted until further notice.
Undergraduate Research Grant Information
The Dean of Undergraduate Studies works with faculty on academic planning and policy
issues including curriculum development, program review, changes to the general education
program and undergraduate research.
The Dean sits on all committees dealing with student academic petitions and disqualifications and also oversees the Scheduling Office as well as the production of the University Catalog.
The Dean also works with the directors of the Smittcamp Family Honors College.
Contact the Undergraduate Studies Office for assistance regarding:
- Course Instruction
- General Catalog & Catalog Archive
- General Education
- Program Review
- Standards for Web-Based Instruction
- Syllabus Templates & Assistance
- Topics Courses (T-Course)
- Undergraduate Program & Course Development
Contact Information
Dr. Bernadette T. Muscat
Dean of Undergraduate Studies
Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies
5200 N. Barton Avenue M/S UL 54
Email: bmuscat@csufresno.edu
Phone: (559) 278-5217
Undergraduate Studies Staff
Alejandra De Alba - Academic Calendar & Budget
Celeste DeMonte - Program Review & Accreditation
Jayne Ramirez - Curriculum Proposal Process & Catalog
Useful Links
- Admissions & Recruitment
- Academic Senate (Faculty Governance)
- Faculty Affairs
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Office of Institutional Effectiveness
- Undergraduate Learning Communities
- Service Learning
- Service Learning Policies & Procedures
- Syllabus Assistance & Templates
- Veterans Virtual Resource Center
- HireFresnoState: Job and Internship opportunities
- Writing Across the Curriculum