Academic Senate
Policy Tracking
Date Received | Document | Received From | Referred to | Senate Agenda | Approved by Senate | Approved by President |
01.27.2025 |
Master of Publiuc Health Program Revision |
Tanisha Garcia, Program Coordinator for Master of Public Health |
Executive Committee |
01.27.2025 |
Reinstatement of Research Rewards Review Committee as Interim Subcommitte of AP&P |
Nichole Walsh, Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee |
Executive Committee |
01.27.2025 |
Research Methods to Fully Online Program |
Christian Wandeler, Professor for Educational Research Methods and Statistics, Department of Curriculum & Instruction |
Executive Committee |
11.20.2024 |
Updating Buildings and Ground Policy |
Suzanne Shaw, Project Manager for the Division of Administration and Finance |
AP&P - 12.02.2024 |
11.20.2024 |
AIT Charge (Membership Updates and Cosmetic Revisions) |
Nichole Walsh, Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee |
Executive Committee
11.12.2024 |
APM 129 - Update to Membership of Budget Committee |
Harry Xia, Chair of the University Budget Committee |
Executive Committee |
11.05.2024 |
APM 203 - (Formerly Special Majors) |
Nichole Walsh, Chair of the Academic Policy & Planning Committee |
Executive Committee |
10.31.2024 |
APM 338 - Policy on Office and Consultation Hours |
David Low, Chair of the University Personnel Committee |
Executive Committee |
10.30.2024 |
APM 215 - Cal-GETC Recommendations |
Dermot Donnelly-Hermosillo, Chair of the GE Committee |
Executive Committee |
11.04.2024 |
12.09.2024 |
12/15/2024 |
10.30.2024 |
APM 217 - Cal-GETC Recommendations |
Dermot Donnelly-Hermosillo, Chair of the GE Committee |
Executive Committee |
11.04.2024 |
11.19.2024 |
10.03.2024 |
APM 243 – Student Academic Petitions Committee |
Nichole Walsh, Chair of the Academic Policy & Planning Committee |
Executive Committee |
11.04.2024 |
11.04.2024 Sent to the Provost & President for approval on 11.05.2024 |
11.06.2024 |
09.10.2024 |
Deparment of Music Renaming Proposal |
Cari Earnhart, Chair of the Department of Music |
Executive Committee 09.30.2024 |
10.07.2024 |
10.07.2024 Sent to the Provost & President for approval on 10.29.2024 |
10.29.2024 |
05.29.2024 |
Multilingual Multicultural Education option proposal |
Joanne Ramirez, Division of Research and Graduate Studies |
Executive Committee 10.28.2024 |
12.09.2024 |
05.21.2024 |
Nichole Walsh, Chair of the Academic Policy & Planning Committee |
Executive Committee 09.30.2024 |
04.18.2024 |
APM 202 Policy on Nepotism |
David Low, Chair of the University Personnel Committee |
Executive Committee 08.26.2024 |
04.15.2024 |
APM 320 - Policy on Composition of Search Committee for designated Administrative Positions. Article IV.B. |
Executive Committee 04.15.2024 |
04.10.2024 |
New Bachelor |
Dr. Hayssam El-Razouk, Chair of the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee |
Budget Committee - 08.27.24 Executive Committee - 11.18.2024 |
03.18.2024 |
APM 220 Policy, Procedures, and Guidelines for the Periodic Review of Academic Programs |
Dr. Nichole Walsh, Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee. |
03.18.2024 Sent to the Provost & President for approval on 04/23/2024 |
04.23.2024 |
03.15.2024 |
APM 327 Policy on Promotion |
David Low, Chair of the University Personnel Committee |
Executive Committee 03.15.24 |
02.27.2024 |
Mechanical Engineering Option Elevation |
Sankha Banerjee, Program Coorindator of Mechanical Engineering Option |
Executive Committee 08.16.24 |
10.07.2024 |
10.07.2024 Sent to the Provost & President for approval on 10/29/2024 |
10.19.2024 |
01.23.2024 |
ASCSU Resolutions Support Unit 3 Bargaining Process and Historic Statewide Strike |
Reem Osman Administrative Support Specialist-ASCSU Informational item |
12.12.2023 |
New Bachelor of Science Degree in Wine Business |
Srinivasa Konduru, Chair of the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. |
Consent Calendar 02.05.2024 Requested by Provost Fu to be reviewed by the Budget Committee 02.12.2024 Budget Committee review submitted to Chair Hall 05.10.2024
Sent to the Provost & President for approval on 10/31/2024 |
11/04/2024 |
12.04.23 |
APM 505 Conflict of Interest (Substantive Revisions). |
Dr. Nichole Walsh, Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee. |
11.29.2023 |
New Bachelor of Arts Degree on Asian American and Asian Studies |
Srinivasa Konduru, Chair University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee |
Consent Calendar 02.05.2024 Requested by Provost Fu to be reviewed by the Budget Committee 02.12.2024 |
Executive & Academic Senate approved. Sent to Provost for his approval. Sent to President for approval 05/2/2024 |
05/03/2024 Approved-New Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Asian American and Asian Studies
11.27.23 |
College of Social Sciences Articles of Govenance |
Dr. Xuanning Fu, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. |
Personnel Committee - 11.27.23 |
04/15/2024 Sent to Provost and President for Approval on 04/23/2024 |
4/23/2024 |
11.27.23 |
ASCSU Resolution Condemning Acts of Terrorism, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, and Genocide Against all People, and Support for the California State University |
Reem Osman, Administrative Support Specialist - ASCSU Informational Item |
11.13.23 | Chancellor's Packet ASCSU November 2023 Resolutions Summary |
Beth A. Steffel, Chair, Academic Senate of the California State University Informational |
11.13.23 | Proposed Discontinuance of Respondus Monitor Unlimited License |
Dr. Alam Hasson, Vice Provost Consultation Satisfied - 11.27.23 |
11.13.23 | Research Updates |
Dr. Joy Goto, Interim Dean, Division of Research and Graduate Studies Consultation Satisfied |
11.13.23 | APM 203 - Special Majors |
Dr. Nichole Walsh, Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee. |
Removed from Executive agenda 11.28.23. Returned to Exec agenda by Dr. Nichole Walsh 12.4.23. |
10.30.23 | APM 311 - Policy on Teaching Associates |
David Low, Chair of the Personnel Committee |
Executive Committee |
05.06.2024 |
12.09.2024 |
12.15.2024 |
09.18.23 | September 2023 CSU Resolutions |
Reem Osman, Administrative Support Specialist, CSU Academic Senate, Office of the Chancellor. Informational only. |
09.18.23 | APM 355 Policy on Assigned Time for Exceptional Levels of Service |
Jim Schmidtke, Interim Associate Vice President of Faculty Affairs |
Referred to the Personnel Committee - 9/18/23. |
08.28.23 |
APM 320 1) Designated Position Name Change 2)Request for Faculty Representatives |
Deborah Adishian-Astone, Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer. 8.18.23 |
10.9.23 Consent Calendar -APM 320 Designated Position Name Change. Call for service has been sent for the request for facutly representation. |
10.9.23 Designated Position Name Change (By consent) |
10.12.23 |
08.28.23 | APM Corrections to APM 325 and APM 361 |
Dr. Jim Schmitdke, Interim Associate Vice President of Faculty Affairs |
Consent Calendar 12.4.23 |
12.4.23 (by consent) |
12.8.23 Corrections to: |
08.28.23 | ASCSU May 2023 Resolutions |
Beth A. Steffe, Chair of the Senate CSU. 5.31.23 |
FYI to Executive Committee members. |
08.28.23 | APM 232 & 400s, 500s, 600s - Cosmetic Edits (Consent Agenda Edit Request) |
Dr. Nichole Walsh, Chair of Academic Policy and Planning Committee. 5.12.23 |
10.9.23 - Consent Calendar |
10.9.23 (By consent) |
10.12.23 MEMO - APM 232 & 400s, 500s, 600s APM 232, APM 405, APM 410, APM 415, APM 419, APM 526, APM 527, APM 528, APM 540, APM 622, APM 623, APM 624, APM 625, APM 635, APM 640, APM 648, APM 676 |
08.28.23 | APM 510 - Research Misconduct (honor) (Updates & Revision) |
Dr. Nichole Walsh, Chair of Academic Policy and Planning Committee. 5.13.23 |
08.28.23 | APM 233 Accuracy Updates, 5.12.23 (Consent Agenda Edit Request) |
Dr. Nichole Walsh, Chair of Academic Policy and Planning Committee. 5.12.23 |
10.16.23 - Consent Calendar |
10.16.23 |
10.18.23 |
08.28.23 | APM 206 |
Dr. Vadim Keyser, Chair of the Online/Blended Education Subcommittee. 5.3.23 Removed from Executive Committee agenda - 10.2.23. |
08.28.23 | Federal Compliance Issue - Commenced Attendance |
Dr. Nandy Nisbett, Chair, Student Affaris Committee. 5.11.23. Informational Only. |
08.28.23 | Academic Calendar Proposal 2024-25 and 2025-26 |
Angelica Pizaña, Administrative Support Coordinator, Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies. 5.6.23 |
Executive Committee approved ACal Scenario 3 for 2024-25 - 10.16.23. |
05.01.23 | Finance Business Law Department Name Change Request |
Dr. Xuanning Fu, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, 4.29.23. |
8.28.23 Consent Calendar |
9.11.23 Finance Business Law Department Name Change Request - Approved |
9.19.23 | |
05.01.23 | CSB Article of Governance |
Dr. Xuanning Fu, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, 4.29.23. |
Executive Committee members voted to refer this to the Personnel Committee. 8.28.23 Returned to the Executive Committee from the Personnel Committee. 9.18.23 Approved by Executive Committee 10.2.23. |
04.17.23 | New 400 Policy Updated Numbers |
Nichole Walsh, Vice-Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee, 4.6.23. |
04.17.23 | Feedback on APM 335 |
Outgoing Admnistrative Review Committee: Antonio Avalos, Rochelle Harris, Scott Moore, Nancy Nisbett, Steven Skelton, and Janine Spencer - 4.14.23. |
Refer to the Personnel Committee - 4.17.23 |
04.17.23 | Faculty Workload Analysis Report |
Robert Maldonado, Chair of the University Budget Committee - 4.17.23. |
04.17.23 | Syllabus Template for F23 and Title IX. |
Bernadette T. Muscat, Dean of Graduate Studies - 4.12.23. |
03.27.23 | Executive Summary of Resolutions, academic Senate CSU Plenary. |
Beth A. Steffel, Chair of the Academic Senate CSU, 3.20.23. Informational item. |
03.27.23 | APM 206 - Online Learning Courses and Programs (revisions) |
Nichole Walsh, Vice Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee, 3.23.23. |
4.24.23 9.18.23 The Academic Senate voted to return to AP&P. |
03.13.23 | APM 323 - Policy on Faculty Personnel Files |
Athanasios Alexandrou, Chair of the Personnel Committee, 3.10.23 |
4.10.23 |
04/29/2024 |
6/10/2024 |
03.13.23 | APP Memo APM 400s - New Policy Priority and Early Registration |
Nichole Walsh, Vice-Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee, 3.12.23. Policy number APM 406. |
9.11.23 Executive Committee voted to return this item to the Executive Committee agenda 12.4.23. |
03.13.23 | APP Memo APM 200s - Academic & Curricular Affairs, Cosmetic Edits (Consent Agenda Edit Request) |
Nichole Walsh, Vice-Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee, 3.12.23. |
4.10.23 Consent Calendar |
4.10.23 | ||
03.13.23 | APM 328 Periodic Evaluation of Tenured Faculty |
Athanasios Alexandrou, Chair of the Personnel Committee, 3.6.23 |
04.10.2023 Sent back Personnel Committee 12/09/2024 |
03.13.23 | APM 399 Policy on Emerita and Emeritus Status |
Athanasios Alexandrou, Chair of the Personnel Committee, 3.6.23 |
04/29/2024 |
06/10/2024 |
02.27.23 | Resolutions from the ASCSU |
Reemo Osman, Sept 2022 - Jan 2023. Consultation satisfied, 2.27.23. |
02.06.23 | Research Update for Senate Exec. |
Joy Goto, Interim Dean Division of Research and Graduate Studies. 12.16.22. Consultation satisfied - 2.6.23. |
02.06.23 | APM 110 - Ancillary Units (Consent Agenda Edit Request). |
Nicole Walsh, Vice Chair of the Academic Policy & Planning Committee. 12.18.22 |
Consent Calendar 3.6.23 |
3.6.23 |
3.10.23 |
02.06.23 | Elevation of Bachelor Science (B.S.) in Industrial Technolgy, Agriculture Systems Management Option to B.S. Degree in Agricultural Systems Management |
Keith Clement, Chair of the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. 12.11.22 |
Consent Calendar - 2.13.23 |
2.13.23 |
2.17.23 |
11.28.22 | APM 220 Program Review |
Nichole Walsh, Vice Chair of Academic Policy and Planning, 11.21.22 |
02.13.2023 |
11.14.22 | Federal Compliance Issue - Commenced Attendance |
Nancy Nisbett, Chair of the Student Affairs Committee, November 4, 2022. The Executive Committee voted to send back to the Student Affairs Committee. 2.6.23. |
11.14.22 | APM 327 Policy on Promotion |
David Low, Chair of the Personnel Committee, November 3, 2022. |
02.13.2023 |
10.31.22 | New Policy on Credit for Prior Learning Assessment |
Nicole Walsh, Vice Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee, October 28, 2022. Policy number assigned - APM 218 and later changed to APM 219. |
12.5.2022 |
11.27.2023 Policy number updated to APM 219. |
12.8.23 |
10.31.22 | APM 131 Procedures for Votes of Confidence |
Dr. Jim Schmidtke, Interim Associate Vice President of Faculty Affairs, October 13, 2022. 3.27.23 - The Executive Committee voted to send APM 131 to AP&P. |
11.21.2022 Returned to the Executive Committee to refer to committee, 3.13.23 |
10.31.22 | Policy on Priority/Early Registration: Need to define campus policy |
Dr. Nancy Nisbett, Chair of the Student Affairs Committee, October 19, 2022. |
Refer to AP&P, 11.14.22. |
10.31.22 | Revisions to Kremen's Articles of Governance |
Becky L. Noël Smith, Chair of the Faculty Assembly for the Kremen School of Education and Human Development. Approved by the Senate Executive Committee, 11.14.22. |
10.24.22 | Resolution in support of the people of Iran and gener equity. (Resolution introduced at 10.24.22 senate meeting) |
10.24.22 |
11.07.22 | ||
10.24.22 | AB 938 required CAL GETC pathway (Resolution introduced at 10.24.22 senate meeting) |
Dr. Raymond Hall, Chair, Academic Senate/10.24.22. |
10.24.22 |
10.24.22 | ||
10.17.22 | Faculty Compensation Study 10.17.22 |
President Jiménez-Sandoval, President Information item. |
10.03.22 | APM 338 Policy on Office Consultation Hours. 9.28.22 |
David Low, Chair of Personnel Committee |
The Executive Committee voted to send APM 338 back to the Personnel Committee, 10.31.22. |
10.03.22 | Request for Articles of Governance - CHHS - 9.28.22 |
Jennifer A. Adame, Associate Professor in Physical Therapy Department APPROVED by the Executive Committee 10.31.22 |
09.19.22 | WASC reaffirmation (introduced at the 9.19.22 Executive Committee meeting) |
Provost Xuanning Fu. Consultation satisfied 10.3.22 |
08.29.22 | Policy on Technology |
Jim Schmidtke, Interim Associate Vice President of Faculty Affairs - 8.2.22 |
Dr. Hall will reach out to the Chair of AIT. |
08.29.22 | Faculty Representation on the Record Adjustment Committee for 2022/23 |
Laura Yager, University Registrar - 5/10/22 |
08.29.22 | MS in Biology Application Requirements Change. |
Maritere Lopez, Chair of Graduate Committee - 5.13.22 |
Executive Committee found that no further actions are needed 9.19.22 |
Consent Calendar 9.12.22 Return to Senate Executive Committee for more documentation. 9.12.22.
08.29.22 | APM 322 Policy on Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness |
David Low, Chair of the Personnel Committee - 4.29.22 |
10.24.22 On 5.1.23 the Senate voted to return this item back to the Personnel Committee. |
08.29.22 | APM 125 Policy on Department Chairs |
David Low, Chair of the Personnel Committee - 4.21.22 |
10.10.22 |
03.13.23 |
03.16.23 05.08.23 |
05.02.22 | Resolution: Removal of Name from University Library. Presented to the Senate floor 5.2.22. |
Keaton Johanson, Library Senator |
5.2.22 |
5.2.22 | 5.12.22 | |
04.18.22 | Bachelor of Science in Environmental Occupational Health and Safety Degree Program Elevation and Degree Title Change. |
Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum. 3.26.22 |
4.25.22 (consent calendar) |
4.25.22 | 5.12.22 | |
04.18.22 | Bachelor of Science in Physical Education Teach Education Program Elevation. |
Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum. 3.26.22 |
4.25.22 (consent calendar) |
4.25.22 | 5.12.22 | |
04.18.22 | Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science Degree Program Elevation. |
Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum. 3.26.22 |
4.25.22 (consent calendar) |
4.25.22 | 5.12.22 | |
04.18.22 | Bachelor of Arts in Sports Administration Degree Program and Designation. |
Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum. 3.26.22 |
4.25.22 (consent calendar) |
4.25.22 | 5.13.22 | |
04.18.22 | Elevation from Option to Independent Program for Sports and Performance Psychology, Exercise Science, and Sports Administration. |
Maritere Lopez, Chair University Graduate Committee. 3.28.22 |
4.25.22 (Consent Calender) |
4.25.22 | 5.13.22 | |
03.28.22 | Online and Blended Education Subcommittee Charge |
James Mullooly, Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee. 3.24.22 |
Refer to the chairs of the Online/Blended Education Subcommittee and Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for further discussion. 3.28.22 |
03.28.22 | Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences Degree Program |
James Mullooly, Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee. 3.24.22 Dr. Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. 3.23.22 |
4.4.22 Consent Calendar |
4.4.22 | 4.26.22 | |
03.28.22 | Student Ratings Subcommittee Charge Revision. Add student representation. |
Kathleen Dyer, Chair of the Student Ratings Subcommittee. 3.22.22 3.28.22 - Executive Committee approved revision. |
03.28.22 | Academic Calendars (ACal) |
Bernadette Muscat, Dean of Undergraduate Studies. 3.22.22 Call for service will be sent for faculty to serve on Calendar Committee- 4.18.22 |
03.28.22 | Bachelor of Science in Community Health Degree Title Change | Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. 3.16.22 |
4.4.22 Consent Calendar |
4.4.22 | 4.19.22 | |
03.28.22 | Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences Degree Title Change | Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. 3.16.22 |
4.4.22 Consent Calendar |
4.4.22 Removed by Dr. Keith Clement. |
03.28.22 | APM 231 Policy on Adding and Dropping Classes | Kathleen Dyer, Chair of the Dept. of Child and Family Science. 3.16.22 |
4.25.22 |
11.07.22 |
11.28.22 |
03.28.22 | Bachelor of Science in Health Administration Degree Program Elevation | Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. 3.16.22 |
4.4.22 Consent Calendar |
4.4.22 | 4.19.22 | |
03.21.22 | APM 399 Policy on Emerita and Emeritus Status | Senator Wes Wise introduced during new business 3.21.22 |
4.4.22 Senate voted to refer to the Personnel Committee, 11.21.22. |
03.14.22 | APM 206 Curriculum Evaluations. | Dr. Joseph Ross, Chair of the College of Science and Mathematics, 3.7.22. |
03.14.22 | APM 330 Policy on Market-Based Salary Increases. | David Low, Chair of the Personnel Committee, 3.3.22. |
4.25.22 |
2.13.23 |
3.15.23 |
03.14.22 | Transmittal Memo for Food and Nutritional Science, Bachelor of Science Major and Options Name Changes. | Keith Clement, Chair Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 3.2.22. |
Consent Calendar, 3.21.22. |
3.21.22 | 3.23.22 | |
03.07.22 | More Intensive Training (presented at the 3.7.22 senate meeting) | Andrea Roach, Academic Senator |
4.4.22 | ||
03.07.22 | Victim's Harm (presented at the 3.7.22 senate meeting) | James Pitts, Academic Senator |
4.4.22 | ||
03.07.22 | No confidence Resolution (presented at the 3.7.22 senate meeting) | Michael Jenkins, Statewide Senator |
4.4.22 | ||
03.07.22 | Call for Independent Investigation (presented at the 3.7.22 senate meeting) | Michael Jenkins, Statewide Senator |
3.21.22 | ||
02.28.22 | APM 320 New Deisgnated Position (Chief Diversity Officer) | Sue Shaw, CSU Learn Administrator, on behalf of Debbie Adishian-Astone, VP for Administration and Chief Financial Officer. 2.17.22 |
02.28.22 | Graduate Program Review Policy Update Proposal | Dr. Maritere Lopez, Chair of the Graduate Committee. 2.8.22 | Return to the Graduate Committee. 10.3.22 | |||
02.14.22 | Declaration of No Confidence and Call for an Independent Investigation into the Actions Taken by CSU Chancellor Castro as President of CSU Fresno (Draft) |
Michael Jenkins - Senator, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Presented at the 2.14.22 Senate meeting. The Senate voted to remove this resolution and replaced it with 4 separate resolutions, 3.7.22. |
02.07.22 | APM 125 Policy on Department Chairs | Jim Schmidtke, Interim Associate Vice President of Faculty Affairs. 2.7.22 |
02.07.22 | APM 225 Teacher Education | James Mullooly, Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee. 2.3.22 | Refer back to AP&P. 10.3.22. |
02.07.22 | APM 232 Poilicy on Student Absences | James Mullooly, Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee. 2.3.22 |
4.25.22 (Consent Calendar). Removed from Consent Calendar and added to the agenda. 4.25.22. |
10.24.22 |
11.08.22 |
02.07.22 | Course Drop/Withdrawal Process (APM 231) | Laura Yager, University Registrar. 1.24.22 |
Sent to AP&P 2.7.22. Returned to the Executive Committee meeting. 2.28.22 |
3.7.22 Removed from the 3.7.22 agenda. |
01.24.22 | Change to APM 360 |
Jim Schmidtke, Interim Associate Vice President of Faculty Affairs. 1.12.22 Returned to the Executive Agenda, 2.28.22. |
2.14.22 Removed from the senate agenda for further revisions, 3.3.22 (David Low). Returned to the Senate Agenda 4.25.22. |
11.07.22 |
11.28.22 |
01.24.22 | Art and Design: Department Name Change | Kathy Adams, Interim Chair of Art and Design. 11.17.21 |
1.31.22 Consent Calendar |
1.31.22 | 2.2.22 | |
11.22.21 | APM 337 Faculty Workload policy | Brought to senate floor by Senator Ram and Senator Holyoke. 11.22.21 |
11.22.21 |
3.21.22 Memo dated 5.13.22, with revisions to APM 337 Concerning Research Workload, submitted by President Jiménez-Sandoval on 8.29.22. |
11.15.21 | APM 320 | Dr. Xuanning Fu, Provost - Presented at 11.15.21 Executive Committee meeting. |
11.01.21 | Calendar Committee | Natalie Munoz, Chair of the Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures Department - 10.27.21 |
11.01.21 | APM 206 | Dr. Kathleen Dyer, Chair Emeritus, Fresno State Council of Chairs - 10.22.21 | Refer to the Online/Blended Education Subcommittee. |
10.18.21 | Unused email accounts (added to agenda instead of C&As) | Robert Guinn, Interim CIO. |
10.25.21 Consultation Satisfied |
10.18.21 | Credit No Credit |
ASI President Jackson during new business - 10.18.21 Executive Committee voted not to continue for Fall 2021. |
10.18.21 | APM 335 and Library Chair | Dr. Xuanning Fu, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs - 10.15.21 |
Executive Committee determined that the policy is just fine as it stands,
10.18.21 | APM 301 Policy and Procedures on the Appointment of Tenure-Track Faculty including the Award of Service Credit |
David Low, Chair of the Personnel Committee - 10.14.21 |
12.06.21 Removed from the Senate agenda for further edits. 3.3.22 (David Low) Returned to the Academic Senate agenda 4.25.22. Referred back to the Personnel Committee for further edits 9.26.22. Returned to the Executive Committee 11.14.22. Placed on Senate agenda of 11.21.22. |
10.16.23 |
10.24.23 |
10.18.21 | APM 233 Policy on Repeating Classes |
James Mullooly, Chair of the Academic Policy and Planning Committee - 10.8.21 |
11.22.21 | 12.06.21 | 12.14.21 | |
10.18.21 | APM 241 Poicy on Course Syllabi and Grading |
James Mullooly, Chair of Academic Policy and Planning Committee - 10.4.21 |
11.22.21 | 1.31.22 | 2.10.22 | |
10.11.21 | APM 206 Memo (placed on today's senate agenda) |
Raymond Hall, Chair Academic Senate - 10.8.21 |
10.11.21 Academic Senate voted to return to the Senate Executive Committee 10.11.21 Executive Committee voted to return to the Academic Senate with clearer language - 10.18.21 |
10.25.21 | 11.10.21 | |
10.04.21 (added to the day's agenda) | Proposal: Syllabus template as part of APM |
Dr. Ray Hall, Chair Academic Senate. |
Dr. Hall will refer to AP&P. | |||
10.04.21 | Revised Conflict of Interest Policy (APM 505) |
Svetlana Bagdasarov, Research Compliance Officer - 9.22.21 |
Refer to AP&P | |||
09.13.21 | CoC letter to Exec Comm re APM 206 Fall 2021 |
Lorin Lachs, Vice Chair of Chairs - 9.7.21. Received 9.8.21 and placed on Senate Consent Calendar. |
9.13.21 (Consent Calendar) | 9.13.21 | ||
08.30.21 | APM 203 Special Majors (placed on today's agenda) |
Bernadette Muscat, Interim Dean of Undergraduate Studies - 8.30.21. Remove from agenda. Dr. Hall will follow up with Chair of AP&P. |
08.30.21 | Examine student unplanned absence policy in APM 232 (incl. APM 246) in light of COVID. (Placed on agenda) | Dr. Raymond Hall, Chair of the Academic Senate - 8.25.21. | 9.13.21 | 9.13.21 | Approved Fall of 2021 | |
08.30.21 | Request to Relax APM 203 | Bernadette Muscat, Interim Dean of Undergraduate Studies - 8.24.21. | 9.20.21 - Refer to AP&P | |||
08.30.21 | Bachelor of Arts in Women's Studies to Bachelor of Arts in Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies | Keith Clement, Chair of the Undergraduate Committee 8.23.21. | Consent Calendar - 9.13.21. | 9.13.21 | 9.22.21 | |
08.30.21 | Student/Faculty Rights | James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning - 4.23.21 | 9.20.21 - Dr. Hall and Dr. Mullooly will discuss and bring back Spring of 2022. | |||
04.26. 21 | Resolution in support of stable budgetary support for library collections | Boutsaba Janetvilay, Library Senator - 4.26.21 | 11.22.21 | 11.22.21 | ||
04.12.21 | Resolution Regarding Hazardous Work and Studies Environment | Senator Partow Hooshmandrad 4.12.21 (new business) | 4.12.21 | 5.3.21 | ||
04.05.21 | APM 215 (APM 215: General Education) | Dr. James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning 4.1.21 | 04.12.21 | 4.26.21 - approved as interim policy. | 7.16.21 | |
04.05.21 | APM 218 (American and California Government Graduation Requirement) | Dr. James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning 4.1.21 | 04.12.21 | 4.26.21 | 7.16.21 | |
04.05.21 | Authorization of flexible interpretation of APM 232 | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate | 04.12.21 Consent Calendar | 4.12.21 | 4.23.21 | |
04.05.21 | Approval of flexible interpretation of APM 338 | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate | 04.12.21 Consent Calendar | 4.12.21 | 4.23.21 | |
04.05.21 | Authorization of flexible interpretation of APM 206 | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate | 04.12.21 Consent Calendar | 4.12.21 | 4.23.21 | |
04.05.21 | Task Force Exploring Fresno State Operations in a Post-COVID World | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate | 04.12.21 | 4.27.21 | ||
04.05.21 | Bereavement Procedure Change (APM 232, APM 241, Academic Regulations) | Dr. David Low, Chair Personnel Committee 3.16.21 | Executive Committee voted to refer this item to the Academic Policy and Planning Committee 4.5.21 | |||
04.05.21 | Articles of Governance for Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology | Dr. Lisa Herzig, Chair of the Jordan College Faculty Executive Committee 3.17.21 | 4.19.21 - Approved by the Executive Committee. | |||
04.05.21 | APM 244 (CR-NC Grading) | Dr. James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning 3.15.21 | 4.26.21 | 4.26.21 | 7.16.21 | |
04.05.21 | APM 676 (International Education Agreements) | Dr. James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning 3.14.21 | 4.26.21 | 11.22.21 | 11.24.21 | |
03.15.21 | Resolution Protection Fair Workload for Faculty at CSU, Fresno | Senator Michael Jenkins. Brought to the senate floor. | 3.15.21 | 3.22.21 | ||
03.01.21 | Resolution on Faculty Hours - Changes to APM 338 | Media, Comunications and Journalism - 2.26.21 | Personnel Committee | |||
03.01.21 | Student Ratings Report | Dr. Kathleen Dyer - Chair Student Ratings Subcommittee 2.2.21 | 3.8.21 | |||
02.08.21 |
Waiving limits on CR/NC grading Flexible Policies through summer semester |
Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate 2.8.21 | 2.8.21 approved by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Senate. | |||
02.08.21 | APM 125 – Policy on Department Chairs | David Low, Chair Personnel Committee 2.4.21 | 3.8.21 - Withdrawn from agenda by David Low, Chair Personnel Committee on 3.15.21 | |||
02.08.21 | APM 335 (Policy on Periodic Review of Academic Administrators) | David Low, Chair Personnel Committee | 3.8.21 | 3.22.21 | 3.29.21 | |
01.25.21 | APM 113 Policy on Academic Organization and Governance | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate 1.8.21 | 2.1.21 | |||
01.25.21 | Waiving limits on CR/NC grading for the spring semester | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate. 1.7.21 | 1.25.21 approved by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Senate. | 1.29.21 | ||
01.25.21 | Kremen School Bylaw Amendments |
Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate. 1.5.21 Approved by the Executive Committee 1.25.21 |
01.25.21 | Online/Blended Education Subcommittee Concerns | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate. 1.20.21 | ||||
01.25.21 | APM 241 - Proposed Changes | Chadley James, Chair GE Committee 1.20.21 | 2.22.21 | 3.22.21 | 3.29.21 | |
01.25.21 | Suggestions for connecting with students |
Nancy Nisbett, Chair of The Student Affairs Committee. 12.17.20 Dr. Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate will share with Academic Senate members. 2.8.21 |
01.25.21 | University Honor Code Concern | Melanie Ram, Chair Political Science Dept. 12.20.20 | Voted to refer to the Student Affairs Committee 1.25.21 | |||
12.07.20 | APM 203 Special Majors | James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning Committee 12.3.20 | 2.1.21 | 3.15.21 | 3.22.21 | |
11.30.20 | Implementation of Ethnic Studies GE Requirement | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate 11.30.20 (document provided at the meeting) |
12.07.20 |
12.07.20 (Interim Policy) | 12.22.20 | |
11.30.20 | APM 231 Policy on Adding and Dropping Classes |
James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning Committee 11.19.20 12.4.20 Removed from Executive Committee agenda of 12.7.20. No need for further discussion at this time. |
11.16.20 | Option Elevation Proposal for ECE | Steven Church, Chair of University Graduate Committee - 1.31.20. | 11.23.20 Consent Calender | 11.23.20 | 12.11.2020 | |
10.19.20 | Student Bill of Rights | Hisham Qutob, ASI Vice President | Dr. Holyoke will email to Senators for feedback | |||
10.19.20 | Recommendation on the use of Cameras in Zoom (virtual) classes | Nancy Nisbett, Chair Student Affairs Committee 10.14.20 | Dr. Holyoke will email to faculty for spring 2021 | |||
10.19.20 | Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition Sciences Degree Program Elevation | Keith Clement, Chair Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 10.7.20 | 11.9.20 Consent Calendar | 11.23.20 | 12.11.2020 | |
10.05.20 | Memo on Final Exam Resources | Approved by the Executive Committee 10.19.20 | ||||
10.05.20 | Flexible Interpretation of Certain APM Policies |
President Joseph Castro and Provost Jiménez-Sandoval 5.11.20 The Senate Executive Committee voted to extend to May 21, 2021 |
10.05.20 | Student Ratings and APM 322 | David Low, Chair Personnel Committee - 9.3.20 | ||||
10.05.20 | APM 320 - Policy on Composition of Search Committees for Designation Administrative Positions | David Low, Chair Personnel Committee - 9.24.20 | 10.28.20 | 3.15.21 | 3.22.21 | |
9.21.20 | Request for on-campus testing facility | Hisham Qutob, ASI Vice President. Consultation satisfied | ||||
9.21.20 | COVID Liabilty Waiver | Dr. Xuanning Fu, Vice Provost | ||||
9.21.20 | APM 127 Constitution for the Academic Assembly | Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate | 10.28.20 |
03.8.21 - The document will be sent to the academic assembly for final approval. 88% vote to approve the amendments. |
4.7.21 | |
9.21.20 | APM 231 Policy on Adding and Dropping Classes - extend thru spring 2021 | Laura Yeager, University Registrar | Chair Holyoke will send policy to Dr. James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning Committee to consider whether permanent change should be made. 9.21.20 | Approved by the Executive Committee on behalf of the senate to extend interim policy to Spring 2021. | ||
9.21.20 | Extension of CR/NC grading through Spring 2021 Semester | Laura Yager, University Registrar (request to revisit) | Apprved by Senate Executive Commmitee 9.21.20 | |||
9.21.20 | Support for Name Change for the Department of Chemistry | Dr. Christopher R. Meyer, Dean of the College of Science and Mathematics | 09.14.20 (on Consent Calendar) | 09.14.20 | ||
9.21.20 | Revised Abbreviated Program Review Process | Dr. James Marshall, Dean of Research and Graduate Studies | ||||
9.21.20 | Student Ratings and APM 322 | Dr. David Low, Chair Personnel Committee | ||||
8.31.20 | Procedures for Zoom meetings for the Academic Senate |
Dr. Thomas Holyoke, Academic Senate Chair |
8.31.20 | APM 648 University Policy on Video Monitoring and Surveillance Activities |
Deborah Adishian-Astone, Vice President of Administration and Finance |
Academic Policy and Planning Committee 9.1.20 | |||
8.03.20 | Temporary changes to grading, interim amendments to APM 231, and temporary changes
to syllabus template |
Malisa Lee, Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management | Approved by Executive Committee on behalf of the senate. 8.3.20 | |||
3.16.20 | APM 215 GE Policy |
Melissa Jordine, Director of Assessment 3.5.20 |
Approved by Executive Committee on behalf of the senate. 3.16.20 | 4.8.20 | ||
3.16.20 | Bachelor of Arts in English Education Degree Program |
Keith Clement, Chair Undergraduate Curriculum Committee 3.9.20 |
University Budget Committee 5.4.20 | Approved by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Academic Senate. 5.10.20 | 5.13.20 | |
3.09.20 | Flexible interpretations of certain APM policies |
Approved by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Academic Senate. 3.9.20, 4.2.20, & 4.14.20 |
3.02.20 | Reclassification request from the Women's Studies Program to the Department of Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies. |
Dr. Michelle DenBeste, Dean of the College of Social Sciences, and Dr. Yoshiko Takahashi, Interim Associate Dean of the College of Women's Studies. 2.24.20 |
3.9.20 |
3.16.20 | 3.24.20 | |
03.02.20 | Subcommittee on Stduent Evaluation of Instruction |
Athanasios Alexandrou, Chair of the Personnel Committee. 2.20.20. |
03.02.20 | CFS move from Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology to College of Social Sciences. |
Kathleen Dyer, Chair Child Family Sciences Department 2.28.20. |
3.9.20 | 3.16.20 | 3.24.20 | |
02.20.20 | Student Internship Policy - APM TBA |
Dr. James Mullooly 2.20.20 |
3.9.20 Returned to the Senate 10.12.20 |
9.14.20 12.7.20 |
12.11.2020 12.22.2020 |
02.10.20 | APM 242 Policy and Procedure on Assignment of Grades |
Dr. Thomas Holyoke 2.3.20 |
Academic Policy & Planning Committee 2.11.20 | |||
02.10.20 | APM 335 Policy on Periodic Review of Academic Administrators |
Dr. Thomas Holyoke 2.3.20 |
Personnel Committee 2.11.20 | |||
02.10.20 | APM 355 Policy on Assigned Time for Exceptional Levels of Service |
Dr. Thomas Holyoke 2.3.20 2.10.20 Executive Committee - Consultation satisfield. APM 355 will be considered again, if the need arises. |
02.10.20 | Climate Action Plan Discussion |
Mohan B. Dangi, Professor of Geography and City & Regional Planning 2.3.20 |
9.14.20 (task force is approved) | |||
02.10.20 | Building Naming Request - Enology Building |
Paula Castadio, VP University Advancement 1.30.20 Consultation satisfied |
01.27.20 | Student Ratings Subcommittee Request. |
Kathleen Dyer, Chair Student Ratings Task Force 1.21.20 |
Subcommittee and charge approved by the Executive Committee 3.16.20 | |||
01.27.20 | Online/Blended Education and Multicultural/International Subcommittee Charges. |
Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate Executive Committee approved updates to both charges 2.10.20 |
01.27.20 | Online/Blended Subcommittee two Ex-Officios. |
Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate 12.18.19 Approved by Senate Executive Committee 1.27.20 |
11.18.19 | Building Identification (V&E Annex Building) |
Dennis Nef, Dean of the Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences 11.5.19 Consultation Satisfied 12.2.19 |
11.18.19 | Administrative Policy (Interim) on Administration of Student Organizational Funds - B-56 |
Kathleen Scott, Director of Organizational Excellence and Administrative Operations 11.5.19 Consultation satisfied 1.27.20 |
11.04.19 | MA Degrees for HEAL and Educational Leadership |
Steven Church, Chair University Graduate Committee 10.30.19 |
Consent Calendar 11.25.19 | Approved by Consent 11.25.19 | 12.12.19 | |
10.28.19 | APM 232 Student Absences |
James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning 10.17.19 |
11.25.19 |
03.09.20 | 3.24.20 | |
10.14.19 | Discussion regarding the implementation of APM 355, Section III |
Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate 10.10.19 |
Personnel Committee 10.16.19 | |||
10.14.19 | Faculty Workload Task Force Report response from the Personnel Committee |
Brian Tsukimura, Chair of the Personnel Committee, 10.15.19. |
Executive Committee voted to send responses to the Provost and Academic Senate. | |||
10.14.19 | Response to the Use of Social Media Draft |
Brian Tsukimura. Chair of Personnel Committee, 10.15.19. Referred to Patti Waid. |
10.14.19 | APM 420 - Student Athlete Code of Conduct |
Tim Cupery, Chair of the Athletics Advisory Council, 10.12.19. |
11.25.19 | 03.09.20 | 3.24.20 | |
9.30.19 | Online and Blended Education Subcommittee Charge |
James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning 9.20.19. |
9.30.19 | Building Identification |
Dennis Nef, Interim Dean, Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology 9.20.19. Consultation satisfied. |
9.30.19 | Multicultural/International Policy (APM 217) |
James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning 9.19.19. |
10.21.19 | 12.2.19 | 12.12.19 | |
9.16.19 | GE Program Portfolio and Assessment of the Core Competencies |
Melissa Jordine, Director of Assessment and place on Executive Committee agenda of 9.16.19. |
Consent Calendar 9.23.19 | 9.23.19 (Consent) | 10.9.19 | |
9.16.19 | Bachelors of Art in Deaf Communicative Sciences Degree Program Elevation |
Keith Clement, Chair, University Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 9.3.19 |
Consent Calendar 9.23.19 | 9.23.19 (Consent) | 10.9.19 | |
9.16.19 | Bachelors of Art in Communicative Sciences Degree Program Elevation |
Keith Clement, Chair, University Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 9.3.19 |
Consent Calendar 9.23.19 | 9.23.19 (Consent) | 10.9.19 | |
9.16.19 | Veterans Space |
Frank Lamas, Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment 8.26.19. Consultation satisfied. |
09.09.19 | Name Change - From Department of Theatre Arts to Department of Theatre and Dance |
Consent Calendar - 9.9.19 |
9.9.19 | 9.30.19 | ||
08.26.19 |
APM 337 Faculty Workload |
Dr. Ram Nunna 8.9.19 |
Voted to send to Personnel Committee 8.26.19 | |||
08.26.19 |
Academic Calendar |
Dennis Nef, Vice Provost 5.13.19 Tom will follow up with Senators for their input and forward responses to Dr. Fu. |
08.26.19 |
Master of Science in Athletic Training. |
Marilyn Wilson, Chair, University Graduate Committee 5.15.19 |
University Budget Committee 8.26.19 Returned to Executive Committee from the Budget Committee 11.18.19 |
12.2.19 | 2.3.20 | 2.17.20 |
08.26.19 |
New Master's Program in Construction Management |
Marilyn Wilson, Chair, University Graduate Committee 4.29.19 |
University Budget Committee 8.26.19 Returned to Executive Committee from the Budget Committee 11.18.19 |
12.2.19 | 2.3.20 | 2.17.20 |
03.18.19 |
GE Resolution |
Senator Loretta Kensinger (introduced at 3.18.19 senate meeting) |
3.25.19 | 3.25.19 | ||
03.18.19 |
APM 320 Policy on the Composition of Search Committees for Designated Administration Positions |
Diana Ralls, Chief of Staff 3.11.19 This item was deemed to be purely informational and NO ACTION WAS TAKEN. Amendments were announced at the 3.18.19 Senate meeting. |
03.18.19 |
Transmittal Memo for B.A. in Integrated Design Degree Program Elevation |
Keith Clement, Chair of Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 3.6.19 |
Consent Calendar 3.25.19 | 3.25.19 | 4.3.19 | |
03.18.19 |
Proposed amendments to APM 127 -University Constitution |
Chair Holyoke 3.7.19 4.29.19 - Item was dropped from agenda and will be discussed next semester 8.26.19 - returned to Executive agenda. Chair Holyoke will consult with Dr. Baum on proposal to add lecturers and a staff position. |
03.04.19 |
Lecturer & Staff Positions on Senate |
Discuss item from Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate 3.4.19 |
03.04.19 |
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Charge |
Keith Clement, Chair Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 1.21.19 |
10.7.19 as APM 129 - Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Charge. Senate voted to referred back to the Executive Committee for review, 10.7.19. Returned to the Senate 10.21.19. |
11.25.19 |
12.12.19 | |
03.04.19 |
APM 328 (Open Letter) |
James Mullooly, Chair AP&P 2.13.19 |
Personnel Committee | |||
03.04.19 |
MI Subcommittee Charge |
James Mullooly, Chair AP&P 2.13.19 Executive Committee approved the subcommittee charge 3.18.19. |
03.04.19 |
Art B.A., Animation Intermedia Option |
Keith Clement, Chair Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 2.12.19 |
University Budget Committee. | |||
01.28.19 |
Provost Awards Committee 2018-2019 |
Robert Harper, Interim Provost 1.16.19 |
01.28.19 |
Syllabus Template |
Marianne Jackson, Chair Student Affairs Committee 12.12.18 |
2.25.19 |
4.22.19 Consultation satisfied 4.29.19 |
01.28.19 |
Administrative Policy - interim policy G-68, Administrator Emerita and Emeritus Status |
Kathleen Scott , Director of Organizational Excellence and Administrative Operations 12.20.18 |
Consultation satisfied 2.11.19 |
01.28.19 |
Degree Change for Mathematics Graduate Program |
Marilyn Wilson, Chair University Graduate Committee 12.12.18 |
2.25.19 Consent Calendar | 2.25.19 | 3.1.19 | |
12.3.18 |
Elevation from option to Independent Program for Marriage, Family, Child Counseling Option |
Marilyn Wilson, Chair, Graduate Committee 12.3.18 |
2.4.19 Consent Calendar | 2.4.19 | 2.16.19 | |
12.3.18 |
Elevation of Graduate Applied Behavior Analysis Program from an Option in M.A. in General Psychology to the Master of Arts in Applied Behavior Analysis |
Marilyn Wilson, Chair, Graduate Committee 11.18.18 |
2.4.19 Consent Calendar |
Approved 2.4.19 |
2.11.19 | |
11.19.18 |
New MI Policy |
Chair Holyoke on behalf of Dr. Xuanning Fu (11.8.18). Presented to Executive Committee. Consultation satisfied 11.19.18 |
11.19.18 |
Time, Place, Manner |
Presented by Deborah Adishian-Astone (VP Administrative Services), and Amy Luna (Administrator - Public Safety) 11.19.18. Chair Holyoke will solicit additional feedback from full senate. Needed by the end of December 2018. |
11.19.18 |
Elevation from Option to Independent Program for Early Childhood Education |
Marilyn Wilson, Chair Graduate Committee 11.18.19 |
Consent Calendar 11.26.18 | 11.26.18 | 12.06.2018 | |
10.29.18 |
APM 332 Policy on Range Elevation for Temporary Faculty |
Brian Tsukimura, Chair University Personnel Committee 10.25.18 Referred to the Personnel Committee for further review 1.29.19 Returned to the Executive Committee with edits 3.4.19 Returned to the Executive Committee by the Academic Senate 1.27.20. No further action taken. |
3.11.19 Senate voted to return APM 332 to the Executive Committee for further review, 11.25.19. 1.27.20 Executive Committee meeting - It was decided to not move further with any changes.. |
10.29.18 |
APM 103 Policy on Academic Freedom |
Brian Tsukimura, Chair University Personnel Committee 10.25.18 Informational item - no action taken by committee. |
10.29.18 |
APM 325 Policy on Retention and Tenure APM 327 Policy on Promotion |
Brian Tsukimura, Chair University Personnel Committee 10.25.18 |
2.4.19 Consent Calendar |
2.4.19 Approved by consent. | 2.11.19 | |
10.15.18 | Executive Order 1099 Revised |
Diana Ralls, Chief of Staff 10.10.18 Consultation and discussion with Dean Scott Moore satisfied 10.29.18 |
10.15.18 | Establisment of the MI Subcommittee |
James Mullooly, Chair of AP&P 10.10.18 Approved by Executive Committee (w/amendments) and sent to AP&P Chair Mullooly 10.29.18 |
10.15.18 | Planning: Committee Structure |
James Mullooly, Chair of AP&P 10.10.18 Dr. Keith Clement will consider possible committee structure and updates to the bylaws 11.19.18 |
10.15.18 | APM 231 Drop Deadlines |
James Mullooly, Chair of AP&P 10.10.18 |
11.5.18 |
Senate Executive Committee approved as interim. 12.5.18 Approved by Academic Senate 2.4.19 |
12.06.2018- "approved as interim" 2.11.19 (approved) |
10.15.18 | Memo from the Chair of the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects |
Dr. Robert Harper, Interim Provost 10.2.18 Executive Committee agreed to proposal 10.15.18 |
10.15.18 | GE Learning Outcomes |
Melissa Jordine, Director of Assessment 10.1.18 |
11.5.18 Consent Calendar | 11.5.18 | 11.10.18 | |
10.15.18 | Request from Dr. Scott Moore and Dr. Sarah Lam to change the name of International Student Services and Programs to International Affairs |
Interim Provost Robert Harper (verbal request) 10.15.18 Drs. Moore and Lam presented information regarding this request at the 10.29.18 Executive Committee Meeting. Consultation Satisfied 10.29.18. |
10.01.18 | Best Practices for Freedom of Speech |
Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 9.25.18 |
Executive Committee voted to refer back to Personnel Committee for more edits - 10.15.18. Returned back to Executive Committee agenda of 10.29.18 Referred back to the Personnel Committee 11.19.18. Returned to Executive Committee 12.3.18 |
2.4.19 pending approval by university counsel 3.11.19 Returned to Senate agenda. |
4.22.19 | |
09.17.18 | APM 241 Policy on Course Syllabi and Grading - Policy change |
James Mullooly, Chair of AP&P 9.13.18 |
10.22.18 | 11.26.18 | 12.06.18 | |
09.17.18 | APM 203 Change |
James Mullooly, Chair of AP&P 9.13.18 |
10.22.18 - Consent Calendar | 10.22.18 | 10.29.18 | |
09.17.18 | APM 215 New Language |
Chadley James, Chair GE Committee 9.13.18 |
Executive Committee referred back to GE Committee to add writing requirement language - 10.15.18. | |||
09.17.18 | UGC Assessment Rubrics |
Melissa Jordine, Chair GE Assessment Subcommittee and Director of Assessment 9.9.18 Informational Item |
09.10.18 | Faculty Workload Task Force Report |
Oscar Vega 9.10.18 (Senate meeting) |
Sent to Dr. Robert Harper, Interim Provost for review and to report back to the Executive Committee |
9.10.18 | ||
08.27.18 | Degree Option Elevation Program Changes for Bachelor of Music Programs |
Keith Clement, Chair Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 5.2.18 |
Sent to the Budget Committee 8.28.18 1.23.19 - UBC does not recommend due to lack of funds. Returned to the Executive Committee from the Budget Committee 11.18.19 |
11.25.19 | 2.3.20 | 2.17.20 |
08.27.18 | Proposal for Syllabus Reform |
Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate 8.21.18 |
Executive Committee agreed to refer this to the Student Affairs Committee 8.27.18 | |||
08.27.18 | Articles of Governance - College of Arts & Humanities |
Thomas Holyoke, Chair Academic Senate 8.20.18 |
Approved 10.1.18 by the Executive Committee | |||
08.27.18 | Executive Order 1112 Doctor of Audiology |
Diana Ralls, Chief of Staff-Office of the President 7.17.18 |
Consultation satisfied. | |||
08.27.18 | WASC Graduate Assessments |
Marilyn Wilson, Chair University Graduate Committee 5.8.2018 |
9.24.18 | 10.08.18 | 10.12.18 | |
08.27.18 | Executive Order 1111 Disability Support and Accomodations |
Diana Ralls, Chief of Staff-Office of the President 5.25.18 |
Consultation satisfied. | |||
04.23.18 | Resolution on Faculty Free Speech and Official University Responses |
Senator Schettler to the Academic Senate 4.23.18 |
4.23.18 Academic Senate voted to table the resolution 4.30.18 |
11.4.19 |
04.16.18 | Bachelors of Science in Forensic Behavioral Sciences Degree Program Elevation |
Keith Clement, Chair Undergraduate Curriculum 3.23.18 |
4.23.18 Consent Calendar | 4.23.18 | 4.27.18 | |
04.02.18 | Changes to Senate Bylaws |
Dr. Thomas Holyoke |
4.16.18 | 4.23.18 | 4.27.18 | |
03.19.18 | Report on Proposed M/I Graduation Requirement |
Larissa Mercado-Lopez 2.26.18 |
4.16.18 | 5.7.18 | ||
03.05.18 | APM 246 Policy on Incomplete Grades |
James Mullooly, Chair of AP&P 3.1.18 Returned to AP&P 3.5.18 |
02.26.18 | Task Force to Explore internal option for student evaluations - approved 2.26.18 | |||||
02.26.18 | Elevation from option to independent program for Speech Pathology | Marilyn Wilson, Chair University Graduate Committee 2.20.18 | 3.12.18 Consent Calendar | 3.12.18 | 3.25.18 | |
02.26.18 | APM 215 and Chancellor's Office Executive Orders | Melissa Jordine, Director of Assessment 2.18.18 |
3.12.18 Consent Calendar |
3.12.18 | 3.25.18 | |
02.26.18 | APM 405 Student Records Administration Policy | James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning Committee 2.15.18 | 3.12.18 Consent Calendar | 3.12.18 | 3.25.18 | |
02.26.18 | APM 415 Dispute Resolution | James Mullooly, Chair Academic Policy and Planning Committee 2.15.18 |
Senate Executive Committee received back from AP&P 2.11.19. Returned to Executive Committee 3.4.19 |
3.12.18 Refer back to AP&P 3.19.18 Return to the senate agenda of 3.11.19 Referred back to AP&P 4.29.19 |
02.12.18 | Support for Emeritus Status | Dr. Frank Lamas, Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management 1.4.18 | Referred to Dr. Lamas and President Castro for final decision. | |||
01.29.18 | APMs: 502, 504, 507, 510, 526, 528, and 540 | Kathleen Scott, Director of Organizational Excellence and Administrative Operations 1.17.18 | Consent Calendar 2.5.18 | 2.5.18 | 3.25.18 | |
01.29.18 | APM 324a Model Probationary Plan for Dr. Jane Doe Department of Forestry | Brian Tsukimura, Chair Personnel Committee 12.6.17 | 2.12.18 Personnel Committee will make additional updates to the policy and present to the Academic Senate | |||
01.29.18 | Bachelors of Arts in Liberal Arts | Keith Clement, Chair of Undergraduate Curriculum Subcommittee 12.13.17 |
University Budget Committee 1.30.18 Returned to the Executive Committee Agenda 4.9.18 |
4.16.18 | 5.7.18 | |
01.22.18 | Consideration of Student Evaluations |
Consideration of Student Evaluations |
Task Force to support RFP Process - approved 2.5.18 |