Faculty Affairs
Procedural Information
- Faculty Handbook
- Department Chair Information
- Faculty Searches
- Retention, Tenure, and Promotion
- Temporary Faculty
- Salary, Pay and Payroll information
- Leaves: Paid and Unpaid
- Separations, Retirement, and FERP
- e-Portfolio
Outside Employment Disclosure
Must be completed by all full-time faculty as follows (for additional information see Article 35):
- If AY or 10-month and outside employment is > 160 hours per semester
- Complete within 30 days of start of semester
- Provide statement (form) to the Dean
- If 12-month and outside employment is > 120 per three month period (quarters are Jan-Mar;
Apr-Jun; Jul-Sept; Oct-Dec)
- Complete by January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1
- Provide statement (form) to the Dean
FORM: Outside Employment Disclosure Form (Appendix G of the CBA)