Office of IDEAS
Policies and Procedures
Policies and Procedures for Teaching Online
The Executive Committee of the Academic Senate has exempted the course certification requirement of APM206 until a new APM206 policy is adopted.
Instructor certification is still required. Therefore, instructors who are trained to teach online but who have not had their courses approved yet can offer their classes online (DGT CAMP or virtual synchronous).
The list of trained faculty can be found here.
If you have never been formally trained to teach online, review your options through the Professional Development section.
If you have gone through training at another institution, use this link to upload a Certificate of Completion and a justification.
Here is a link to the Library 's copyright page. Learn the definition of Copyright, what Creative Commons is, and what faculty need to know if they want to use other's work in their course - and much more.
10 Big Myths about Copyright Explained. This essay highlights copyright myths - it assumes you know at least what copyright is.
Copyright and Fair Use. This site from Stanford University presents specfic copyright infringement cases. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for links to Copyright Guides.
TEACH Act. The Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act (TEACH) was signed into law in 2002. The purpose of this act was to update copyright law in the area of digital education. The goal of the TEACH Act gives instructors at accredited, nonprofit educational institutions additional options for using copyrighted materials in the online environment. In addition, correctly applying the "fair use" provision of the copyright law remains an invaluable tool in using the work of others in the online environment legally and confidently. The TEACH Act provides useful "rules of thumb" for when instructors should get permission to use materials they did not create.
U.S. Copyright Office. Questions and Answers on Copyright for the Campus Community. Reproduction of copyrighted material without prior permission of the copyright owner is an issue of concern for the academic community. This guide was developed to help campuses understand and conform to the requirements of U.S. copyright law.
Syllabus Template
The Syllabus Template was created in Word and structured so that it is fully accessible when saved correctly as a PDF. This template was designed so that instructors could easily insert their information and be assured that their Syllabus meets accessibility requirements. The template is based on a face-to-face course.
Suggestions for hybrid or fully online course syllabi can be found here in red text.
Visit the Accessible Document Tutorials & Videos page to learn how to create accessible documents.
Sample Syllabus Statements
Looking for a statement to add to your syllabus?
Consider a Syllabus Quiz
To ensure that your students have actually read your syllabus, consider giving them a Syllabus Quiz. The purpose of a Syllabus Quiz is to familiarize the student with the content of the syllabus, class calendar, rules, and so on. By requiring a Syllabus Quiz students are responsible for their own learning. They know where they can find the answers to questions about the course and are aware of the rules relating to the class.
By doing this, they know where to find the answers to questions such as:
What day is a particular assignment due?
How can I reach my professor?
Does my professor allow for extra credit work?