The Office of IDEAS offers a variety of video and multimedia services in support of
academic projects. Video and media consultation services are offered to faculty and
campus stakeholders.
Services include: Location and studio recording, graphics production, video editing, lightboard recording,
live event streaming and live captioning support.
Contact Academic Media Specialists Eric West or Chris Samaro to schedule a media project consultation or recording session.
Need help putting a video on Canvas?
Faculty have access to Panopto for academic video creation, sharing, and management. Panopto is integrated with
Canvas and can be used directly in courses. For assistance with Panopto, contact the
Academic Technology Resource Center
Office of IDEAS: Inspiration Through Innovation
At the Office of IDEAS our goal is to inspire and transform education into future
success. We address equitable access by promoting zero-cost courses and provide tablets for
new students, along with personal training that’s 1-on-1. So when students go out
into the community, they’re ready to see and shape the world like never before. And it starts with supplying faculty with the right tools and training.
App Is Session
Dr. Caio Sarmento was faced with a unique challenge during the COVID-19 interruption:
how do you teach a hands-on physical therapy course while being hands-off? He found
greater student success with a hybrid solution that he still uses today.
Servant Leaders in Our Central Valley
Service-learning is a unique experience that combines academic coursework with meaningful
service activities and critical reflection on that service. This project focused on
how Fresno State graduates through service learning opportunities have become leaders
in the Central Valley.
Fall 2024 Faculty and Staff Assembly
President Saúl Jiménez-Sandoval addresses Fresno State faculty and staff. The event
was held on August 20, 2024 in the Ruiz Ballroom.
The Office of IDEAS provides video support for many live campus events. In May of
2024 DHHS Secretary Xavier Becerra addressed students at the 2024 Chicano Latino Commencement
College of Health and Human Services 2024 Commencement Ceremony
The 2024 College of Health and Human Services Commencement Ceremony. One of 9 ceremonies
held at the Save Mart Center on May 17 & 18, 2024.
Division of Equity and Engagement Town Hall
Dr. Rashanda Booker, Fresno State University Diversity Officer, addresses faculty,
students and staff. The event was held on April 25, 2024 in the Table Mountain Reading
Room Rancheria.
2024 TIP Conference - Dr. Paul Kim: Trends of AI in Education and New Competencies
for the Future
Dr. Paul Kim, a renowned expert in the use of AI technologies, gave the keynote presentation
as part of the Technology, Inclusion and Pedagogy Conference (TIP). The event was
held March 8, 2024 in the RUIZ Ballroom at California State University Fresno.
CSU AGEP Alliance for Diversity and Strengths of STEM Faculty
The California State University AGEP STEM Faculty Alliance Model: A culturally-informed
strengths-based approach to advance early-career Faculty success.
Mathematical Reasoning with Connections (MRWC)
MRWC is a new fourth-year high school mathematics course, developed by the CSU, and
designed to prepare students for the expectations and rigor of college mathematics
courses. It reinforces and builds on mathematical topics and skills developed in
Integrated 1-3 (or Algebra 1-2 and Geometry) and is designed as a bridge to college
mathematics courses required in either STEM and non-STEM majors.
Transition to Quantitative Reasoning (TQR)
This CSU developed course provides a pathway for students who may not be interested
in pursuing a STEM and/or math- intensive major and would typically not take math
their senior year. These students traditionally complete the 2-year math graduation
requirement and often take three years to do so.
Experiential Learning and Risk Management
A short introduction to Fresno State risk management training associated with courses
who participate in experiential learning opportunities.
Be A Hero: Adopt Open Educational Resources in Your Course
The Fresno State "Be a Hero" Program encourages faculty to adopt accessible, high-quality,
course learning materials at little or no cost to students.
Lightboard Introduction
A short 2-minute introduction to the Lightboard
Lightboard Sample: Math 6 - Properties of Logarithmic Functions
Professor Ravi Somayajulu demonstrates the Properties of Logarithmic Functions using
the Lightboard.