Office of IDEAS
Get Help
In-Person Support for Faculty
Faculty are welcome to visit the Office of IDEAS (Library 2nd floor) during regular
business hours to speak with an Instructional Designer or Academic Technology Specialist.
Remote Support for Faculty
Academic Technology Resource Center (ATRC) Zoom Room
Phone: 559.278.7373
Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm
The ATRC provides support for Canvas, Zoom, Panopto and other academic technology
Instructional Design Support
Faculty can schedule an appointment with an Instructional Designer (ID) for a conversation
about pedagogy, Canvas course development, academic technology integration and more.
Learn more about working with an ID
Course Accessibility Support
The Office of IDEAS Accessibility team is here to help improve the accessibility of
your course materials. Email with your course ID and the assistance you need to request a consultation.
Canvas Request Forms
Please use these forms to officially request Canvas services.
Cross-list (Combine) Course Request Form
Combine multiple course sections into one course shell on Canvas. Once grades have
been added, cross-listing cannot be undone.
Development Course Shell Request Form
Request a development shell in order to get a jumpstart on course building, develop
a master shell, or want to have an empty shell to practice in. Official course shells
are created six weeks before a semester begins and are automatically generated for
all courses. Note: You cannot use development shells to teach classes but rather copy
the developed content into your official course shell once they are created.
General Canvas Work Order Form
Submit a request to have the Academic Technology Resource Center (ATRC) scan and digitize
documents or images for use in your Canvas course or any other general Canvas related
requests. If you would like help with test and quizzes, please complete the 'Test
Creation Form'.
Organization Request Form
Organizations are similar to courses in Canvas, however they are designed to be used
by groups such as committees, groups, clubs, and teams. Faculty and Staff can request
Organizations. Before requesting an organization, please consider using a different
medium such as Google Team Drive or Box@Fresno State.
Student Access to Finish Incomplete Work
Complete this form is you have a student that needs extended access to a Canvas course
to finish incomplete work.
Test Creation Form
The Academic Technology Resource Center (ATRC) will process tests/quizzes/exams and
upload to your course for student access. Please allow AT LEAST two weeks for your request to be processed.
In-Person Support for Students
The DISCOVERe Hub (Library first floor)
Monday - Thursday 7:45am - 12am
Friday 7:45am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 12pm - 12am
The Hub provides support for DISCOVERe devices, Canvas, Zoom, Adobe Creative Cloud and other academic technology. No appointments necessary.
If you need to pickup or return a DISCOVERe device, you will need to schedule an appointment
Remote Support for Students
Academic Technology Resource Center (ATRC) Zoom Room
Phone: 559.278.7373
Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm
The ATRC provides support for Canvas, Zoom, Panopto and other academic technology.
Phone: 559.278.1812
After-Hours Support for Students
Outside the hours listed above students can submit a support request form with detailed information about the issue and a member of the IDEAS team will respond when the office is next open.