Jan and Bud Richter Center
Module Five: Evaluating a Student's Service-Learning Experience
In This Video: How Do I Evaluate and Assess Student Learning? With Nancy Nisbett, Ph.D., and Ben Boone, Ph.D.
Although we can never evaluate the complete and complex depth and breadth of learning which occurs through a service-learning experience, there are ways we can assess the type of learning that occurs through these experiences. We also know that experience without reflection will not lead to the most comprehensive level of learning. This module contains information about the importance of reflection as a service-learning pedagogy and includes:
- the value of reflection and assessment of service-learning’s impact on students
- reviewing and incorporating reflection prior to beginning service-learning
- structured ways to incorporate reflection during the service-learning experience
- resources for post service-learning reflection
Important Links and Online Material
The myriad resources available to faculty can be overwhelming. A few excellent resources are listed below. It is highly recommended you take a look at MERLOT. This repository of free on-line materials goes through peer review process, eliminating much of the time wasted Googling materials.
Bringle, R.G., & Hatcher, J.A. (1996) Reflection activities for the college classroom. Paper presented at the National Gathering, June 21, 1996.
Eyler, J., Giles, D. E. Jr., and Schmiede, A., (1996) A Practitioner’s Guide to Reflection
in Service Learning: Student Voices and Reflections: Vanderbilt University Press.
Goldsmith, S. (1995). Journal reflection.
Kendall, et. Al. (1990). Combining Service and Learning: A resource book for community and public service.