Jan and Bud Richter Center
Module Two: How Do We Know It Works?
In This Video: How Do We Know Service-Learning Works?
With Dr. Matthew Jendian and Dr. Paulette Fleming
Numerous studies conducted over the last two decades have documented the effectiveness of service-learning as a teaching and learning tool. Numerous research studies support the conclusion that students who complete a quality service-learning assignment experience several advantages compared to students in courses that do not use service-learning. There are documented benefits of service-learning's ability to transform our students, faculty and communities. These positive outcomes include greater understanding of course curriculum, clarity regarding career choice, increased civic engagement and enhanced awareness of diversity.
This module contains more information about the research supporting service-learning and includes:
• Online resources and websites which provide support for the effectiveness and development of service-learning coursework
• Testimonials from those who have experienced the effectiveness of service-learning first-hand.
• Resources that indicate the impact of service-learning and the value of reflection.
• The importance of learning while providing service.
This experience has provided me a renewed commitment to my educational and professional goals because I realize that my academic and professional success can, and will, eventually contribute to the success of children with disabilities.... My service at Exceptional Parents Unlimited has enriched both my commitment to academic success and my passion for helping improve the lives of children.
Leah Rath, Psychology Student, Fall 2010