Jan and Bud Richter Center
Module One: Is Service-Learning Right For You?
In this Video: President John Welty, Associate Provost Ellen Junn, and Dr. Ben Boone from the Department of Music provide service learning testimonials
Service-learning stems from the widely accepted and research proven belief that an
individual will learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process.
Therefore, service-learning shares many features with other experiential learning
approaches, including field work and internships. However, service-learning is unique
in that it combines meaningful community service with related academic content, and
ties the two together with critical analysis typically called “reflection.”
Service-learning is not the same as volunteerism, but it does include some identifiable service to the community. This often takes the form of direct service to a specific group or person. However, the service can also take the form of research or some other indirect service. Furthermore, service-learning typically involves partnering with a community organization, such as a nonprofit, school, government organization or other not-for-profit community group.
This module includes:
• Definitions of service-learning
• An article by Dr. Andrew Furco, Service-Learning: A Balanced Approach to Experiential Education of UC Berkeley which highlights how service-learning is similar, yet different from other forms of service and experiential education.
• A history of community engagement and service-learning and CSU milestones.
• A history of service-learning at Fresno State.
• A short essay on the value of service-learning in higher education
Incorporating service-learning into my public relations classes was a natural fit. ... Seeing my students have those 'lightbulb' moments -- when they really understand that their work is making an impact -- is priceless. When they understand that they can use their knowledge to make the world a better place -- it's magical.
Betsy Hays, Professor, Mass Communication and Journalism – Public Relations