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Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Spring 2022 HIPS Student Symposium

Friday, May 13th, 9am-3pm

In-person student presentations are in the Ellipse Gallery, which is on the 2nd floor of the library. Overall, ~30 faculty supported ~150 submissions this semester, giving more than 600 students the opportunity to share their real-world learning. Student videos will be made available simultaneously for reviewing by (date), as we carry on our tradition of important, end-of-semester social engagement, allowing community, faculty, and peer feedback on our students' shared and newfound knowledge. Thank you for all the support and shout-outs, and we look forward to continuing our high-impact learning.

What do you want to do?

Friday's In-Person Presentations - Ellipse Gallery, 2nd Floor Library

9:00-10am Presentations

  • Brady
  • Brooks
  • Cortney
  • Kalyani
  • Paul
  • Pedroza

10:00-11:00am Presentations

  • Balderama
  • Cortney
  • Dejean
  • Kalyani
  • Kendoyan
  • Licon
  • Paul
  • Putirka

11:00-12:00pm Presentations

  • Kalyani
  • Paul
  • Reece
  • Uchida
  • Weinman (EES 199)

12:00-1:00pm Presentations

  • Cortney
  • Espana-Najera
  • Paul
  • Reece

1:00-2:00pm Presentations

  • Bishop
  • Ho
  • Krichevskey
  • Paul
  • Richaud
  • White

2:00-3:00pm Presentations

  • Mirolhi
  • Muller
  • Paul
  • Weinman (CSM 15)

Pre-Recorded Videos


  • Press CTRL+F to search for a specific video number or presentation title
  • Click the link to view and evaluate the video presentation.
  • Review the video and click "SUBMIT FEEDBACK"
  • Once feedback is submitted, you will automatically be redirected back to this page.
important links
Video # | Main Presenter | Presentation Title | Course/Faculty
60004 | Cordova Kaun, David | Cyber Security - Malware. To inform users of computing devices of different types of malware, how to identify them and protect against them. | Mandaville, Alison | Humanities in the Modern Era | Understand and address contemnporary challenges in career or community | (37712)
60100 | Bedard, Taylor | Global Warming Solutions | Mandaville, Alison | Humanities in the Modern Era | Understand and address contemnporary challenges in career or community | (37712)
60593 | Torres, Michael | CMAC | Dr. Amin Makkawy / COMM179I (33172)
61424 | Dominguez, Estephania | Premature Deaths of Counties in Oregon | Balderama, Earvin | Advanced Mathematical Statistics | MATH 108 | (36018)
61759 | Gonzalez-Martinez, Eduardo | Municipal Solid Waste Recycling: Labeling Information and How/why to Properly Recycle | Mirlohi, Susan | Solid Waste Management | Research findings on a solid waste management issue | (37672)
61821 | Wassenberg, Angie | Air pollution in the Central valley | Mandaville, Alison | Humanities in the Modern Era | Understand and address contemnporary challenges in career or community | (37712)
62923 | Fong, Yet Chun | Mepo | Liu, Shih-Hsi | Software Engineering | Software applications that possess high impact practice components | (35104)
63754 | Meraz, Jocelyn | Flaws with our Supply Chain/How it was affected by the pandemic | Mandaville, Alison | Humanities in the Modern Era | Understand and address contemnporary challenges in career or community | (37712)
64251 | Gromis, Chris | Fake News | Mandaville, Alison | Humanities in the Modern Era | Understand and address contemnporary challenges in career or community | (37712)
64338 | Anderson, Noah | Quick Cognition- Flashcard studying tool | Liu, Shih-Hsi | Software Engineering | Software applications that possess high impact practice components | (35104)
65100 | Ramos, Marco | Solid Waste Processing and Treatment Operations | Mirlohi, Susan | Solid Waste Management | Research findings on a solid waste management issue | (37672)
65297 | Vasquez, Samantha | Good Health and Well Being | Balderama, Earvin | Elementary Statistics| Math 11| 03
65916 | Garcia, Liliana | CalFresh | Dr. Tanisha Garcia PH188I (01) Health Ed Intern
66119 | Xiong, Thomas | Special Education | Krichevsky, Jenny | ENGL 132S | Rhetoric, Grammar, and Writing Instruction | (33600 )
66180 | Mahal, Raveena | Medical Waste Management and Hazards | Mirlohi, Susan | Solid Waste Management | Research findings on a solid waste management issue | (37672)
66694 | Villa, Melissa | Parks and Recreation in Fresno | Mandaville, Alison | Humanities in the Modern Era | Understand and address contemnporary challenges in career or community | (37712)
67099 | McCurry, Sofia | Teen Pregnancy | Balderama, Earvin | Advanced Mathematical Statistics | MATH 108 | (36018)
67571 | Marcelli, Krista | Supply Chain Post COVID-19 Pandemic | Mandaville, Alison | Humanities in the Modern Era | Understand and address contemnporary challenges in career or community | (37712)
67817 | Sip, RosieMichelle | Electronic Waste Management | Mirlohi, Susan | Solid Waste Management | Research findings on a solid waste management issue | (37672)
68097 | Hatcher, Matthew | PomoKingdom | Liu, Shih-Hsi | Software Engineering | Software applications that possess high impact practice components | (35104)
69470 | Fritsch, Parker | Toxicity and Health Hazards Associated with Municipal Solid Waste | Mirlohi, Susan | Solid Waste Management | Research findings on a solid waste management issue | (37672)
70682 | Liang, Arlo | Human Behavior Energy Audit Internship via Noresco | HBEA internship at Noresco
70902 | Rodriguez , Marco | An in-depth look at distal Sierra Nevada palaeochannel fill: drill cores through the Table Mountain Latite near Knights Ferry | Putirka, Keith | Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology | Research on Plutonic Rocks of the Sierra Nevada Foothills | (35537)
71930 | Li, Yimeng | Gender Equality Within Science | Muller, Ulrike | Comparative Vertebrate Morphology | Biological collection to conduct research and curate a collection | (Biol 143)
72331 | Malagon, Andrew | research project | Balderama, Earvin | Advanced Mathematical Statistics | MATH 108 | (36018)
72639 | Kaur, Gurleen | Bulldog Roadmap | Liu, Shih-Hsi | Software Engineering | Software applications that possess high impact practice components | (35104)
72950 | Lopez, Paola | Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Process: Composting | Mirlohi, Susan | Solid Waste Management | Research findings on a solid waste management issue | (37672)
73954 | Maldonado, Alexa | Marketing & Development Intern | Internship: Marketing & Development Intern at Valley Community Small Business Development Center (VC SBDC) Course: COMM 179i- Dr. Makkawy
76321 | Harris, Emma | Covid-19 Affects with the Increase in Medical Waste | Mirlohi, Susan | Solid Waste Management | Research findings on a solid waste management issue | (37672)
77799 | Chavez, Noah | CMAC- Community Media Importance | Pierce, Tamyra | MCJ 191 | Internship | 32625
78407 | XIONG, MAY | Access to Clean Water and Sanitation in India | Mandaville, Alison | Humanities in the Modern Era | Understand and address contemnporary challenges in career or community | (37712)
79041 | Foster, Bailey | Holocene eruptions at the Inyo volcanic chain and implications for possible eruptions | Putirka, Keith | Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology | Research on Plutonic Rocks of the Sierra Nevada Foothills | (35537)
80590 | moua, touger | Municipal Solid Waste Recycling: Labeling information and how/why to properly recycle | Mirlohi, Susan | Solid Waste Management | Research findings on a solid waste management issue | (37672)
81123 | VanderVelde, Bryant | Rare Earth Elements (REE)-SiO2 variations in felsic liquids generated by different processes. | Putirka, Keith | Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology | Research on Plutonic Rocks of the Sierra Nevada Foothills | (35537)
81737 | Guthrie, Amy | The History of Solid Waste Management | Mirlohi, Susan | Solid Waste Management | Research findings on a solid waste management issue | (37672)
84110 | Colbird, Chloe | CMAC Marketing Internship | Pierce, Tamyra | MCJ 191 | Internship | 32625
85496 | Rosales, Lizbeth | Importance of Mental Health - Statistical Analysis | Balderama, Earvin | Elementary Statistics| Math 11| 03
88335 | Vera , Shirley | Agriculture 2 and 3: Heat stress on Beef and Dairy cattle | Weinman, Beth | CSM 15 | Posters on their Make It Matter research | (37251)
89410 | Al-Said, Abdulaziz | Bulldog Game Framework. Creating a 3d rendering framework using C# and the open source library for OpenGl. Making a dll to allow others to use this framework for game design | Liu, Shih-Hsi | Software Engineering | Software applications that possess high impact practice components | (35104)
90181 | Eagan, John | Not For Thieves: A website designed for digital artists to share their artwork or NFTs with systems in place to detect when artwork has been stolen by another user. | Liu, Shih-Hsi | Software Engineering | Software applications that possess high impact practice components | (35104)
90682 | Tesfatsion, Degol | Landfill Emissions and Their Impact on the Environment | Mirlohi, Susan | Solid Waste Management | Research findings on a solid waste management issue | (37672)
90845 | Mendez, Siani | Tesoro Viejo Trail Bed Thicknesses Evaluations and Comparisons Between Opposing Sides | Brady, Mara | Sedimentology | Reconstructing climate change in the ancient San Joaquin River | (36226)
91935 | Gomez, Francisco | Playpal - Connecting dog owners with other community members to provide better care for dogs. | Liu, Shih-Hsi | Software Engineering | Software applications that possess high impact practice components | (35104)
92236 | Ochoa, Soleil | Municipal Solid Waste Recycling: Labeling information and how/why to properly recycle | Mirlohi, Susan | Solid Waste Management | Research findings on a solid waste management issue | (37672)
93181 | Mendez, Julieta | Business Reporting System Enhaced With Facial Recognition | Liu, Shih-Hsi | Software Engineering | Software applications that possess high impact practice components | (35104)
93247 | Yousaf, Adil | Increased Risk of Psoriasis | Kendoyan, Sosse A | Genetics and Cell Biology Lab | Interpretation of Human Genotype Data from Ancestry Testing | (36051 )
94161 | Romero Salazar, Missael | Closing the Achievement Gap | Mandaville, Alison | Humanities in the Modern Era | Understand and address contemnporary challenges in career or community | (37712)
97351 | Wu, Muyu | Geo-reference historical maps in California | Brady, Mara, Course No. EES 199-30 SUP (35551)
97923 | Menezes, Dalaney | Montana State County Health Rankings | Balderama, Earvin | Advanced Mathematical Statistics | MATH 108 | (36018)
99139 | Omonuwa, Elvis | %Access to exercise in Georgia 2021 Vs. %Adults with obesity in Georgia 2021 | Balderama, Earvin | Advanced Mathematical Statistics | MATH 108 | (36018)
99743 | Pickrell, Andrew | Homelessness | Mandaville, Alison | Humanities in the Modern Era | Understand and address contemnporary challenges in career or community | (37712)


1. Register by May 6th

Registration Form

For Video Presentations:

•Submit YouTube Video Link by Monday, May 9th.
Submission Link
How to put video on YouTube

For In Person Presentations:

QR Code
•Bring poster print out(s) and/or fully charged laptop to the library at your presentation time, May 13th

On May 13th:

For Video Presentations:

Do Peer Evaluations for Each Assigned Video

• Evaluation Form 
Finding Videos

For In Person Presentations:

• Present for one hour  
• Peer Evaluate LINK for one hour
• Evaluation Instructions


Finish Evaluating by End of Day, Friday, May 13th