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Office of Institutional Effectiveness

General Education



Fresno State has contracted with Canvas to create a new process for getting assignments into your GE ePortfolio, beginning with the Fall 2023 semester.  When you submit the ePortfolio assignment to your professor, the system will automatically put a copy of your assignment into your GE ePortfolio.  This means that you no longer need to submit the assignment to your ePortfolio yourself. Furthermore, there will no longer be ePortfolio registration holds.

Your GE ePortfolio will display each semester in your Canvas dashboard, along with your other courses.

Your GE ePortfolio is very important because it is used by the university to assess student learning in GE courses.  In each GE course, your professor will select one ePortfolio assignment when they set up the course in Canvas.  This ensures that the assignment will be submitted to your professor and your ePortfolio simultaneously.  Your professor will assign the grade on the assignment.  The GE Assessment Subcommittee also reviews student work, but they do not assign a grade to you.  They report overall results for Fresno State in each GE Area.

PLEASE DO NOT DELETE YOUR EPORTFOLIO COURSE FROM CANVAS.  The WASC Senior College and University Commission accredits Fresno State.  This accreditation is essential because only accredited universities may offer financial aid and issue valid degrees.  Our GE assessment process must be in good standing to achieve accreditation.  If you delete your ePortfolio course, we will need to work with you to activate it again, and that is a time-consuming process.


Contact Us

Douglas Fraleigh
University Faculty Director of Assessment and Professor of Communication