Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Survey Schedule
Surveys are a popular feedback tool and are widely used on campus. In an effort to
coordinate surveying and to assure that University-wide surveys of students and employees
are done at appropriate times, the Survey Group has established a survey administration
schedule. That schedule is below. Survey Group members include Ed Nelson, Bill Stock,
Lynda Harding, Dennis Nef, Priscilla Chaffe-Stengel, and Tina Leimer. Also on this
page you’ll find the OIE External Reporting Schedule. It shows the organizations to
which OIE reports data on a regular basis. View the Master Survey Calendar.
Also see the Reporting section of this website for a link to the OIE External Reporting Schedule.
Resource Links
- CSU Chancellor's Office Dashboard
- CSU Department of Analytic Studies Data
- National Higher Education Data
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- California Demographic and Education Pipeline Trends
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