Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Publications and Presentations
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- Yue, H., Sangha, R., Vang, M., & Giuffrida, T. (2018, Winter) Supplemental Instruction: Helping Disadvantaged Students Reduce Performance Gap, Journal of Developmental Education, Volume 41, Issue 2, Winter 2018, pp 18-25. (Supplemental Instruction: Helping Disadvantaged Students Reduce Performance Gap)
- Yue, H., & Hart, S. (2017, June) Service-Learning and Graduation: Evidence from Event History Analysis, Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, Volume 23, Issue 2, Spring 2017, pp 24-41 View Service-Learning and Graduation.
- Yue, H., & Fu, X. (2017, March). Rethinking Graduation and Time to Degree: A Fresh Perspective. Research in Higher Education, Volume 58, Issue 2, pp 184–213. View Rethinking Graduation and Time to Degree.
- Leimer, C., Yue, H., & Rogulkin, D. (2009). Does Service Learning Help Students Succeed? Assessing the Effects of Service Learning at California State University-Fresno. Online Submission, 2009 – ERIC (View ERIC record for Does Service Learning Help Students Succeed?).
- Yue, H., Hart, S., & Fiorentino, C. (2017, July). Service-Learning and Graduation: A Case Study of Assessing Long-Term Learning Outcomes of Education Programs Using Event History Analysis, presented at the 24th International Conference on Learning, July 21, 2017, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, USA
- Giuffrida, T., & Yue, H. (2017, April). Supplemental Instruction (SI) dashboards and study at Fresno State, presented at CSU SI summit in April 21, 2017. This presentation was also briefed at AALT meeting in June 6, 2017. (available at request)
- Yue, H., & Sanchez, A. (2015, November). Making a difference and how we know: A Longitudinal Analysis of Fall 2009 FTFTF Cohort Graduation at Fresno State, presented at the 40th CAIR Annual Conference, Nov 6, 2015. The study was also invited to present at Academic Affairs’ AALT meeting (Dec 15, 2015), Student Affairs’ DOSAEM Directors Meeting (Dec 16, 2015), and Fresno State’s Student Success Summit (Mar 2, 2016). (View presentation: Making a difference and how we know)
- Fu, X., & Yue, H. (2015, April). Time to Degree: A Myth Demystified, presented at WASC 2015 Academic Resource Conference (ARC), April 2015. (View presentation: Time to Degree: A Myth Demystified)
- Yue, H. (2014, May) Assessing the supplemental Instruction (SI) program: Who are most likely to participate and who would receive the maximum benefits? Presented in poster at 2014 AIR annual conference, Orlando, FL. (View poster: Assessing the supplemental Instruction (SI) program) The detailed technical report is also available at OIE Technical Report: Effects of Supplemental Instruction
- Yue, H. & Fu, X. (2013, May). Academic progress and time to degree: Evidence from event history analysis. Presented at the 2013 AIR Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA. (View presentation: Academic progress and time to degree)
- Yue, H. & Bolas, J. (2011, November). Assessment of academic success course. Presented in poster at the 36th annual California Association for Institutional Research conference, Rohnert Park, CA. (View poster: Assessment of academic success course)
- Sanchez, R. J., Ramirez, A., & Hernandez, C. (2013). An institutional approach to course redesign at a Hispanic Serving Institution. Journal of Metropolitan Universities, 24(2), 102-113. (View Publication: An institutional approach to course redesign)
- Ramirez, A., Hernandez, C., & Sanchez, R. J. (2016) Leveraging HSI Grant Funding to Impact Institutional Academic and Student Services Practices. Alliance for Hispanic Serving Institution Educators (AHSIE) 8th Annual HSI/Title V Best Practices Conference, Camarillo, CA.
- Hernandez, C. & Sanchez, R. J. (2015). Efficiently assessing student reactions to a tablet program. Poster presented at the 2015 Western Association of Schools and Colleges Academic Resource Conference, Oakland, CA.
- Sanchez, R. J., Hernandez, C., Dudley, I. (2013). Leveraging grant funding to impact HSI institutional practices. Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) 27th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Sanchez, R. J., Hernandez, C., Ramirez, A., & Covino, W. (2012). Increasing Hispanic student success through course redesign. Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) 26th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
- Hernandez, C. (2010). The Creation and Validation of the Loneliness Engagement Scale. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
- Cowan, C. C., Brady, M., Arvizu, J., Reece, A., Weinman, B., & Zivot, M. (2022). Cultivating not weeding: STEM first year learning community fosters student persistence and engagement. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice. View Cultivating not weeding: STEM first year learning community fosters student persistence and engagement
- Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A., Donnelly-Hermosillo, D. F., Cowan, C. C., & Berrett, B. D. (2021). A latent profile analysis of university faculty subtypes for mobile technology integration. Computers and Education Open, 2, 100052.
- Nottbohm, A., Cowan, C., & Huynh, G. (2021, October). Conducting focus groups in times of social distancing [Conference presentation]. California Association for Institutional Research (CAIR) 46th Annual Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA.
- Cowan, C. (2019, November). Cluster analysis for early interventions in first-year experience programs [Conference presentation]. California Association for Institutional Research (CAIR) 44th Annual Conference, Seaside, CA.
- Nottbohm, A. & Cowan, C. (2019, November). Capturing student voices: Taking action with qualitative data. Poster presentation at the California Association for Institutional Research (CAIR) 44th Annual Conference, Seaside, CA.
- Brady, M., Cowan, C., Reece, A., Weinman, B., & Zivot, M. (2019, April). Increasing first-year student retention in the College of Science and Mathematics: Building opportunities through networks of discovery. Poster presentation at the CSU, Fresno President’s Showcase of Excellence, Fresno, CA.
- Cowan, C. & Yukhymenko, M. (2019, April). Assessing how faculty adopt mobile technology: A cluster analysis of knowledge, self-efficacy, and attitudes. Roundtable presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference, Toronto, Canada.
Lyman, K. & Cowan, C. (November 2024). Leveraging the Faculty Assignment by Department (FAD) to Enhance Institutional Effectiveness [Conference Session]. California Association for Institutional Research (CAIR) 2023, San Francisco, CA, United States.
Lyman, K. & Hardway, W. (May 2024). The Student Practitioners A.I. Guide to the Galaxy [Conference session]. Fresno State STAR Day, Fresno, CA, United States. View Student Practitioners A.I. Guide to the Galaxy
Lyman, K. (November 2023). Fostering KINDness: Integrating Faculty Data at Fresno State [Conference session]. California Association of Institutional Research (CAIR) 2023, Anaheim, CA, United States.
Mittal, S., Lyman, K., Oka, L., Sadrinezhad, A., Thompson, L., & Stillmaker, K. (2023). Using CIP codes to improve multi-institutional analysis of applicant demographics for equity in engineering faculty hiring. [Conference Presentation]. ASEE PSW Conference, Washington DC.
Lyman, K. (2021). Work to live or live to work? Work-life programs and career consequences: The role of supervisor perception (Publication No. 28546925) [Master’s Thesis, California State University Long Beach]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses. View Work to live or live to work?
Lyman, K. (December 2018). The work-school interface & perceived organizational support: Connections to turnover intention and psychological strain. [Presentation of Honor’s Thesis] Smittcamp Family Honors College Colloquium, Fresno, CA, United States.
Olson-Buchanan, J., Van Fossen, C., Young, B., Lyman, K., Nunez, S., Osborne, Z., Wilson, S., & Chavez, E. (2018). SIOP UN Committee: Help us identify how I-O psychology informs the sustainable development goals. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 55(4). View SIOP UN Committee Publication
- Perez, M. A., Santos, A. A., Cisneros, R., & Tongson-Fernandez, M. (2019). Stress, stressors, and academic performance among Asian students in Central California. American Journal of Health Studies, 34(1).
- Tongson-Fernandez, M., & Weinman, B. (2023, May). Creating a hybrid high impact practices (HIPs) symposium [Conference presentation]. Central Valley Region Interdisciplinary Symposium on Education Research (CV-RISER).
- Tongson-Fernandez, M., & Weinman, B. (2020, June). Creating a virtual High Impact Practices (HIPs) symposium. Fresno State Academic Affairs Leadership Team (AALT) online meeting presentation.
- Tongson-Fernandez, M. (2019). Collecting and transforming data into useful information and actionable insights. Poster presentation at the Fresno State President's Showcase of Excellence, Fresno, CA.