Office of Institutional Effectiveness
SOAPs (Student Outcomes Assessment Plan)
Examples of Employer Surveys:
Special Education employer survey example
Employer Form is an employer survey intended to examine the quality of the Special Education Program perceived by the administrators and supervisors who hire our graduates to provide sites for the students of our program to complete their final student teaching. This measure consists of 4 sections: (1) a cover letter explaining the purposes of the survey, (2) demographic information (3) questionnaire and (4) additional comments. Practicum Administrator/Supervisors/Employers will be surveyed twice: when the students have completed their final student teaching at their practicum sites and two years after they have been employed.
Communicative Disorders and Deaf Studies survey example
An alumni survey is sent out to all graduate students who completed the program over the past five years. Once the alumni surveys are returned, the information is used to compile a list of employers. An employer survey is then sent to all those indicated by the program graduates. Graduate student exit interviews are also used to evaluate the quality of the program. Data is then compiled and presented to the faculty. An action plan based on the data is used to recommend changes to the program and the development of future directions for the program.
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