Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Guide to Student Outcomes Assessment
Programmatic Purposes
Assessment Activity Planning
Implementing the Program SOAP: Closing the Loop
III. Implementing the Program SOAP: Closing the Loop
In the closing the loop section of your SOAP, you should describe in specific terms what exactly happens after you have carried out your assessment activities in a given year. How do you analyze the results of assessment activities and who exactly in your department is involved. How and when do you discuss the assessment results with the entire faculty. How do you decide what, if any changes, are necessary and how would changes be implemented if the assessment results suggested that changes to a specific course or to the program were necessary.
Describe the process(es) in place to ensure that assessment data are used for program improvement. Do the program faculty meet to consider assessment results and program planning? Does a curriculum committee meet to discuss and recommend program changes based on assessment outcomes? Is a task force established to complete particular assessment-related activities?
In your SOAP you will describe the process of reviewing the results of your annual assessment activities and indicating how decisions and changes will be made. In your annual major assessment report, due in September each year you should describe what you learned from the results of the specific assessment carried out that year and describe specific changes discussed or carried out as a result of analyzing the data from assessment activities carried out during one AY.
Assessment activities are now also required to be discussed in-depth during Program Reviews. If you have questions about the Fresno State Program Review process be sure to review APM 220: Periodic Review of Academic Programs. The policy establishes the procedures, timelines, and reporting outlines required for the conduct of routine program review.
Resource Links
- CSU Chancellor's Office Dashboard
- CSU Department of Analytic Studies Data
- National Higher Education Data
- Elementary and Secondary Education Data
- California Demographic and Education Pipeline Trends
- Regional/Local Data & Reports
- Accreditation
- Assessment Help