Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Examples of External Methods :
Nursing external measure example
The success rate on the NCLEX, the national licensing exam for registered nurses, declined to 75% . This was the fifth consecutive decline. The department is examining factors that may have an impact on this score including student academic language acquisition, clinical performance, and work experience. In order to enhance satisfactory passing rates and strengthen the undergraduate program, the department initiated several projects.
Physics external measure example
The first step in our assessment protocol has been to administer the Major Field Assessment Test (MFAT, Physics) designed by the Educational Testing Service to assess undergraduate physics programs. We administered this exam to our students for the last seven consecutive years, usually around the month of May or June. The content for the Major Field Tests reflects the basic knowledge and understanding gained in the undergraduate curriculum. The tests are designed to assess mastery of concepts and principles as well as knowledge expected of students at the conclusion of a major in specific subject areas. The Major Field Tests, however, go beyond measurement of factual knowledge; they evaluate students’ ability to analyze and solve problems, understand relationships, and interpret material.
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