Office of Institutional Effectiveness
2010-11 Strategic Planning Process for 2011-15
At the 2010 Fall Assembly, President John D. Welty announced the new strategic planning process. In Spring 2011, Fresno State finalized its Strategic Plan. The new plan will serve us for the next 3-5 years and reflects state/local economic changes and incorporated feedback from community members, faculty, staff and students. The process included a progress report on the previous plan and various campus initiatives together with a University-wide forum that identified priority goals. View the Final Strategic Plan for Excellence IV 2011-15.
The Strategic Planning Committee reviewed the University's:
1) Vision / Mission Statement, 2) CSU Access to Excellence Plan, 3) Academic Plan,
4) Updated Technology Plan, 5) Master Plan Implementation, 6) Athletics Strategic
Plan, 7) Status of Campaign for Fresno State, 8) Plan for Improved Graduation Rates,
9) Plan for Community Engagement/Service Learning, 10) Updated Internal Action Plan
and 11) Marketing and Communications Plan. A survey of the University's engagement
with the region was also conducted.
Below are links to documents/materials to keep the campus community updated:
- APLU - Regional Engagement Survey Instrument
- Engagement Survey Results - Campus Strategic Planning Workshop - Themes, Goals and Indicators - 11/4/2010
- Previous Years' Progress
- Final Summative Progress Report - 10/21/2010
- Performance Tracking
Related Links:
- Strategic Plan for Excellence IV 2011-15
- Strategic Planning Process for the 2011-15 Plan
- 2006-11 Strategic Plan for Excellence III (archive)
Resource Links
- CSU Chancellor's Office Dashboard
- CSU Department of Analytic Studies Data
- National Higher Education Data
- Elementary and Secondary Education Data
- California Demographic and Education Pipeline Trends
- Regional/Local Data & Reports
- Accreditation
- Assessment Help